Emperor Martial System

Chapter 259 Dongfang Bai

Chapter 259 Dongfangbai ([-]rd watch)

In fact, this disciple of the Taoist Holy Land really wanted to be strong against Wu Meiniang, and he had a lot of energy in the Taoist Holy Land, so he was not afraid of Wu Meiniang's relationship with the Taoist Holy Land.

Even if the Wu family in the Taoist Holy Land finally knew about this matter, they could only betroth Wu Meiniang to him, so that he could receive another stunning beauty into the harem.

However, because Wu Meiniang had a Dao talisman on her body, he didn't dare to be so unscrupulous, and he didn't dare to use force against Wu Meiniang.

He was born in a holy land of Taoism, so no one knows the power of Taoist talismans better than him. Unless he is a strong king, anyone who survives a blow from a Taoist talisman will be seriously injured.

That's why he didn't dare to use force, and he hoped to conquer Wu Meiniang physically and mentally, so it would be more interesting to play Wu Meiniang.

After understanding the general situation, Zhuge Shensuan bid farewell to Uncle Liu and quickly headed towards Beishan Mountain.


Beishan peak!

Wu Meiniang was followed by a handsome man in a white robe who stepped on Liuyun Sanmaxuan.

The handsome man said to Wu Meiniang: "Meiniang! Since the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you. Can't you give me a chance?"

The handsome-looking man had no servants around him, and his servant at the realm of real martial arts had already been sent to see the mountain gate so that he would not hinder him from picking up girls.

Wu Meiniang said with a cold face: "Dongfang Bai! Please respect yourself.

And I already have a sweetheart, please don't pester me anymore, you should go back to your Taoist holy land as soon as possible.

And if you want to attack my female disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect again, don't blame me for turning my face and denying others. "

The handsome man said in a low voice: "Meiniang! Is there any man who might be better than me? You see, I want status and status. I need strength and strength, and I need looks and looks.

Couldn't he be compared to a kid from a poor country?
And if you said that I was planning on the female disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect, is that completely unfair to me?You know that it's all those female disciples of your Qingyun Sword Sect who used force on me.

In the end, I was worried about hurting them, so I reluctantly let them do it, which really has nothing to do with me. "

What the handsome man said was right, it was indeed Qingyun Jianzhong's female disciples who took the initiative to throw themselves into the arms of the handsome man.

The handsome man really didn't use force against the female disciples of Qingyun Sword Sect, because it was unnecessary.

A handsome man, as long as he reveals his identity, shows his own strength, and pulls his servants out for a walk.

Relying on his handsome appearance, as long as he reveals a little bit of meaning, those female disciples of Qingyun Sword Sect will not jump on them like a cat seeing a mouse.

Apart from Wu Meiniang, who in the entire Qingyun Sword Sect can resist such a temptation, this is completely the rhythm of flying on a branch and becoming a phoenix.

Even if the handsome man is extremely scum, and most people in the Qingyun Sword Sect know about it, there are still countless female disciples who fly to the flames, sitting on the branches and turning into phoenixes.

The handsome-looking man has only come to Qingyun Sword Sect for less than a month, and he has harmed nearly a hundred female disciples of Qingyun Sword Sect.

Calculated in this way, at least three of them will be harmed in one day, and almost all the female disciples of Qingyun Sword Sect who have a little appearance will be harmed.

The behavior of such a pig-breeding man with a handsome appearance has become the public enemy of all the male disciples of Qingyun Sword Sect, but it has made all the male disciples dare not speak out.

One is that they don't have any reason to make a move, and the other is that even if they make a move, they can't beat the handsome man at all. The innate strength of the handsome man is not just for bragging.

The third is that even if they win like a dream, it will be useless at all, and they will not be able to win back the hearts of those women.

Wu Meiniang sighed helplessly, and chose not to go to see Dongfang Bai anymore, because he really had no choice.

Just when Dongfang Bai wanted to continue pestering Wu Meiniang, the voice of Zhuge Shensuan sounded.

"Meiniang! What are you doing here! I've been looking for you for a long time!"

When Wu Meiniang heard Zhuge's voice, she thought she was hallucinating, but when she turned around and saw Zhuge's voice, she was overjoyed.

Wu Meiniang quickly ran to Zhuge Shensuan's side, and jumped onto Zhuge Shensuan's body, she didn't look like a lady at all.

Zhuge Shensuan hugged Wu Meiniang tightly, didn't say anything, everything was in silence.

But Dongfang Bai, who was standing right in front of Zhuge Shensuan, was not happy anymore, who are you little bastard?How dare you come and snatch the woman I like, are you courting death?
But Dongfang Bai figured it out instantly, this should be the sweetheart Wu Meiniang mentioned.

Dongfang Bai came to Zhuge Shensuan's side, at this time Wu Meiniang also got off Zhuge Shensuan's body, he hugged Zhuge Shensuan's arms, two pairs of giants!The breast rubbed left and right on Zhuge Shensuan's arm, looking like a little bird clinging to others.

Dongfang Bai stretched out his hand to Zhuge Shensuan in a very gentlemanly manner, and said to Zhuge Shensuan, "Nice to meet you! I am Dongfang Bai, who ranks seventh on the list of people, and a core disciple from the Holy Land of Taoism."

Dongfang Bai was very proud when he said this, as if Lao Tzu was number one in the world.

And at this moment, she was thinking in her heart that when Zhuge Shensuan shook hands with him later, she must give Zhuge Shensuan some color.

Zhuge Shensuan didn't pay attention to Dongfang Bai's outstretched pig's trotters. If someone wants to snatch your woman, he will do it very openly.

Now he stretches out his hand to shake your hand. If you shake hands with him and talk to him, then you will become a big man!stupid!It's big!stupid!force.stupid!force!Fighter in .

Zhuge Shensuan hugged Wu Meiniang and said, "Meiniang! Let me see if you have lost weight? How are you doing in my absence?"

Wu Meiniang said in a friendly manner, "I'm fine, how about you! How are you doing outside?"

The two left after saying one sentence to another. Zhuge Shensuan did not look at Dongfang Bai from the beginning to the end. In her opinion, Dongfang Bai was already a dead person. The difference lies in how Dongfang Bai sir died.

A dead person wastes energy talking, and to describe it in one sentence is a big loss.

Only Dongfang Bai was left on the North Peak, and Dongfang Bai took a breath to calm down his inner anger.

Dongfang Bai muttered to himself: "I must want you to die! I must make your life worse than death!
You are the first person who dares to ignore me, you are dead! "

Of course, Zhuge Shensuan naturally didn't know about Dongfang Bai's self-talk, and he didn't even bother to know.

To be continued………………………

(End of this chapter)

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