Chapter 212
Although Fang Wenjing believed what the prince of Nanshan County said, Fang Wenjing still asked the prince of Nanshan County: "Brother Zuo! Is what you said true? We really don't have to worry about the third prince's revenge! Two Do you live a double-living and double-dwelling life?"

Although your girlfriend believes what you say, she will subconsciously ask the last question.

The prince of Nanshan County said: "If the third prince represents the entire Ming Dynasty, I naturally dare not say that, because the world today is indeed ruled by the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty is also the most powerful force in the world today.

But the current Three Princes cannot represent the entire Ming Dynasty. Even if the Three Princes integrate all their power, I am not afraid at all.

And the third prince has many enemies, and many of them are not weaker than the third prince. With the power behind me, I really don't worry about the third prince's revenge.

It's as if your Youzhou Governor's Mansion offends the current emperor, you will definitely be punished by everyone, but if you only offend the third prince, at most you will be affected by some innocuous influences, and you will definitely not be punished by everyone for offending the third prince. "

After hearing the explanation from the Prince of Nanshan County, Fang Wenjing felt more at ease, because what the Prince of Nanshan County said was not bad at all.

This is also the reason why Fang Wenjing is not worried that the third prince will cause trouble to the Youzhou governor's mansion, but that the third prince will cause trouble to the prince of Nanshan County.

After the two talked with each other, they felt much more relieved, and they hugged each other tightly.

The Crown Prince of Nanshan County was planning to do it again, but at this moment he suddenly found Huang Zhong knocking on the door. He also knew that now was not the time, so he didn't choose to do it again now.

They tidied up their clothes, and then called Huang Zhong in.

After Huang Zhong came in, he whispered to the prince of Nanshan County, "My lord, Miss Fang's father has arrived outside the restaurant!

He already had contact with me just now, he wants to see you, Miss Fang, what do you think about this matter. "

Huang Zhong didn't hide Fang Wenjing's back, but told Fang Wenjing everything, because not long ago he knew that his master's plan had been completed.

Of course it is not because it is peeping outside the door, but because you Fang Wenjing, Prince of Nanshan County, is doing things too loudly, and Huang Zhong is a strong person in the realm of real martial arts. Her facial features have been developed to be ten times stronger than ordinary people. More than twice, that's why he heard it.

And she has another duty, that is, if the prince of Nanshan County doesn't do it, he still needs you to give the prince of Nanshan County some medicine.

After listening to Huang Zhong's words, Nanshan County Wang Shizi said to Huang Zhong: "Old man! Hurry up and invite father-in-law to the guest room, I will be there soon."

After Huang Zhong left, Nanshan County Wang Shizi said to Fang Wenjing again: "Wen Jing! Do you think you want to go with me to see father-in-law, or I will go to check on father-in-law first by myself."

Fang Wenjing said to the prince of Nanshan County: "My father is more paranoid, I'd better go with you! Otherwise, I'm worried that he will beat you to pieces!"

The prince of Nanshan County said tenderly to Fang Wenjing: "Okay, Wenjing!"


Huang Zhong came to the Inspector of Youzhou and others, and invited the Inspector of Youzhou into the guest room for a gathering, but he did not invite anyone else.

Just when the other two real martial arts powerhouses in Youzhou Governor's Mansion were about to lose their temper, Youzhou Governor beat them down and said to Huang Zhong, "Your Excellency, please lead the way!"

Soon the prince's son of Nanshan County, Fang Qian, the governor of Youzhou, Fang Wenjing, the eldest daughter of the governor of Youzhou, and Huang Zhong, the god of Zhuge's fortune, all gathered in the guest room of the inn.

Soon the prince of Nanshan County, Fang Qian, the governor of Youzhou, and Fang Wenjing, the eldest daughter of the governor of Youzhou, sat on a round table together, while Huang Zhong stood behind the prince of Nanshan County.

Fang Qian, governor of Youzhou, said to Prince Nanshan County, "Your Excellency is the one who took my daughter!"

A strong man in the realm of true martial arts is very sensitive to the qi around him, and a woman will have a tinge of yang just after losing her vital yin.

And last night, the crown prince of Nanshan County asked for it too many times, which caused Fang Wenjing to walk a little deformed at this time.

No matter how you look at it, the governor of Youzhou can see that his daughter is no longer a virgin.

However, he didn't get angry rashly. First, because the prince of Nanshan County did save his daughter, he didn't want to embarrass the prince of Nanshan County.

The second is that before finding out the origin of the Prince of Nanshan County, rash actions may even bring disaster to Youzhou Governor's Mansion.

A person who can use a real martial artist as a servant, the power behind him is definitely not simple, and he knows most of the real martial artist in Youzhou, and he also knows it.But he has never seen Huang Zhong, a strong man in the realm of real martial arts, which puts a mysterious veil on the prince of Nanshan County.

The prince of Nanshan County replied to the governor of Youzhou: "What is the father-in-law! I agree with Wen Jing, and it is my duty to save Wen Jing. If you are grateful, father-in-law doesn't need to say anything."

The crown prince of Nanshan County didn't like those twists and turns, so he opened the skylight directly to speak out, and as soon as he came out, he directly captured the Youzhou governor's army.

He directly called the governor of Youzhou as his father-in-law, so that he could not only test out the attitude of the governor of Youzhou, but also control the initiative of the situation.

Since the prince of Nanshan County developed the Martial Dao Saint Body, he has not only become sharper and clearer, but also dealt with everything more clearly than before.

The governor of Youzhou was also called by the prince of Nanshan County. His father-in-law yelled a little bit, but he quickly calmed down.

No matter what he said, he was also a majestic governor of Youzhou, the head of the Fang family, so naturally he would not be completely lost by a word from the Prince of Nanshan County.

The governor of Youzhou smiled lightly and said: "Your Excellency, why did you say that! I only have one daughter, Jing'er, and my family Jing'er is already married, so it's wrong for you to call me father-in-law like this!"

The prince of Nanshan County said: "Father-in-law! My daughter is in love with each other, and she already has a husband and wife relationship. I hope my father-in-law will make it happen.

I will treat Wen Jing well all my life, and I will never do anything to be sorry for Wen Jing. "

After the crown prince of Nanshan County finished speaking, without waiting for the governor of Youzhou to respond, he directly knelt down on the ground facing the governor of Youzhou with a pounce.

Huang Zhong also praised the actions of the Prince of Nanshan County later on. This series of performances, the Prince of Nanshan County's performance is completely remarkable.

To be continued……………

(End of this chapter)

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