Chapter 173
Zhang Biao ran and jumped to the top of a towering giant tree, followed the sound to look around, his heart immediately became tense, and he saw bloodthirsty lights flickering indistinctly in the darkness all around. .

In the night, the eyes of the pack of wolves were like emerald green pearls. Accompanied by the hazy moonlight, they looked extremely gloomy, and even tended to gradually move closer to themselves. Zhang Biao fixed his eyes and couldn't help but think to himself: "What's going on? ?”

Although the howling of wolves had gradually weakened, it still made Zhang Biao shudder. The sense of crisis became more intense, and he couldn't help but speed up again.

At the same time, Sima Qiu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he turned to look at the side where the sound came from.At some point, a pack of wolves appeared in front of him. Among the pack of wolves, there was a wolf with its head raised high and not lowered. It was obviously the one that howled just now.

Sima Qiu's complexion changed, because the alpha wolf was more than twice as tall as the others, and it was covered in golden fur, which made the alpha wolf stand out from the crowd.

A bad feeling arose spontaneously, and Sima Qiu suddenly felt a great pressure, and at the same time he couldn't help sighing secretly: "Oops, you actually attracted a bunch of beasts."

The howling of wolves was obviously a signal for the wolves to launch. After the sound ended, the golden wolf let out another loud cry, which was transmitted to other directions in the forest like a signal. At this time, the speed of the wolves near the golden wolf It increased suddenly, and quickly surrounded Sima Qiu.

At this time, Zhang Biao couldn't help crying secretly, because he also found himself surrounded by wolves unknowingly. Although he was hiding on the top of the giant tree and was not discovered by the wolves, Zhang Biao understood that at this time, as long as he If you move, you will definitely be spotted by the pack of wolves, and there will be no luck.

As the golden wolf approached, Sima Qiu's eyes changed, probably because he saw the corpse of the silver wolf on the golden wolf's back, and thought inwardly, "Could it be that this silver wolf has some status in the pack of wolves, and that he has actually brought such a wolf to him?" There are many wolves, and there is a tendency for a pack of wolves to encircle and suppress them."

I saw a large number of calf-sized ferocious wolves with red eyes in the open space not far away. At a glance, the number of ferocious wolves definitely exceeded hundreds, and as time went by, the wolves became more and more The more there are, the sooner or later there will be close to three hundred giant wolves.

The last silver wolf, about the size of the golden wolf, came out of the pack. There was a trace of miscellaneous hair all over its body, and even a flickering halo in its fur, and the faintly visible crescent bud mark on its forehead was particularly eye-catching. After the wolves, a golden wolf walked out again, and two golden wolves guarded the golden wolf forward like guards.

Zhang Biao's face changed when he saw the characteristics of the wolves who are not afraid of death. You must know that it is precisely because of this characteristic that the wolves have become the color that all warriors in the Southern Wilderness's [-] mountains can hear Become a terrifying existence.

It is precisely because of this characteristic of wolves that why his father used the lone wolf in the wolf mountain swamp to solve the Nanshan County Palace. Of course, he didn't know that his father had been calculated by Zhuge God so that there were not even bones left.

"Sirius Xiaoyue!" Sima Qiu exclaimed, his eyes became even more solemn, Sirius Xiaoyue was a mutation, but every one of Sirius Xiaoyue was the uncrowned king of the wolf pack.

The horror of the Howling Moon Sirius lies not in its strength, but in its wisdom comparable to human beings.No matter what kind of beast it is, its instinct has always been to kill without any wisdom at all, and it is precisely because it only knows to kill that it will become the prey of an intelligent race. If one day, these beasts suddenly become wise, Then they are no longer fierce beasts, but members of many intelligent races, similar to spirit beasts.

It is rumored that in ancient times, human beings were not the masters of this continent. At that time, human beings were just like pigs raised in captivity by various spirit beasts, and they were slaughtered by spirit beasts.

Later, I don't know why all the spirit beasts suddenly became extinct, and human beings were completely liberated, and gradually became the masters of this world.

People who become the rulers of the world are no longer satisfied. They want to pursue longevity and have more powerful power, so they search the world, hoping to find the reason why the spirit beasts are so powerful.

Finally, a man named Qi found a book of pictures in a ruin, and the young man named Qi followed the pictures to train and became the first person on this continent to become a warrior.

People gradually excavated martial arts from various relics, thus opening an era of martial arts practice in the world, known as the Middle Ages in history.

And Xiaoyue Sirius has been regarded as an intelligent race since the moment it mutated, and as it gradually grows, it has the wisdom no less than that of an adult.

Originally, a Howling Moon Sirius was nothing, but with Sima Qiu's innate viscera refining skills at the moment, and not just ordinary innate viscera refining, he could easily end it.

But what about hundreds or even three hundred? Wolves are often group activities, and the opportunity to kill a silver wolf alone as before is a rare opportunity in a thousand years. The principle of the dead elephant works no matter where it is.

"Wow!" Apparently, after the leader Silver Wolf discovered Sima Qiu, the surrounding pack of wolves surrounded the towering ancient trees around Sima Qiu as if they had heard an order.

In an instant, a terrifying pressure acted on Sima Qiu. It wasn't until this moment that Sima Qiu truly felt a crisis enveloping him.

Looking at the pack of wolves around, each one has fierce eyes, they are bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, and the terrifying evil spirit condensed on them is enough to make ordinary people's legs weak, and they can instantly lose the power to fight.

Even vaguely, a trace of contempt and anger could be seen in the silver wolf's eyes.I saw the silver wolf say "Wow!" to the two golden wolves beside him.

It seemed to tell them that the murderer was one of them, and then calmly hid among the wolves.After the two golden wolves responded, they walked up and stared at Sima Qiu.

But Sima Qiu was not an ordinary person after all.He has experienced countless battles, big and small, and his hands are bloody and extremely hot. Naturally, this scene will not make him lose his fighting power. After a slight shock, he recovers, thinking about how to escape from the wolf. The siege of the group.

In the distance, Zhang Biao hid on top of a towering giant tree and peeked out. He had no choice but to feel a slight change at this moment and be sensed by the wolves, so he had to avoid the edge temporarily.

At this time, Zhang Biao didn't dare to stand up and draw fire, and he was also happy to see Sima Qiu fighting with the wolves.

(End of this chapter)

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