Emperor Martial System

Chapter 203 Barefoot Big Man

Chapter 203 Barefoot Big Man
The crown prince of Nanshan County nodded, and said with a smile on his face: "It seems that I really made a profit today, and I can meet Youzhou City's No. [-] Huadan on the first day when I arrive in Youzhou City.

Brother, thank you for your clarification! "

After finishing speaking, Prince Nanshan County took out a 1000 tael bank note and gave it to the person he asked.

The crown prince of Nanshan County continued: "Thank you so much, brother, for clarifying the confusion, a little care is not enough to respect."

God Zhuge gave him 1 million taels of silver, so he naturally ignored the mere 1000 taels of silver.He sent it out casually. With such a capable sister-in-law, you don't have to be sorry for your life experience.

The person being questioned dismissed it at first, but after seeing the amount of the bank note, he immediately put the money away with a smile on his face.

He is just an acquired person; 1000 taels of silver bills is already a very large fortune for him, even if he saves money without eating or drinking, it will take at least two or three years to save so much money. ,
He also saw that the prince of Nanshan County is a godly hero, so he said to the prince of Nanshan County flatteringly: "Young Master! I am Youzhou City, and I am famous for knowing everything. If you have other needs, You can also call me. I will be waiting for you at any time!"

The person being questioned was called Wu Xian. He saw the wealth and wealth of the prince of Nanshan County, but he didn't dare to move. What bad intentions?Because such rich and powerful people are definitely not easy to mess with.

So he had a plan in mind, that is to be a dog for the Prince of Nanshan County, a very obedient dog, and he will do whatever the Prince of Nanshan County tells him, so he will definitely get a lot of things.

The crown prince of Nanshan County did not refuse either, because he really needed a tour guide, otherwise it would be difficult to use his fists in Youzhou City.

So Prince Nanshan County nodded lightly in agreement, and Huang Zhong who was behind Prince Nanshan County didn't say anything.

At the moment when Prince Nanshan County nodded his head, a fair-looking beauty walked out from the backstage of Pinhualou.

When Prince Nanshan saw this beauty, his heart skipped a beat, and he asked Wu Xian behind him, "This is what you told me, the number one beauty in Youzhou, aren't you talking nonsense? What a waste of my time." time."

Wu Xian knelt and licked his face and said: "My lord, don't worry! This person is not the eldest daughter of the governor of Youzhou! Fang Wenjing, but just a follower of Fang Wenjing in the governor's residence of Youzhou.

After he comes out, Fang Wenjing will definitely come out right away, young master, just wait patiently. "

Sure enough, as soon as Wu Xian's voice fell, a woman came out from behind Pinhualou again.

The woman who came out from behind was dressed in a long purple dress, with a purple crown on her head, and a white veil on her face, as if she was holding a pipa half ashamed, making people mesmerized.

The Crown Prince of Nanshan County was also attracted by the woman in the long purple dress. It was not that the Crown Prince of Nanshan County had never seen a beautiful woman, but that this beautiful woman was so glamorous in every move, that's why the Crown Prince of Nanshan County was attracted.

The woman in the long purple dress stood on the platform of the Pinhua Building and danced lightly as soon as she came out, and the sound of the elegant piano sounded in the Pinhua Building.

The elegant sound of the piano, coupled with the graceful dancing in the purple dress, makes the woman in the purple dress look like a fairy who came down from the sky, and she can't eat the fireworks in the world.

After about half a cup of tea, the woman in a long purple dress finished a dance, and the audience immediately cheered.

Prince Nanshan County asked Wu Xian, "Why is this Fang Wenjing wearing a veil? How can I see Fang Wenjing's true face!"

Wu Xian replied: "I'm afraid this will be difficult. Fang Wenjing will choose someone to meet after dancing, and only the chosen one is eligible to see his true colors.

You may have a chance as an adult, but you may never have a chance as a villain. "

Prince Nanshan County asked: "If this is done, will no one dissatisfy, and no one will take the initiative to pick things up?"

Wu Xiandao: "Young master, who dares to offend the eldest daughter of Youzhou governor's mansion without eyes, Fang Wenjing, Miss Fang! If you dare to do this, you will be making trouble with Youzhou governor's mansion. I'm afraid in Youzhou I can't find such a force yet.

Moreover, the villain heard that Fang Wenjing, Miss Fang Da, is about to become the concubine of the third son of the Holy Majesty, if anyone dares to move now, it will not be as simple as offending the Youzhou governor's mansion, but also offending the third prince, Who dares to do such a thing. "

When Wu Xian explained, a burst of laughter came from a corner of Pinhua Building.

After the laughter was over, a wild voice said: "That little girl in a purple skirt, grandpa has taken a fancy to you, so quickly pull your veil aside.

Let grandpa see if you are really pretty, or are you just pretending, if you want to be honest and have some good looks, I will take you as a concubine. "

Everyone was frightened when they heard this, someone dared to molested the eldest daughter of Youzhou governor's mansion in Pinhualou.

Is this the rhythm of the world going crazy? Who is so brave?

Everyone looked at the place where the insolent voice was coming from. There was a man in his 40s who was barefoot, carrying a big knife, full of pimples, and a year old.

While scratching his feet there, he made a wild voice.

All the people present began to discuss, and they all looked like they were watching the show.

A young martial artist in the Houtian realm said: "Where did this thief come from, how dare he be so bold."

"Not only is it bold, but this hairy thief is also too ugly, right?"

"That's right. Did this thief eat the bear's heart, or the leopard's gall, and dare to come to Pinhualou to pick trouble?"

A martial artist in the realm of youth said loudly: "Where does he come from? He dared to defile the number one beauty of our Youzhou City. Today I: Xiao Yuanfang will take care of it.

Thief, eat your grandfather with a sword. "

After Xiao Yuanfang finished speaking, he stabbed the big bearded man with his sword.

"That barefoot man is doomed. Ignorance actually dares to come to Youzhou City to play, and even said such rebellious words. Death is not a pity."

"What is this, Xiao Yuanfang's action can make him live a little better, Xiao Yuanfang is notoriously cruel in our Youzhou City.

If it falls into the hands of Miss Fang Wenjing, that barefoot man still has a chance of survival. Halfway through Xiao Yuanfang, we will mourn for that barefoot man for 3 minutes! "

While the people on the field were still chatting!
With a sound of "Bang!", his body flew upside down.

To be continued......

(End of this chapter)

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