Emperor Martial System

Chapter 265 Chapter 264 Give away the head

Chapter 265 Chapter 260
The reason why these people are crazy is because of the legend of Zhuge God's fortune-telling, and because Zhuge God has walked out of Qingyun City, he has naturally become a role model for everyone in Qingyun City, so it is also very popular to be sought after by people in Qingyun City normal.

Zhuge Shensuan saw how the people in Qingyun City were chasing him crazily, and it was very inconvenient for her to do anything, so he quickly activated his internal energy and escaped from the encirclement of Qingyun adults.

Zhuge Shensuan came outside Qingyun City by himself, quickly changed his clothes, put a beard on himself, put on a wig, and completely changed his appearance.

Zhuge Shensuan was about to enter the city again, and she believed that if he was dressed like this, the people in the city would never recognize him.

Just when Zhuge Shensu was complacent and was about to enter the city, suddenly a sky-shattering wave came over, as if he wanted to split Zhuge Shensu in two in an instant.

Zhuge Shensuan quickly dodged the knife, and when he fixed his eyes, Zhuge Shensuan saw a middle-aged man holding a knife and looking at him angrily.

Just now Zhuge Shensuan was only concerned with avoiding the people in Qingyun City, and didn't check the situation around him, so he didn't realize that someone was following him.

Zhuge Shensuan asked the middle-aged man holding the knife: "Who are you! I shouldn't have offended you in any way! I haven't even seen it in front of Brother Xialian. Why did you want to kill me when you made a move. "

The man with the long knife said coldly: "It is true that you did not offend me, and it is true that the two of us have never met.

But you did offend my sect, our suzerain asked me to kill you, so I have to take your head back to the mission.

I advise you to catch him without a fight, and I will keep a whole body for you, otherwise, if you can't keep the whole body, it will be bad. "

The man holding the knife did not discover the true cultivation of Zhuge Shensuan, and thought that Zhuge Shensuan was only in the state of congenital perfection.

Although Zhuge Shensuan had already beheaded a real martial arts powerhouse before congenital consummation, the man mentioned thought that Zhuge Shensuan just took advantage of it and killed a person who had just stepped into the real martial arts realm and did not even have a stable cultivation base.

It's been a full ten years since he stepped into the Realm of Martial Arts, and it's not like he didn't have solid garbage in those years, so he didn't feel guilty about Zhuge Shensuan at all.

Zhuge Shensuan looked very calm and said: "It turned out to be the offal of the Hehuan Sect. I didn't expect the offal of the Hehuan Sect to dare to appear."

According to the description of the man with the knife, plus the fact that the man with the knife has a very heavy Yin energy all over his body, it is completely formed due to the long-term harvesting of Yin and nourishing Yang, and there are only a few big sects that Zhuge God has offended, who can send out the real martial arts realm. There are even fewer big sects, so Zhuge Shensuan instantly guessed who the man with the knife was from.

That's right, this man with the knife is the eldest disciple of the suzerain of Hehuan Sect. He was ordered by his master to come out of the mountain to take Zhuge's life.

Unexpectedly, he had just come out of the mountain to Qingyun City, Zhuge Shensuan had already left Qingyun City at that time, which directly let him go in vain.

After hearing that Zhuge Shensuan appeared in Nanshan County City, the man with the knife chased him to Nanshan County City again, but after he arrived in Nanshan County City, Zhuge Shensuan disappeared again, and he was in vain again.

And there was no news of Zhuge Shensuan appearing after that, so even though he was furious, he had no place to vent his anger.

In the end he learned that Wu Meiniang was the woman of Zhuge Shensuan, and Zhuge Shensuan would definitely come back to find Wu Meiniang, so he thought of a stupid way, that is to sit on the sidelines in Qingyun City.

This wait lasted four full months, until today he found out that Zhuge Shensuan appeared on the street of Qingyun City, and Zhuge Shensuan actually went out of the city alone, so naturally he would not let go of this golden opportunity.

So he followed Zhuge God out of the city directly, and when he got outside the city, he saw Zhuge God was changing clothes and adding a beard.

When Zhuge God was not paying attention, he gave Zhuge God a calculation, "Badao Slash!" He was going to take down Zhuge God in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, Zhuge Shensuan is still an elf, and he escaped the sneak attack of the man with the knife, but the man with the knife thought that Zhuge Shensuan was lucky, so he escaped his sneak attack.

The man with the knife said coldly: "Boy! What can you do if you know, don't think that your status as the deputy town envoy of Jin Yiwei can scare me.

After I kill you, I will immediately destroy the body and wipe out all traces. No one will know that I killed the imperial court official, and no one will be able to hold me accountable. "

Zhuge Shensuan looked at the man with the knife, and said with a faint smile: "Your Hehuanzong is really kind, I feel that your Hehuanzong is my lucky star, and you actually gave me a head from thousands of miles away, so I will accept it bluntly. "

Zhuge Shensuan didn't expect his luck to be so good. He just wanted to borrow Dongfeng, but he didn't expect Dongfeng to take the initiative to come to the door. He didn't need to waste time to borrow it, let alone wait for time.

That's right, the east wind that Zhuge Shensuan wants to borrow is the east wind of the Acacia Sect, to be precise, he wants to borrow the east wind from any real martial arts expert of the Acacia Sect.

As for how to use this Dongfeng, it is difficult for Zhuge Shensuan to describe it, because it is really a little shy to do this thing, and he is still a little excited even thinking about it.

Zhuge Shensuan didn't talk nonsense with the man with the knife, but directly attacked, like a man with a knife, and displayed his own aura that belonged to the realm of real martial arts.

The man with the knife felt the breath of Zhuge Shensuan's real weapon, and instantly became dumbfounded. He never thought that Zhuge Shensuan had actually advanced to the realm of real martial arts.

You must know that Zhuge God can kill the Real Martial Realm even if he is in the Innate Realm, but now that he has stepped into the True Martial Realm, it is not a piece of cake to deal with him.

At this time, the man with the knife had the intention to retreat, but Zhuge Shensuan did not give him a chance to retreat, but quickly attacked the man with the knife.

Moreover, every attack was so powerful that the man with the knife was overwhelmed. Fortunately, Zhuge Shensuan didn't intend to kill the man with the knife, otherwise the man with the knife would have been dealt with by Zhuge Shensuan long ago.

Although Zhuge Shensuan did not intend to kill the man holding the knife, Zhuge Shensuan was not afraid of hurting the man holding the knife at all.

After thirty strokes, the man with the knife had been beaten to the brink of death by Zhuge Shensuan, the kind who even struggled to stand up.

Zhuge Shensuan directly put the knife-carrying man in the linen pocket, and carried the knife-carrying man back to Qingyun Sword Sect.

To be continued…………………

(End of this chapter)

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