Emperor Martial System

Chapter 261 The Woman Who Holds the Corpse

Chapter 261

"Yes, Master Dongfang Bai! How dare we laugh at Your Excellency.

We really admire Master Dongfang Bai, Master Dongfang Bai, you are not only handsome, but also have a very high level of cultivation.

And also of noble birth, it is our honor that you can see us! "

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Xiaohuan is right, Mr. Dongfang Bai, you are already very good at this aspect.

Most people are not as good as you, we never laugh at you, but amazed that you are so good. "

"Yeah yeah!"

In fact, Dongfang Bai wasn't that popular yet, but when someone said that he was very good at this aspect, the anger became even bigger.

He remembered that once, a woman said that she was very powerful, the most powerful of all men he had ever seen, and he was immediately overjoyed, thinking that he was the golden gun, and that he was the best among men. man.

So just like the people in his circle were showing off, the people in his circle were naturally unconvinced, so they had a competition with him.

The two found two good women, each of them chose one, and then started the competition under the watchful eyes of a group of people.

The final result is predictable.

Since that time, he has become a joke in their circle, he is often ridiculed by his companions with this matter, and he has no room to refute.

So ever since that time, he has fallen in love with crazy women.Enjoy those women complimenting him on how great he is after being fucked by him.

But today, there was a woman who praised him for being great without being raped by him, which made his self-esteem unbearable.

So he wanted to end all this as soon as possible, and didn't want these people to continue watching his jokes here.

Dongfang Bai snorted coldly: "Get out! I don't want to see you again!"

The nine women who were not raped quickly crawled out of the room as if they had been pardoned, only the one who was raped!superior!The dead woman is still there.

He saw not being!superior!When the nine of them ran out, an intriguing smile flashed across their faces.

I even silently thought in my heart that these people are gone, and the reward I get alone is not much.

But Dongfang Bai noticed her intriguing smile, and Dongfang Bai kicked the woman lying dead.

He said coldly: "Get out of here too!"

The woman with the dead body put on a cute and pitiful look, and Xiao Niao said softly, "Young Master! I have just lost strength to your family, and now I don't have the strength to go out at all."

Dongfang Bai also saw the meaning of the dead woman, so he took out a bottle of elixir from his waist and threw it on the woman.

He said coldly: "You can get out now! Get out of here immediately! Don't let me see you again."

The dead woman was wondering whether I should leave with this bottle of elixir, or give up the elixir and hug Dongfang Bai's thigh.

In just a split second, the dead woman made a decision, that is, he wanted to hug Dongfang Bai's thigh tightly, a bottle of medicine was nothing, as long as he hugged Dongfang Bai's thigh.

Becoming Dongfang Bai's woman, she doesn't want to have as many pills as she wants, and she can fly up the branches and become a phoenix in an instant.

The woman who stood up to the corpse felt that she was very beautiful, and thought that she was the most beautiful woman in Qingyun Sword Sect. The reason why those women who were slept with by Dongfang Bai before did not get close to Dongfang Bai was entirely because they were not beautiful enough.

The woman holding the corpse hugged Dongfang Bai's thigh, and said softly to Dongfang Bai: "Young Master Dongfang! I am not the kind of woman who values ​​money. I am willing to sacrifice my virginity for you only after I like you.

Moreover, your bed skills, your appearance, and your status all make me fall in love with you deeply, and I am willing to follow you for the rest of my life. "

If it was an ordinary person, if he was rubbed around by this woman, and then said such sweet words, he would definitely be taken down by this woman.

But Dongfang Bai, a man who has experienced many battles, was not at all moved by this woman's sweet words.

If he could be moved so easily, it would not be the turn of these women to serve her. Dongfang Bai's heart is very flamboyant.

Dongfang Bai directly raised his foot, circulated the internal force in his body, and kicked the dead woman's chest.

How could it be possible for a woman who is only in the consummation state of the day after tomorrow to withstand Dongfang Bai who is in the consummation state of the innate state?

Dongfang Bai yelled at the door, and soon two people came in, and these two people carried the corpse out with ease.

These two people are Dongfang Bai's servants, and they are real servants. They are Dongfang Bai's own confidantes, and they are also Dongfang Bai's lackeys.

They often deal with these things with Dongfang Bai, so it has long been no surprise, and it is not once or twice to deal with such corpses in Qingyun Sword Sect.

In fact, Dongfang Bai is not a heartless person, nor is he a person who is easy to kill. For being him!superior!For a married woman, Dongfang Bai would usually give this woman some financial resources.

If this woman is sensible, she can indeed leave with the money. If this woman is not sensible, then Dongfang Bai has no choice but to send him on the road.

There were a few female disciples of Qingyun Sword Sect before, because they didn't know their identities at all, and wanted to get close to Dongfang Bai, so Dongfang Bai solved it in the end.


In the room of Zhuge Shensuan and Wu Meiniang, the two are having sex.

Zhuge Shensuan's ability was much better than Dongfang Bai's, so the two started to do things at the same time, and Zhuge Shensuan was not over until Dongfang Bai had finished and dealt with the rest.

Wu Meiniang also knew about what Dongfang Bai had done in Qingyun Sword Sect, even Dongfang Bai killed Wu Meiniang, who was in Qingyun Sword Sect.

But because those women were all voluntary and they were compensated afterwards, Wu Meiniang didn't say anything.

As for the dead women, if they died because of resistance, even if Wu Meiniang died together, Dongfang Bai would have to stop.

Moreover, Wu Meiniang has a Dao talisman in her hand, which can indeed threaten Dongfang Bai, so that Dongfang Bai can't continue to do anything wrong.

But it's a pity that those women were all voluntary, and in the end they all died of greed, so even if Wu Meiniang wanted to help them, there was nothing she could do.

To be continued………………………

(End of this chapter)

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