Emperor Martial System

Chapter 242 The Gap

Chapter 242 The Gap
Wen Hua was not in a hurry to drive everyone away, but continued to say to everyone present: "Everyone! My Auction House in Heaven and Earth values ​​credibility the most!

However, while paying attention to reputation, our heaven and earth auction house also respects customers first.

All clients of my Heaven and Earth Auction House are protected by our Heaven and Earth Auction House within three miles of the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

As long as you are robbed within this range, or your life is threatened, our Heaven and Earth Auction House will take action to protect you.

But once it goes out of this range, our Heaven and Earth Auction House can only be said to be out of reach!

I also want to give everyone a warning, if both are customers, whoever makes the first move will be the enemy of the Heaven and Earth Auction.

We, Heaven and Earth Auction House, have only one way to deal with enemies, and that is to shoot and kill them, and we will never show any sympathy.

alright!I've said all I have to say!Now that the market is over, please those who get something at the auction, take the initiative to go to the background to complete the transaction. "

The Heaven and Earth Auction House formulated this rule, which immediately made most people respect from the bottom of their hearts. This is to protect the interests of their casual warriors.

Naturally, it is impossible for them not to be moved. They are usually in the auction venue, and if they are missing a treasure, what they worry most about is that they will be robbed. Once they are robbed, most of their wealth will be destroyed.

Even their lives would be lost in this place, but if Heaven and Earth increased the protection range by one mile, their safety factor would be greatly improved.

You must know that the Heaven and Earth Auction House is only an exit. If you are robbed as soon as you go out, there is no way if you don't have enough strength.

But if the protection area is increased by one mile, then within this square kilometer, people who are afraid of being robbed can sneak away from all directions, so that the chance of being robbed will be minimized.

After the announcement of the Heaven and Earth Auction House, the people in the hall quickly left the Heaven and Earth Auction House, and those who got the items also left the Heaven and Earth Auction House after receiving the items.

Originally, the owners of those powerful forces should meet with the principals of the Heaven and Earth Auction House, but since the Heaven and Earth Auction House needs to auction tomorrow, they are not in a hurry, but are planning to wait until the end of the auction house tomorrow to have a meeting with the Heaven and Earth Auction House. The person in charge of the auction house made an appointment.

Even the Inspector of Youzhou, who got the Zijin Card, left the Heaven and Earth Auction House without any thought. He also planned to meet with the head of the Heaven and Earth Auction House after the final auction tomorrow.

But these have nothing to do with Zhuge Shensuan. On the top floor of the Heaven and Earth Auction House, Zhuge Shensuan, Nanshan County King, and Huang Zhong sat around a small table.

Huang Zhong handed 50 yuan Lingyu to Zhuge Shensuan, and reported respectfully to Zhuge Shensuan: "My lord! Today's total profit is 130 million taels of gold, plus 50 yuan Lingyu! The gold has been deposited in the basement.

Moreover, all the items in today's auction have been auctioned, and none of the items have been unsold. It can be said that the achievements of the auction house today are grand. "

Zhuge Shensuan nodded and said: "Not bad! It's the first auction to have such a big popularity and such a big profit.

In the future, the Heaven and Earth Auction House will definitely get better and better, but tonight I will invite the two of you to patrol the Heaven and Earth. I am worried that some young people will come and cause trouble in the Heaven and Earth. "

Huang Zhong said firmly, "Yes!"

Nanshan County King also echoed: "Don't worry, my son-in-law! I will leave these issues to me."

Zhuge Shensuan said calmly: "Then I can rest assured, I have something important tonight, so don't bother me."

Zhuge Shensuan's voice fell, Nanshan County King and Huang Zhong both left the room, they knew that Zhuge Shensuan had something to do, and it would be unreasonable to disturb Zhuge Shensuan.

After they left, Zhuge Shensuan exchanged all the spirit jades into emperor coins, one piece of spirit jade was one hundred emperor coins, 50 yuan was five thousand emperor coins.

Zhuge Shensuan can finally be exchanged for Po Wu Dan. The reason why Zhuge Shensuan gave the discount card to the governor of Youzhou was to raise the bid of the third prince, to see if he could get the spirit jade together, but he did. Still quite rich.

Zhuge Shensuan exchanged a colorful elixir. This is the Po Wudan that can live in people without any side effects. It is time for Zhuge Shensuan to break through the realm of real martial arts.

Although it hasn't been long since he reached the peak of the innate realm, and the realm has not been completely consolidated, but with the assistance of this elixir, I believe these are not big problems.

Zhuge Shensuan sat cross-legged on the ground, running peacefully?The purpose of Zixia Divine Art and Shan Hai Jing is to cultivate one's energy and spirit to the peak, which is more conducive to taking pills to break through the realm. .

Putting aside those thoughts in his mind, Zhuge Shensuan directly took the broken martial arts pill and began to attack the realm of true martial arts.

Martial-breaking elixir is relatively mild, it can break through the realm of real martial arts without any after effects, and in the process of breaking through the realm of real martial arts, you will not feel pain. This elixir of breaking martial arts can be said to be the best in the elixir.

The innate three realms exercise the body, and the true martial arts three realms merge the heaven and the earth.

In the realm of the three realms of Zhenwu, the foundation is more important than in the congenital realm. The stronger the foundation, the greater the chance of a person's fusion with the world, the wider the area of ​​integration with the heaven and the earth, and the greater the ability to mobilize the aura between the heaven and the earth. The more, the stronger one's own strength will be exerted.

Zhuge Shensuan has never seen too strong a real martial artist. Most of the fighters in the human martial realm are indeed strong, but they are not so strong that Zhuge Shensuan in the innate realm despairs, because Zhuge Shensuan already has a rival to real martial arts. The strength of a strong person in the realm, so Zhuge Shensuan really doesn't pay attention to the general real martial arts realm.

Unless you hit the Disha realm, Zhuge Shensuan has never met such a strong man, let alone fought against them. Although I have watched a few strong men in the Tiangang realm from a distance in the past few days, Zhuge Shensuan has neither fought them confidence, and no chance to fight.

Of course, this is also very normal, because the two realms of human martial arts realm and earth evil realm are the ones with the biggest gap between the same levels.

It is even bigger than the gap between the Disha Realm and the Tiangang Realm. This is because the Disha Realm can perfectly integrate the world and control the power of the heaven and the earth, while the Tiangang Realm only enhances the strength and storage of the ability. The Ascension of Wu Neidan.

(End of this chapter)

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