Emperor Martial System

Chapter 244 Auctioning Xiantian Pill

Chapter 244 Auctioning Xiantian Pill

At about twelve o'clock noon, the Heaven and Earth Auction House was already packed with people.Not a single vacant spot at all.

Moreover, there are more than a dozen more real martial arts experts today than yesterday, which made some private rooms on the second floor also have real martial arts experts.

But everyone didn't make trouble, because the specific strength of the heaven and the earth is still unknown, even the three top powers in Youzhou didn't make trouble, let alone other small powers.

Those real martial arts powerhouses who came here today did not believe that the heavens and the human world have such a large scale and so many treasures, so those talents did not come yesterday.

But after those people went back yesterday, they have thoroughly proved that the Heaven and Earth Auction House does have such strength, so they are also here today to prepare to see if they can get some good things.

Since the person who came with the money didn't make trouble, Zhuge was lucky enough to say nothing, and he didn't need to say anything. The Heaven and Earth Auction just started officially and grandly.

The scale of the auction platform in the hall is exactly the same as the one standing on it yesterday. Two people in the realm of real martial arts guarded the high platform, and Wen Hua also stepped onto the high platform.

After Wen Hua stepped onto the high platform, he cleared his throat and straightened his clothes.He said in a very flat tone: "Welcome all friends to participate in the Heaven and Earth Auction, the second session of the first auction.

The items in today's auction must be a little higher than yesterday's, so I hope everyone returns with a full load. Even if you don't get your favorite items in this auction, you are welcome to see you at the next auction. figure.

The rules are the same as yesterday, and some friends came here today, so I will explain the rules to you again.

(Wen Hua, briefly described the rules of the auction house, and when will the next auction be held.)
Alright, enough gossip, let's invite our first auction item today. "

After a while, a waitress walked up to the auction stage with a small plate, and there was a small bottle in the middle of the plate. It was obvious that the first auction item was a elixir.

After the maid left, Wen Hua cleared his throat and said, "The thing you guys saw is the first item auctioned by our Heaven and Earth Auction House, Xiantian Pill.

The function of the Xiantian pill, I believe everyone can hear it from the name, is to help people break through the innate.

Of course, our Xiantian elixir is not an inferior elixir like Chunfenghuayudan, but a real magic elixir.

The Xiantian Pill can be [-]% breakthrough innate for warriors at the peak of Houtian, and there is no trace of side effects. This can be guaranteed by the reputation of the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

As long as this elixir has even the slightest side effect, the Heaven and Earth Auction House is willing to pay back the elixir at a hundred times the price.

Everyone knows that saving a genius two to three years will have a great impact on his life. I think everyone is very clear.

So I won't give you too many descriptions here. If you have a genius in your family and really need such a pill, then please bid for it.

The base price of Xiantian Pill is 2 taels of gold, and each price increase must not be less than 2000 taels of gold!OK, now everyone starts bidding. "

Hearing that there is no side effect can help people break through the innate, this made the people present stunned, because they have never seen such a elixir with their knowledge.

The people present began to discuss!
A dancer from the Houtian Realm on the first floor said excitedly: "Brother! Is this Xiantian Pill you said true? Is there any auction house in Heaven and Earth that says it's so amazing.

Why haven't I heard of it, there is such a pill. "

The Houtian realm martial artist next to him replied: "The auction house in heaven and earth dares to say such a thing, then this elixir must be real.

You must know that the Heaven and Earth Auction House took out earth-level weapons for auction, so it would definitely not smash its own signboard for such a trivial matter. "

Next to him, another martial artist of the acquired realm said: "This must be true. Didn't you hear that the finale item can help people in the innate realm break through the realm of real martial arts?

Even if such a elixir can be produced, isn't it easy to produce a elixir that can break through the innate? "

"What Xiongtai said is very reasonable. It would be great if I could get this elixir and break through the innate realm. If so, I can be regarded as a strong person on one side."

"Brother, don't think about these things anymore, even a strong person in the innate realm on the second floor may not be able to take pictures of this elixir.

In the end, it is very likely that it will fall into the hands of the real martial arts powerhouses on the third floor. It is even possible that the three top powers will take action to snatch this elixir. Can you, a martial artist in the acquired realm, compare with their bids? "

Although there were some voices of discussion in the hall, it did not affect people's bids. First, there was a symbolic bid on the second floor. When the price was raised to 10 taels of gold, the innate realm warriors on the second floor stopped bidding.

The real martial arts powerhouses on the second floor and the real martial arts powerhouses on the third floor began to compete with each other for prices.

The bidders are all real martial arts experts with backgrounds. They are juniors and really need such a pill. For the future of the family, they are willing to get this Xiantian pill at this price.

As for fighting for the real martial elixir in the end, they had no such idea at all. That real martial elixir would definitely fall into the hands of the three top powers, or the third prince.

So they still want to use the funds in their hands to get more treasures in the Heaven and Earth Auction House to strengthen their own strength. This is the right way.

If you don't have the brains to fight for the last elixir, that is an act of courting death. Even if you get the elixir in the end, you may not be able to enjoy it.

Although the Xiantian Pill attracted many people, but because the three top forces did not sell it, the Xiantian Pill did not fetch a sky-high price of one million.

However, the final transaction price almost reached one million, and the final transaction price was 95 taels of gold, which was won by a real martial artist on the third floor.

After the first item was sold, the second item was brought up quickly. Just like this, one item was sold.

The passion on the field also reached its climax again and again with the auction of one item after another, but what everyone was most looking forward to was the finale item. They wanted to know the true efficacy of Zhenwu Dan.

They only knew that there was a True Martial Pill to be auctioned before, but they didn't know the real effect of the True Martial Pill.

To be continued……………

(End of this chapter)

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