Emperor Martial System

Chapter 113 Meeting Lin Jiang Again

Chapter 113 Meeting Lin Jiang Again
After eating, Zhuge Shensuan brought Zhou Qing and the two of them to Wanbao Commercial Firm.

As the property of the Ming Dynasty, Wanbao Commercial Bank is basically involved in all industries, such as second-hand house sales, of course.

Of course, if you want to build a new house, you must register with the government and pay taxes according to the law before you can build a house.

After Zhuge Shensuan and the three entered Wanbao Commercial Firm, a clerk came up to greet him and said with a smile on his face, "Three, what can I do for you."

Zhuge Shensuan said flatly: "I need to buy a different courtyard."

Hearing that Zhuge Shensuan wanted to buy another courtyard, the man's smile became even brighter, and he said flatteringly: "Three distinguished guests, this is a big business! Please go to the VIP room first, and I will invite our manager to come over and talk to you. .”

House trading is a big business, so the guy who picks up the guests naturally can't be the master, so he had to ask the steward.But this order was taken by him, and once the deal was completed, she would get a huge commission, which was higher than his salary for several months, so he was naturally very happy.

After the clerk led Zhuge Shensuan and others to the VIP room, he left the VIP room and went to call the steward.

The man came to the steward's office on the second floor of Wanbao Commercial Bank, and was about to go in to invite the steward, when he suddenly heard a voice behind him saying, "Xiao Feng! Are you here for something?"

The clerk turned around and saw the person coming, and saluted the person who made the sound, "Hello Manager Lin!
It's like this, there are three distinguished guests who plan to buy another courtyard, and the small ones can't be the masters, so they come to invite the steward. "

The person known as Manager Lin said: "Where is the distinguished guest, let me pick it up for you! I will not give you less commission."

"Thank you, Manager Lin, the distinguished guest is in VIP Room No. [-]." The clerk replied.

Steward Lin waved his hands and said, "Go and do your work! I'm off to receive guests."

After hearing Guanshi Lin's words, the man withdrew.

——After a while, Steward Lin entered the VIP room where Zhuge Shensuan was located.

Seeing Guanshi Lin, Zhuge Shensuan asked with disbelief, "President Lin, why are you here?"

The person called Manager Lin is none other than the president Lin Jiang who Zhuge Shensuan knew at Wanbao Commercial Firm in Qingyun City.

Lin Jiang was also surprised when he saw Zhuge Shensuan, but he quickly regained his composure, sighed and said, "So it's Brother Zhuge!
The reason why I came here is beyond words. "

"Don't worry, Brother Lin, speak slowly."

After listening to Lin Jiang's narration, Zhuge Shensuan finally understood the whole story, and everything was caused by interests.

The transaction between Zhuge Shensuan and Lin Jiang's human-level long sword was discovered by the president of Wanbao Commercial Bank in Youzhou City. In order to make this fortune in his own name, the president of Wanbao Commercial Bank in Youzhou City transferred Lin Jiangping to Nanshan County City. Wanbao Commercial Bank was in charge, and sent a confidant of his own to take over as the president of Wanbao Commercial Bank in Qingyun City.

Zhuge Shensuan said sadly: "I'm sorry, brother Lin, it's because of you that my brother got in the way of you."

Seeing Zhuge Shensuan's sad face, Lin Jiang felt a little moved, and said: "This matter is not related to Brother Zhuge, I can only blame it because my brother has no backing in Wanbao Trading Company, and I can't keep the benefits my brother brought me. "

Zhuge Shensuan said generously and righteously: "Brother Lin, as long as there is anything you can use brother in the future, just ask, brother, I will do it for you if I can, and I will find a way to do it for you if I can't."

What Zhuge Shensuan said is of course not true. He is an extremely egoistic person. If you are useful to me, I will naturally help you. If you are useless to me, I will not even bother to talk to you.

Lin Jiang's position may help him in the future, so Zhuge Shensuan said these words to him.

Although Zhuge Shensuan said these words, Lin Jiang was very moved, and Lin Jiang was going to make Zhuge Shensuan his friend, but he was already middle-aged, so naturally he would not give Zhuge Shensuan his heart and soul just because of a few words.

Lin Jiang said to God Zhuge: "Brother Zhuge, since you are here to buy the courtyard, do you have any requirements for the courtyard?"

Zhuge Shen said: "The courtyard should be as large as possible, because I like to live in a big house; and it should be remote, because I like to be quiet.

As long as these two items are met, I don't have any other requirements. "

"Brother Zhuge, these two requirements of yours are very good, you are satisfied!
Just now, Wanbao Commercial Bank has such a courtyard for sale. This courtyard is located in the southern city of Nanshan County. It is very remote because it is close to the city wall. Its area is one of the largest among the courtyards in Nanshan County.

But the price is a little bit high, even if I don't charge a commission and work harder for you, this courtyard can't be won without 500 million taels of silver. "

Zhuge Shen smiled knowingly, and said: "Money is not a problem, since brother Lin said that this courtyard is good, that courtyard is also not a problem.

Brother Lin, please invite the owner of the courtyard to complete the handover as soon as possible. "

Lin Jiang stood up and straightened his attire, and said, "Brother Zhuge is drinking tea here and waiting for a while, and I'll go invite the owner of the courtyard right away."

Soon Lin Jiang invited the owner of the courtyard to the VIP room. The owner of the courtyard is a beautiful woman.

Seeing the woman's appearance, even Zhuge Shensuan was a little dazed, with a dazzling feeling.

The woman's appearance was extremely beautiful, with black eyebrows and vermilion lips, her facial features could only be described as perfect.

She looks about 40 years old, but she doesn't look old at all, and because of her mature style, a fiery red voluminous gauze skirt can't hide her bumpy and attractive figure, It is as attractive as a ripe peach.

In fact, the most attractive thing about this woman is not her appearance and figure, but her temperament.

That kind of extremely awkward feeling, obviously her temperament is extremely cold and beautiful, but combined with her appearance and figure, it gives people an extremely charming and seductive feeling. The more serious her expression is, the colder her temperament is, but The more it gives people an illusion of charm.

God Zhuge has seen the world even in his previous life, in real life, on TV, no matter what it is, he can't compare with the woman in front of him.

The difference between them is not their appearance, but their cool and charming temperament. Simply put, this woman is the kind of woman who makes people think of bed when they see it.

Although the owner of the courtyard seemed cold and charming, he spoke very straightforwardly, "You are the ones who want to buy my courtyard. The price of my courtyard is 600 million taels of silver."

To be continued……………

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(End of this chapter)

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