Emperor Martial System

Chapter 201 Picking Up Girls

Chapter 201 Picking Up Girls
And even if Zhuge God can't survive in the end, he will not hand over the military power to the third prince, but to the backer king, so that the benefits in exchange will be even greater.

Because if it is handed over to the third prince, the third prince will take these military powers for granted, and will not pay attention to Zhuge's divine calculation at all, and will not even take Zhuge's divine calculation seriously.

But handing it over to the backer king is different, because the backer king is still a person who speaks lightly now, and he has no strength in front of the current emperor. The backer king who wants to win the throne will definitely bring back the greatest benefits for Zhuge Shensuan.

Because Zhuge Shensuan has power, he will turn back to be the king of the mountain, so that the two parties have reached a consensus of interests.

While Zhuge Shensuan was watching the materials, the prince of Nanshan County opened the door and entered.

Prince Nanshan counted to God Zhuge: "Sister-in-law! It's going to be dark soon, and it's time for nightlife. Should we go out for a stroll?"

The crown prince of Nanshan County has just gained great strength and a handsome body, so he naturally wants to go to Youzhou City to find a beautiful woman to have a heart-to-heart talk with.

But he didn't dare to calculate it behind Zhuge God's back, because he was a good boy since he was a child, and this trip was the first time for him to travel far.

In addition, his father asked him to listen to what Zhuge Shensuan said, and he also admired Zhuge Shensuan, so she didn't go out privately, but ran over to report to Zhuge Shensuan.

Zhuge Shensuan looked amused at the pleading face of the son of the Prince of Nanshan County.

Zhuge Shensuan said with a faint smile: "My son, I think you are thinking of spring! Are you so impatient? You must know that we are here this time for the Nanshan County Prince's Mansion.

If you ruin this matter, your father will not break your legs when you go back. "

Hearing Zhuge's fortune-telling, Nanshan County Wang Shizi's legs started to twitch instantly, and he whispered: "Sister-in-law! I was just joking with you!
How can I go out to play, we are here to do business this time, even if someone asks me to go out to play, I will definitely not go out to play.

You must believe me on this point, I am a very principled fat man, oh!I can't say that, I'm not fat anymore, I'm a handsome guy with principles. "

Zhuge Shensuan looked at the humble expression of Nanshan County Prince's son, Zhuge Shensuan said loudly: "Actually, it's okay to go out to play, it's everyone's nature to want to play, even me is no exception.

Let's go, I will take you out to play, and I will definitely find you a beautiful and wealthy woman in Youzhou City. "

Seeing Zhuge Shensuan speaking so loudly, the crown prince of Nanshan County lowered his head, and said as if he had done something wrong: "Sister-in-law! I know I was wrong. I shouldn't think about it when the family is in the most crisis. play.

Forgive me, I will definitely pay attention to my own words and deeds next time, I will never embarrass the Nanshan County Palace, and I will definitely not focus on playing, but on revitalizing the Nanshan County Palace. "

Zhuge Shen said: "Now that you are placed in the world, you can be regarded as a small master. You must be more generous in doing things, and don't be so inferior.

What I said is true, our task in coming to Youzhou City this time is to play, and we have to get your partner for you while we are playing, how about my brother-in-law treat you well.

And the person I'm giving you is definitely a beautiful woman from Youzhou City. After you take her down, we can go back to Nanshan County City. "

Prince Nanshan counted to God Zhuge: "Sister-in-law! I respect you, if it were someone else, I would have slapped him long ago.

In the future, I'm going to be a man who is a real master. How can I be stingy? Just looking at my figure, I know that I should be a majestic man.

And you didn't lie to me when you said you would give me a beautiful partner, right? I can really be appreciated by real beauties. "

The Prince of Nanshan County has been disgusted by beauties all year round, so he is already a little unconfident when facing beauties.

Zhuge Shensuan said calmly: "Why did I lie to you, this time we came to Youzhou City to find a wife.

It just so happened that it was night time, and the shops on the street must be at their busiest time.

We'll just go to those stores and see if there are any beauties you like, and if there are, we'll just buy them. "

The Prince of Nanshan County shouted: "Long live my sister-in-law! Long live my sister-in-law."

Zhuge Shensuan suppressed his hands and said: "Be quiet, I won't take you out if I see you making a fuss."

Zhuge Shensuan's trick really worked, and the prince of Nanshan County stopped arguing in an instant, and stayed in front of Zhuge Shensuan like a child.

Zhuge Shensuan continued: "Although you have a certain strength now, you are still powerless in front of real masters.

So now Huang Zhong starts to protect you personally until you return to Nanshan County Prince's Mansion. "

As soon as Zhuge Shensuan finished speaking, Huang Zhong had already walked in. Huang Zhong respectfully said to Zhuge Shensuan, "Young Master, please rest assured that your subordinates will definitely protect the safety of your son."

The prince of Nanshan County objected: "Sister-in-law! Are you looking for someone to supervise me? Can you leave me alone?"

The prince of Nanshan County has been followed and supervised since he was a child. He has long been tired of this kind of life and likes to fly alone.

But he forgot that last time because he was flying alone, the Nanshan County Palace lost a lot of silver and almost plunged the Nanshan County Palace into an economic crisis.

Of course, Zhuge Shensuan arranged for Huang Zhong to follow him not to supervise him, but to implement a plan, but he could not let the Prince of Nanshan County know about this plan.

Zhuge Shensuan's face turned cold, and he said in a serious tone: "What? You have an opinion! If you have an opinion, I can send Huang Zhong back."

Prince Nanshan said: "Sister-in-law, you still understand me."

Zhuge Shensuan continued: "It's okay for Huang Zhong not to follow you, but you can't step out of this inn, otherwise I can only personally teach you how to be a good son.

If you can beat me, then you can go out alone to have fun, and go out alone. "

Hearing Zhuge Shensuan's words, Nanshan County Prince's son was scared instantly, and Zhuge Shensuan would definitely not be able to beat him.

Prince Nanshan said flatteringly: "Sister-in-law! In fact, your idea is still very good. It's a great idea to let old man Huang follow me. I completely agree with your opinion."

The king of Nanshan County had already told the prince of Lanshan that he must respect Huang Zhong and not neglect him in the slightest.

Because Huang Zhong is a strong man in the realm of true martial arts after all, he should have corresponding respect for the strong.

(End of this chapter)

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