Chapter 169
Wen Dian frowned and said: "Your Majesty Zhuge, if you are not in charge of the family, you naturally don't know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt. We are backed by His Highness the King of the Mountain, and there is no big power behind us, and we can't even afford the military expenses of the army.

As for the people in the Jianghu, they hate the imperial court very much, and it is not bad to be able to control these sects now. "

Zhuge Shensuan said with a smile on his face: "Now I am going to discuss a cooperation with His Highness the King of the Mountain. This cooperation will allow His Highness the King of the Mountain to get enough money. The money is at least enough for His Highness the King of the Mountain to form an army and pay for the army for a year. .”

Backer King Zhu Jinyan made a gesture of invitation, not intending to interrupt Zhuge Shensuan halfway, he signaled Zhuge Shensuan to continue.

Zhuge Shensuan said: "His Royal Highness King of the Mountain! The first cooperation I talked with you is to kill Shangguanxiong! I have the power of Jinyiwei in Nanshan County, and His Royal Highness King of the Mountain has everything from Shangguanxiong, the deputy governor of Jinyiwei in Nanshan County. property."

The backer king Zhu Jinyan pressed his hand and signaled Zhuge Shensuan to stop talking, because he now feels that Zhuge Shensuan is a psychopath.

Backer King Zhu Jinyan said flatly: "I thought you had something to cooperate with, but I didn't expect you to be a lunatic who has lost his mind and dare to speak out here.

First of all, let’s talk about Shangguanxiong’s property first. How much property do you think a deputy town envoy can have? Do you know how much an army of 1 people spends a year?I don't know anything, so I dare to speak up here.

Secondly, do you think I will kill a sixth-rank official of the imperial court because of a little money!Even if I do this, I will bear a lot of guilt. "

Zhuge God said: "Your Highness King of the Mountain, don't be so eager to object to what I said, you should take a look at this thing first."

Zhuge Shensuan took out a booklet from his body and threw it directly on the table in front of the backer king Zhu Jinyan.

The backer king Zhu Jinyan didn't go to get the booklet on the table, because he wanted to maintain his demeanor, so he didn't reach for it, but Wen Dian looked through the booklet on his behalf.

After Wen Dian finished reading the booklet on the table, he asked Zhuge Shensuan in shock, "Master Zhuge, can you guarantee the authenticity of the contents here?"

Zhuge Shensuan said indifferently: "Eunuch Wen, do you think I dare to joke about this kind of thing?"

Wen Dian handed the pamphlet to Zhu Jinyan, the backer king, because there are some things he can't and can't make the decisions, and these things must be made by the backer king Zhu Jinyan.

After reading the booklet, Zhu Jinyan, the backer king, was also shocked by the contents of the booklet.

Shangguanxiong, the deputy envoy of Jinyiwei in Nanshan County, was actually a member of the rebel organization Yinshen Palace, and the former Jinyiwei envoy was also a member of the rebel organization Yinshen Palace.

Once this news is spread, it will definitely be shocking, and it can even cause a sensation in the whole world.

But the backer king Zhu Jinyan was not shocked by the news, but because Shangguanxiong's property was actually [-] million taels of silver.Once this property is acquired by the backer palace, it will definitely be shocking good news for the backer palace.

His dream of forming an army of 1 people is no longer a fantasy, but something that can be turned into reality, and the money can fully last for about a year and a half.

Of course, if he cooperated with Zhuge Shensuan to get rid of Shangguanxiong, the flag of the Yinshen Palace, which was placed in the imperial court, he would definitely gain a great reputation, and he might even get the praise of the current emperor, which is what he really wanted.

Backer King Zhu Jinyan said flatly: "Send me the ironclad evidence that Shangguanxiong is a member of the Yinshen Palace, and you are so confident that I will cooperate with you!

Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you and end up taking the credit for myself?With such a great credit and so much money, I have every reason to do so. "

Zhuge Shen said: "No, His Highness the King of the Mountain will not do this."

"Oh, why is that?" Zhu Jinyan, the backer king, asked back.

Zhuge God said: "There are three reasons why His Royal Highness the Backer King would not do this!

First, since I dare to go alone to the meeting and come to the King's Mansion of the Backing Mountain, I am not afraid of the assassination of the King's Mansion of the Backing Mountain. If the King's House of the Backing Mountain does this, they can only form a death feud with me. I believe His Highness the King of the Backing Mountain, you are a smart person and you won't do this Do.

Second, it is not worth it. What I have given to His Highness the King of the Mountain is already a big deal. Even if His Highness the King of the Mountain solves it, I will not gain much benefit.

Second, His Highness the King of the Mountain does not move me, and in the future I will have another friend among Jinyiwei, and a friend with unlimited potential.

To sum up the above three points, I believe His Royal Highness the Backer King will choose to cooperate with me instead of attacking me. "

After Zhu Jinyan, the backer king, calmed down, he said, "Brother Shensuan, you are very confident.

But I have to say, you were right this time!I want to know how you plan to cooperate. "

Backer King Zhu Jinyan saw the ironclad evidence given by Zhuge Shensuan, and then listened to Zhuge Shensuan's remarks.

He also changed the name of Zhuge Shensuan, and called Zhuge Shensuan Brother Shensuan, which shows that he is willing to cooperate with Zhuge Shensuan and is willing to make Zhuge Shensuan his friend.

Zhuge Shensuan said flatly: "His Royal Highness, I believe that after a few years, when you think of this decision, you will definitely find it extremely worthwhile."

Of course, this is just Zhuge Shensuan's polite tone, Zhu Jinyan has absolutely no future, because once Zhuge Shensuan has the strength, he will seek to take over the Zhu family's world.

Backer King Zhu Jinyan said indifferently: "Brother Shensuan, you can call me Brother Jinyan, it will be more friendly, don't call our relationship so unfamiliar.

Now that you are ready to cooperate with me!So how this specific cooperation will be carried out, should Brother Shensuan also tell me. "

Zhuge God said: "Okay, brother Jinyan!
Shangguanxiong is going to attack me in two days, I hope brother Jinyan can lend me the masters around you, so that we can catch Yinshen Palace by surprise. "

Backer King Zhu Jin said: "Okay, brother Shensuan, I agree to this request.

Brother Shensuan, stay at my house today, I will never get drunk with you. "

Zhuge Shen said: "Brother Jinyan! The transaction between me and you is still kept secret for the time being, and the enemy cannot find out any rumors. I will send someone to inform Brother Jinyan about how to do it.

In order to keep the secrecy for the time being, I have to say goodbye today. After the people from the Yinshen Palace are dealt with, I will definitely not get drunk with you.

Now that the cooperation has been negotiated, I will take my leave first. "

After Zhuge Shensuan bid farewell to the backer king Zhu Jinyan, he quickly left the backer king's mansion, and Zhu Jinyan didn't do too much to keep him.

(End of this chapter)

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