Emperor Martial System

Chapter 248 The Three Princes Request

Chapter 248

Wen Hua stood on the high platform and said very calmly: "Everyone! The last auction item of the Heaven and Earth Auction House has been auctioned, and the first Heaven and Earth Auction has come to a successful conclusion.

The next Heaven and Earth Auction will be held in one month. Although the next Heaven and Earth Auction will not be as large as this one, there will still be many treasures for sale.

I hope you will come to us at that time. Okay, next, friends who have obtained treasures, please go to the background to trade the treasures successfully.

Friends who have not obtained the treasure also hope that everyone can get what they need next time, but I have to remind everyone that no fights are allowed within one mile of the Heaven and Earth, otherwise, don’t blame the Heaven and Earth Auction House for intervening.

I also want to remind everyone that if you have Lingyu in your hands, you can come to the Heaven and Earth Auction House to exchange it for gold. One piece of gold is 10 taels. After you exchange ten yuan, you can get a silver card. You can buy any item from the Heaven and Earth Auction House for nine fold.

Exchange 100 yuan of Lingyu to get a gold card from the Heaven and Earth Auction House, and you can get a [-]% discount on any item purchased from the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

Exchange 1000 yuan of Lingyu to get a purple gold card from the Heaven and Earth Auction House, and you can get a [-]% discount on items purchased from the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

If you don't have enough spiritual jade to exchange, you can remember that you can directly issue a membership card after reaching ten yuan.

Well now everyone can go. "

The discount card that can be exchanged for gold is calculated by Zhuge God. Zhuge God wants to gather more spiritual jade, so that he can not only use spiritual jade to improve his cultivation speed, but also get more treasures in the system.

Then it is used to assist in cultivation. At that time, Zhuge Shensuan can quickly cultivate to the Tiangang realm, but all this is based on the fact that Zhuge Shensuan has enough spiritual jade.

Sure enough, the idea of ​​Zhuge Shensuan's discount card is very good. Those who have spirit jade will come to the Heaven and Earth Auction House to exchange for gold, which is enough for Zhuge Shensuan to get 300 Yuan Lingyu. Zhuge Shensuan, I believe it will not take much time He will get more.

Zhuge Shensuan was on the top floor of the Heaven and Earth Auction House, listening to his subordinates come to report the situation, feeling very at ease in his heart.

His heaven and earth auction house was really right, not only allowed him to obtain so many treasures at one time, but also allowed him to obtain a lot of gold and silver treasures.

But it is time for him to deal with the troublesome things. If the next things are not handled well, it is very likely that the Heaven and Earth Auction House he created will fall apart in an instant.

Even he will be implicated, but Zhuge Shensuan believes that he can handle this matter well. As long as he gets through this difficulty, Zhuge Shensuan's life will have great ups and downs.

Sure enough, after a while, Zhang Jiang ran over to report to Zhuge Shensuan, saying that the third prince asked to see him.

However, other top forces in Youzhou did not come to see Zhuge Shensuan. They knew that the third prince would definitely come to see Zhuge Shensuan. God knows what kind of answer you can get here.

The third prince came to ask for an audience, but Zhuge Shensuan couldn't avoid it, so he had to meet the third prince.

In a guest room on the top floor of the Heaven and Earth Auction House, Zhuge Shensuan was still dressed in that mysterious attire, making it impossible for the third prince to see his true face clearly.

Zhuge Shensuan lowered his voice and said: "I am the third prince. I am looking for the general manager of Youzhou, the Heaven and Earth Auction House. I don't know why the Third Prince has come to my Heaven and Earth Auction House. Why do you want me?"

The third prince couldn't see clearly the true strength of Zhuge Shensuan, and he didn't dare to trust Zhuge Shensuan. He cupped his hands at Zhuge Shensuan, and said calmly, "I don't know how to call you."

God Zhuge said: "Summer!"

The third prince said: "What a name! It makes people feel enthusiastic when they hear it."

Zhuge Shen said: "The third prince doesn't have to flatter me like this, what I want to know is why the third prince is looking for me."

The third prince said: "Your Excellency, you don't have to reject people thousands of miles away! I just want to make friends with Your Excellency."

Zhuge God said: "It is my honor to be friends with the third prince, now the third prince and I are considered friends.

If you're a friend, I won't be polite to you. I still have things to deal with. If the third prince doesn't have any major issues, I will deal with them. "

Zhuge got up and wanted to leave after speaking.

The third prince said: "Brother Xia, please slow down, come down to look for Brother Xia again, I really need something to ask."

Zhuge Shen said: "Third Prince, don't worry if you have anything to say, speak it out boldly, coyly, you don't look like a man at all."

The third prince said: "Brother Xia! To be honest, I have taken a fancy to the refining methods of True Martial Pill and Xiantian Pill from Heaven and Earth Auction House.

If Brother Xia can give up love, Brother Xia, just say what you want, as long as you have brothers, you will never refuse. "

Zhuge Shen said: "Third prince, it seems inappropriate for you to steal the secret recipe handed down from the family for the first time when you and I meet.

If it is this matter, there is no need to talk about it, and someone will see you off. "

Soon, four people rushed into the room of Zhuge Shensuan, but all of them were resolutely masters of the real martial arts realm, and everyone exuded an aura belonging to the real martial arts realm.

The third prince also saw that Zhuge Shensuan was trying to show him off, so that he would stop thinking about his ancestral secret recipe.

The third prince said: "Brother Xia! Since you and I are friends, then as brothers, I have no choice but to persuade you.

There is a saying in Jianghu that is good, that is, every man is innocent and he is guilty!
No matter how powerful your auction house in heaven and earth is, can it be greater than those powerhouses in the king realm?

If Brother Xia can sell this treasure to the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty can indeed keep this treasure, and will also protect the Heaven and Earth Auction House, making it the largest auction house in the entire world. "

Zhuge Shensuan said calmly: "Since I dare to auction off the elixir, it means that I am not afraid of any small people in the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

Anyone who wants to hide from me, the treasure in heaven and earth, can only give him one word, that is death.

Since the third prince regards me as a brother, I will tell the third prince clearly that I have the strength of the auction house in the sky and the earth, and I am not afraid of anyone. "

The third prince also saw that it was basically impossible to get something today, so he was going to go back and make some preparations, and ask for it later.

To be continued…………………

(End of this chapter)

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