Emperor Martial System

Chapter 254 Responsibility of all parties

Chapter 254 Responses from all parties

After Zhuge Shensuan left, he went directly back to his secret practice room, and continued to take Rongtian Pill to start practicing.

Not long after Zhuge Shensuan left, 16 powerful men from various forces all sent news of what happened in the heaven and earth back to the forces behind them.

This naturally includes the Lingyu that Zhuge Shensuan asked for from them, and the suspected powerhouse from the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

And this time, the 16 strong men who came to negotiate with the Heaven and Earth Auction House, without exception, found a place to settle down in Youzhou City.

Three days later, in the inner palace of Luoyang, the capital of the gods, the secret letter in the hands of the current holy general was handed over to the Qinglong envoy.

The dignified Majesty asked the Azure Dragon God Envoy, "Qinglong! What do you think about this matter?"

Qinglong is the most trusted subordinate of the Holy Majesty today, and among the four great envoys, Qinglong is also the one who has been with him the longest, so whenever the emperor has undecided matters, he will consult with the envoy Qinglong.

Moreover, the Azure Dragon God Envoy is also the younger brother of the current Holy Majesty. When Zhu Yuanzhang was able to ascend the throne, his younger brother put a lot of thought into it, so Zhu Yuanzhang trusted his younger brother very much.

Qinglong bowed respectfully to the emperor, and said with a serious face: "My lord! Although I don't know when he came out of this Heaven and Earth Auction House official, but now the Heaven and Earth Auction House has shown a powerful strength.

You must not end up fighting against unknown forces because of a small benefit.

Anyway, it's not our royal family who invested in it themselves, so this matter should be negotiated peacefully. "

The meaning of Qinglong God Envoy is to spend money to buy the refining methods of Zhenwu Pill and Xiantian Pill, and not to quarrel with the heavens and the earth.

Zhu Yuanzhang also nodded and said: "Qinglong! You and I have the same thoughts. The strong in the imperial realm are too difficult to kill. Once they become crazy, they will definitely lose more."

Zhu Yuanzhang said flatly: "Since you think so, then it's up to you to deliver the decree.

And which batch of Lingyu will go in the treasury.

And you can recruit the Heaven and Earth Auction House on behalf of the Ming Dynasty. If the other party is willing, it is also possible to treat the other party as an idle prince. "

The reason why the emperors of the Ming Dynasty targeted the county kings in various places was entirely to take back the military power of the royal family, not to wipe out the county kings' mansions in various places.

The Azure Dragon God Envoy bowed respectfully to Zhu Yuanzhang, and said very flatly: "I understand!"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the Qinglong envoy again: "Qinglong! What do you think the Heaven and Earth Auction House is collecting spiritual jade on such a large scale for?"

The Azure Dragon Divine Envoy replied respectfully: "Your Majesty! This subordinate doesn't know, this may be of great use to him.

It is also possible that the other party just wants to store it up. After all, Lingyu is a hard currency after the realm of true martial arts, and there are not many even in the treasure house of the royal family.

Moreover, Lingyu veins like Tianxia are still being mined. We know of no more than five of them, and 42 of them have been mined. "

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand and said calmly: "Since this is the case! This time you go and check it out! If you can't find it, forget it.

Well, you go down first! "

The Azure Dragon Divine Envoy bowed to the current Holy Majesty, and replied with great respect: "Yes!"

After speaking, the Azure Dragon God Envoy quickly left the palace!Zhu Yuanzhang was the only one left in the palace, thinking about what?
The Daoist Holy Land in Wuzhou, the Buddhist Holy Land in Yuanzhou, and the 16 strongest forces in the world with powerful people in the imperial realm, basically the same thing happened.

And all of this has nothing to do with Zhuge Shensuan. Zhuge Shensuan is currently practicing leisurely in his practice room.


The headquarters of Yulong Auction House, the owner of Yulong Auction House in Youzhou, was kneeling on the ground, and Doudou dared not speak.

And the person sitting in front of the Yulong Auction House, the owner, is the real controller of the Yulong Auction House, and he is a strong man who has surpassed the realm of true martial arts and reached the first realm among the three realms of Tongtian.

The controller of Yulong Auction House said very calmly: "Is the news you said true?"

The owner of Youzhou Yulong Auction House said with great respect: "Master! Every word of the news that my subordinates said is true, and there is absolutely no falsehood."

The controller of the Yulong Auction House murmured: "This Heavenly Auction House is very interesting, there is such a big commotion, I want to see if this Heavenly Earth Auction House is really capable, or is it just luck. "

The controller of the Yulong Auction House said to the owner of the Youzhou Yulong Auction House who was kneeling on the ground: "For the time being, don't conflict with the Heaven and Earth Auction House, if you can avoid it, first avoid it.

After a while, let's see if the Heaven and Earth Auction House still exists!
I won't pursue the previous matter any more. When you go back to Youzhou, keep an eye on the auction house in heaven and earth. If you have any news, please pass it on to me in time. "

Another half month passed, but Zhuge Shensuan did not wait for the people from the Yu family that he had agreed with him. It seemed that after the matters here were settled, he really wanted to go to the Yu family himself.

Sure enough, in the early morning of the next day, Zhuge Shensuan received invitations from 16 family members again, and they visited again.

Zhuge Shensuan muttered to himself. : "It seems that his plan has succeeded, and the 16 families should have prepared Lingyu."

If the other party is going to use force, they will definitely not hand over the greeting card, but will directly come to kick the hall.

The top floor of the Heaven and Earth Auction House is the place where Zhuge Shensuan met the 16 King Realm powerhouses last time.

Zhuge Shensuan once again met with 16 king-level powerhouses, but it was 17 king-level powerhouses.

Zhuge Shensuan said very calmly: "Everyone! I have thought it through so quickly, I don't need to give you a little more time to continue thinking about it."

After Zhuge Shensuan finished molesting, he said to the new King Realm expert again: "This is it! Why didn't I see you last time?"

The new King Realm expert introduced himself: "I'm the envoy of Jinyiwei White Dragon God!"

Zhuge Shensuan casually waved his hand and said: "I don't care about these things. If you agree, then bring the Lingyu. If you don't agree, then just leave the discussion! Don't waste your time here.

Your time is not precious, but mine is very precious. I am earning millions of taels of gold every minute. If I stay here with you for such a long time, how much gold will I earn less! "

After Zhuge Shensuan finished speaking, he looked at everyone with a smile on his face.

To be continued...:………:
(End of this chapter)

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