Chapter 187

Seeing Zhuge's divine fortune-telling behavior, Wang next door said coldly: "Master Zhuge! You are not doing well!

You actually gave such a good thing to someone from the Suzaku faction, don't you know that you are from the White Tiger faction?Are you worthy of the cultivation of the White Tiger faction?Is your behavior worthy of Master Bai Hu? "

Wang Gebi questioned Zhuge Shensuan in this way, but the other White Tiger faction did not follow Wang Gebi.

If they followed what Wang Neighbor said, they would really have formed an enmity with Zhuge Shensuan, and there would be no room for relaxation. They didn't have the guts yet.

Zhuge Shensuan said in a flat tone: "Neighbor Wang! What do you mean by that.

Do you think Jin Yiwei belongs to Master Baihu?Also said the White Tiger faction, the Suzaku faction!

You actually dare to say that Jinyiwei, the personal guard of the Holy Majesty, is the private property of the two adults. Are you trying to rebel? "

As soon as Zhuge Shensuan finished speaking, he didn't give Wang Nebi a chance to explain, and directly drew his long sword from its sheath, and slashed at Wang Nebi.

The powerful Sancai swordsmanship, with a destructive sword intent, cut Wang Gebi in half in an instant.

Zhuge Shensuan already has the strength to fight against ordinary strong people in the real martial arts realm, and it is a piece of cake to deal with an ordinary innate blood-refining realm strong person, coupled with the fact that it is surprisingly difficult, one-hit kill is already a piece of cake.

When everyone saw Zhuge who was still amiable just now, he killed people instantly!They all lowered their heads very low one after another, not daring to show any disrespect.

Zhuge Shensuan asked everyone present: "Everyone! This king's next door intends to split Jinyiwei, and even slander Jinyiwei Lord Baihu and Zhuque Lord for dictatorship, this is completely unforgivable crime!

That's why I killed it. I don't know if you have any opinions. If you have any opinions, you can feel free to raise them. "

"Lord Zhuge is right! This Wang next door is really enlightened, and he dares to slander Lord Baihu and Lord Suzaku."

"Yes! Yes! Neighbor Wang really deserves death."

"Master Zhuge cleaned up a big pest for our Jinyiwei. We all agree that what Master Zhuge did was right."


All the people present agreed with Zhuge's divine fortune,

Because God Zhuge did nothing wrong, there are indeed factions in Jinyiwei, but few people would say this in front of all Jinyiwei, because it would be disrespectful to the current Holy Majesty.

Although there are usually people who say this in the Jinyiwei, but no one pursues it, so naturally it doesn't matter.

And Zhuge Shensuan pursued the responsibility for such behavior, and he did nothing wrong!Even if it goes around to the top, Zhuge Shensuan is still on the side of reason, and it has no effect at all.

Zhuge Shensuan said to the crowd: "We are all colleagues of Jinyiwei in Nanshan County, and we should work together to make suggestions for the governance of Nanshan County, instead of playing these small things in our hearts here.

From today onwards, I don't want to hear that among the Jinyiwei of Nanshan County, there is a White Tiger faction or a Suzaku faction. Everyone here has only one name, and that is Jinyiwei of Nanshan County. "

All the people present said to Zhuge Shensuan in unison: "I understand the zodiac signs."

Zhuge Shensuan shook his head and said: "No, you don't understand! What I want to tell you, follow me and have meat to eat.

As long as anyone wants to fight against me, well, I welcome it too!Anyway, in the mass graves outside the city, one more corpse is not too many and one corpse is not too many. "

Everyone was staring at Zhuge's fortune telling, each looking thoughtful.

"Ling Qi, distribute the cheat book just now to those who haven't received it!"

Seeing Lu Lingqi distributing the cheat books, Zhuge Shensuan said to everyone: "Everyone, this exercise cheat book is just a small beginning, and it is just a small meeting gift from me to all of you!

As long as you seriously follow me to do things in the future, you will get more things, and those things will be things you have never seen in your life, and things you have never even imagined. "

After hearing Zhuge Shensuan's words, everyone finally understood what Zhuge Shensuan was going to do. Zhuge Shensuan wanted to completely rule Jinyiwei in Nanshan County, and wanted them to completely obey Zhuge Shensuan's own orders.

"Master Zhuge, from now on my Yulong's life will be yours. If Master Zhuge told me to go east, I will definitely go east. If Master Zhuge told me to go west, I will definitely go west." A patrol envoy from Jinyiwei took the lead Express loyalty.

"Yes, Yu Long is right! Master Zhuge Shensuan is so kind to me, I will leave my life to Master Zhuge."

All the Jin Yiwei present expressed their loyalty one after another, whether it was true or not, all the Jin Yiwei expressed their loyalty to God Zhuge one after another.

After all, if you follow Zhuge's magic, you can get a lot of resources, but if you oppose Zhuge's magic, there is only one way.

That is death!The people present naturally didn't want to die, and they also wanted to get a lot of resources, so no matter whether it was true loyalty or fake loyalty, all the people showed their loyalty like Zhuge God.

Zhuge Shensuan said flatly: "Okay! Let us create the legend of Jinyiwei in Nanshan County together."

Zhuge Shensuan was going to turn the Jinyiwei of Nanshan County into a piece of iron, and made it into an iron plate that belonged to him. Naturally, it was impossible for Jinyiwei to have a faction, so he used the king's next door to kill people to establish his prestige, and then used martial arts to win over everyone. , This is his most fundamental plan.

As for whether these people really surrendered or fake surrender, Zhuge Shensuan didn't care.

Because as long as time goes by, Zhuge Shensuan is sure to convince everyone.

"Come here, deal with the corpse next door to Wang!" Zhuge Shensuan shouted to the door.

Soon two Jinyiwei Xiaoqi came in from the door, and they dragged the corpse next to Wang out.

Zhuge Shensuan stood up and came in front of everyone, Zhuge Shensuan said loudly: "Before I talk about the matter, let me ask you a question, why did you join Jinyiwei of Nanshan County?

Do you know that once you enter Jinyiwei, it is as deep as the sea, and life and death are involuntary!
One moment you may be toasting with your colleagues, and the next moment you will be exposed on the street, becoming an opponent of a hero or a stepping stone to wipe out other gangsters! "

Zhuge Shensuan's voice fell, and everyone present was a little commotion, not knowing what Zhuge Shensuan meant.

Those young people who joined Nanshan County Jinyiwei not long ago may not understand, but those old fritters who have joined for more than ten years have a deep understanding.

Every time we encircle and suppress those mountain bandits, or go after those Jiangyang bandits, Jin Yiwei will suffer a lot of damage,
Although on the surface Jin Yiwei is very tall, as long as no one in the city hears Jin Yiwei's name, he will not be afraid!But once out of the city, Jinyiwei can be said to be the most hated by all Jianghu people, even more than the six doors.

To be continued......

(End of this chapter)

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