Chapter 227
"1101 taels of gold!"

The person who made the new bid knew that the price of this elixir is definitely not more than 100 million, and two gold can be obtained. If the price is raised too much at one time, it will be himself who will suffer in the end.

Of course, he was only holding a tentative purchase price. After all, there are three major forces present, Youzhou Governor's Mansion, and You's two top forces.

If these three big forces do not compete, they still have a chance. If they make a move, they have no chance at all.

As for the current third prince, he did not participate in this auction at all. If it was the general auction of the Yulong Auction, the third prince might join in the fun, but this is only a branch of the auction, so the third prince would not join in the fun.

The price of the Jade Dragon Auction House was raised to 180 taels of gold by those in the realm of real martial arts before the owner made any publicity.

Of course, when this price was reached, the number of bidders decreased significantly. Only two or three families were bidding, and these two or three families were sects and families second only to the two top sects in Youzhou.

But by this time, the three top powers in Youzhou were not competing, and they didn't even have the slightest intention of wanting this elixir. The representatives they sent were all sitting in their private rooms without saying a word. .

However, the owner of the Yulong Auction House is not nervous at all, because he knows that the three top forces will never let go of such a good thing. They usually bid at the end, and then use an overwhelming price to end all auctions. s price.

After all, a big power must have the demeanor of a big power. If you compete with those powers that are much weaker than you from the beginning, you will lower your own compulsion.

The last bid was from the largest power in Yunshan County, and the Yu family bid 230 million taels of gold. Such a high price overwhelmed all the bidding families and powers.

In the Yu family, there are a total of three strong men in the realm of true martial arts, and one has even reached the realm of earth evil. In the entire Youzhou, the family of Yu disaster can be ranked among the top eight families.

A middle-aged man behind the head of the Yu family said to the head of the Yu family: "Master Patriarch! What do you think are the chances of us getting this elixir?"

This middle-aged man is the son of the Patriarch of the Yu family, and his own cultivation has reached the Innate Realm of Consummation, but he is already over 60 years old.

The function of the body has dropped a lot, so it is impossible to break through the realm of real martial arts with his own cultivation base, but with this five-thunder pill, it will be used on him in nineteen eighty-nine, and he will break through the realm of real martial arts. The chance of commemorating will increase by one tenth.

Although in this way, he will be in great danger, but in order to gain great power; he is not afraid of these dangers in the slightest.

Because in this world where martial arts are respected, strength represents everything, so no matter how great the danger is, he is willing to take the risk.

But if he didn't get this elixir, he wouldn't even have the chance to take this risk.

The Patriarch of the Yu family said to his son: "There are indeed many opportunities, but this opportunity depends on the three top powers. If they don't make a move, if they don't make a move, this elixir will be ours in [-]."

But once they make a move, we have no choice but to give up.

Not only because we compete for financial resources, but they also because their fists are bigger than ours. If we fight against them, it will even bring a lot of harm to the family.

If the financial power displayed attracts them, it may even make them surrender to our family, so this elixir depends entirely on whether they can make a move. "

"250 taels of gold!"

The first to attack was the governor's mansion of Youzhou. Although the governor of Youzhou didn't come over this time, he sent the strong man from the direct line.

Coupled with the 1 million taels of silver given to the governor of Youzhou by the prince of Nanshan County last time, the governor of Youzhou has more strength to fight for this elixir.

Once this elixir is obtained, it will create a real martial arts powerhouse for the direct lineage, and then the direct lineage will have even greater say in the Governor's Mansion of Youzhou.

"260 taels of gold!"

After the Youzhou Governor's Mansion was promoted, the Hehuanzong also began to bid, but they didn't mean to win, because the Hehuanzong did not lack such a strong man in the realm of real martial arts.

And it's still a cut off, the real martial arts powerhouse on the road ahead, their bid is only to express that they are not short of money, after they make a bid once or twice, they probably won't make another bid.

"300 taels of gold!"

The Hidden Demon Sect directly made a move, and the price increase was 30 taels of gold, not only showing an aura of spending money like water, but also showing an aura of determination to win.

The Hidden Demon Sect does not lack for real martial arts experts, but one of the ancestors of the Hidden Demon Sect in the Tiangang realm has a grandson whose life is approaching, and the ancestor of the Tiangang realm loves this grandson very much.

In order to extend the life of this grandson, the ancestor of the Tiangang realm spent a lot of energy and money, even his own cultivation, but manpower is always limited, and his grandson is still dying?

But once he has this elixir, his grandson has already reached the consummation of the innate realm. If he uses this elixir to break through the realm of true martial arts, he can gain another 50 years of life.

Therefore, the ancestor of the Hidden Demon Sect has already issued an order that this elixir must be obtained, and the Hidden Demon Sect absolutely must compete for power for this elixir.

The middle-aged man standing behind the Patriarch of the Yu family said, "Father! Don't we have that small spirit jade vein.

We can take out some spiritual jade, in this case, we can completely compete with them. "

The in-laws said flatly, "The Lingyu vein is the fate of our entire family, if there is a leak.

Even our family can't keep this mine, and it may even be wiped out by other families. You'd better be careful. Fortunately, I arranged a small formation in this room first.

There are no more than five people in the whole family who know about this matter. If you continue to say this outside, be careful that I will interrupt your dog legs.

We can't fight for this elixir, so you should honestly prepare to break through the realm of true martial arts, this elixir is beyond our reach. "

The middle-aged man was strictly educated by his father since he was a child, so after his father spoke, he dared not refute at all.

In the end, he had no choice but to give up the elixir, because if his father didn't speak, he wouldn't get any elixir at all, and he wouldn't even be eligible to pay for it.

To be continued……………

(End of this chapter)

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