Chapter 209

The governor of Youzhou said to his confidants behind him: "Pass me the order! Let all our forces in Youzhou mobilize, and try to find the eldest lady in the shortest possible time."

After the governor of Youzhou arranged the two things, the housekeeper and Xinfu of the governor's mansion of Youzhou quickly took orders.

After everyone left, there were only six real martial arts experts left in the hall from the governor's residence in Youzhou.

Although there are eight real martial arts powerhouses in Youzhou Governor's Mansion, not every real martial arts powerhouse stays in Youzhou.

He has his own foundation in Youzhou Governor's Mansion in Luoyang, the capital of God, so he also sent two strong men of true martial arts into Luoyang.

Of course, the governors of every state will use such small tricks. By placing people in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, they can quickly know the will of the current emperor and make advance arrangements. This is the value of the existence of people in Luoyang.

The Inspector of Youzhou said to the six people waiting beside him, "Everyone, what do you think of what happened today!"

The governor of Youzhou didn't panic too much, he was very calm about this matter.

Years of ups and downs in the officialdom have wiped out his Rayleigh, and he has been able to remain calm in everything he encounters.

And even if they go out to search together with the six real martial arts powerhouses, it will be useless. In the huge city of Youzhou, if you want to find someone, it can be described as looking for a needle in a haystack.

All they can do is wait until the people below find out the situation.They are ready to make a move, but before making a move, they should discuss a countermeasure.

And we have to find out if someone is plotting against them in Youzhou Governor's Mansion!
The first old man with a white beard sitting on the left hand side said to the governor of Youzhou: "Patriarch, I think this incident should be about our marriage with the third prince.

Wen Jing, this child doesn't have an accident sooner or later, but it happened when he was about to marry the third prince. This is definitely someone targeting our Youzhou Governor's Mansion. "

The white-haired talking man is the oldest member of the Youzhou Governor's Mansion, and they are a generation older than the Youzhou Governor.

However, within the Youzhou Governor's Mansion, any backup person who sees the Youzhou Governor's Patriarch can only be called the Patriarch. This is also to improve the cohesion of the family.

With gray hair, the people next to the old man also echoed: "What the third brother said is not wrong, I also think this matter is aimed at our marriage with the third prince."




It has to be said that the Youzhou Assassin's Mansion still has capable people, and they guessed Zhuge Shensuan's conspiracy in just a moment. Although they didn't know who made the conspiracy, they guessed the core of the whole conspiracy.

The Governor of Youzhou also nodded in agreement, and continued, "Then what do you all think should be done about this matter!"

It was the same gray-haired old man who said: "Patriarch, now we have to look for a needle in a haystack.

First, there are only four divisions.In the southeast, northwest, and four sides of the city, they searched door to door.

Hotels, teahouses and restaurants, these are the most important objects of search.

Second, put up notices in the streets and alleys, and carry out an iron wall encirclement by the masses.

Then we sent four people to surround the four cities in the east, west, north, and south, and strictly censored the people who came in and out. "

The governor of Youzhou said: "I don't think it's necessary at all, isn't there a young man who rescued Jing'er! He should send Jing'er back, we don't need to go looking for Jing'er so much.

Instead, you should go to this barefoot man! "

The white-haired old man said to the Governor of Youzhou: "Patriarch, we should do this for this matter, and we can't keep that young man.

We must give the third prince an explanation, otherwise this marriage will be broken, and even cause the third prince to misunderstand our Youzhou Governor's Mansion. "

The governor of Youzhou said coldly: "Do you want to use Jing'er's savior as an explanation?"

The white-haired old man said: "That's right, this explanation must be given, Wen Jing, this child has been very noisy since he was a child, and now this incident happened again, we must do this.

In this way, seeing our attitude, the third prince has stepped down a step, so he shouldn't bother us anymore.

Then the marriage will continue and everything will be back on track again. "

Regarding Fang Wenjing's matter, it will definitely spread in Youzhou, and even spread to other Youzhou.

If this matter spreads thoroughly, the marriage with the third prince will definitely not continue, because it is impossible for the royal family to allow a defiled woman to enter the blood of the royal family.

It's just that if a member of the royal family adds a concubine, no one will pay attention to it, and those who are naturally defiled can also enter the bed of the royal family.

But the reasons for the governor of Youzhou and the third prince will inevitably attract the attention of the world, so any stain may cause the third prince and the governor's residence of Youzhou to be besieged by gossip.

The prince of Nanshan County was an explanation that the white-haired old man used to give to the world. He didn't care whether the prince of Nanshan County had saved Fang Wenjing or not.

The governor of Youzhou said: "Uncle San, you are really a good planner, are you going to lose all the face of our governor's residence in Youzhou?

Not only do you want to lose the face of the governor's office, but you also want to lead the governor's office in Youzhou to the abyss of death. "

The white-haired old man said to the governor of Youzhou, "Why did the Patriarch say that?

I did this purely for the development of Youzhou Governor's Mansion, and I have absolutely no selfishness in it. The words of living here hurt the hearts of us people. "

The governor of Youzhou said: "He is all about the development of the family, and he has no selfishness.

Third Uncle, you have already mastered the ability to speak without blushing. My nephew, I really admire you.

Back then, the marriage with the third prince was all planned by you, and the bride price of the third prince was also received by you, and you didn't even discuss it with me as a father.

Moreover, all the betrothal gifts received were distributed away, and each of you also received the benefits of the third prince. Do you think I don't know about these things?

Now I am talking here without shame, everything is for the family, do you think I am a patriarch who is easy to fool, or what do you think. "

Everyone was speechless by the governor of Youzhou, what the governor of Youzhou said was not wrong at all, and the matter was indeed like this.

But they didn't know how the Inspector of Youzhou got the news, their deal with the third prince was very secret, the Inspector of Youzhou probably didn't know about it.

(End of this chapter)

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