Chapter 282

The six people sitting on the round table were none other than the prince of Nanshan County, and he brought his girlfriend.

When the construction of Tiandao Mansion was just completed, Nanshan County Wang Shizi left Tiandao Mansion with his girlfriend, went to play around, and did not return to Tiandao Mansion until today.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the Taoist mansion, he found that his mother had arrived!
Mrs. Wang of Nanshan County was very happy to see that her son already had a girlfriend.

He took the lead and said, "Son! Don't introduce me, your girlfriend."

The prince of Nanshan County hurriedly said: "This is my girlfriend! The eldest daughter of the governor of Youzhou, her name is Fang Wenjing."

Then he introduced Fang Wenjing to the other people present, but when he introduced Daowu Meiniang, he didn't know how to introduce him.

Because he didn't know Wu Meiniang at all, and this was the first time he saw Wu Meiniang, it immediately made the court feel a little embarrassed.

God Zhuge smiled, and then said: "This is my brother and sister, named Wu Meiniang."

After getting married with Fang Wenjing, the Prince of Nanshan County asked Zhuge Shensuan if he could tell Fang Wenjing his true identity.

Because she doesn't want to hide it from his girlfriend, if a woman has been with you for a year or two and still doesn't know your real name, it is easy to cause big problems.

At the beginning, Zhuge Shensuan had already agreed with Nanshan County Wang Shizi's idea. After all, they couldn't let the young couple have conflicts because of this matter in the future. It's better to talk about this matter earlier.

Moreover, Fang Wenjing has developed feelings for the Prince of Nanshan County since he was with the Prince of Nanshan County.

Although I was a little sad at the beginning, I will be Prince Nanshan County without you for a while, but after that time.

After the unremitting efforts of Prince Lanshan County's persuasion, coupled with countless sugar-coated shells, Prince Nanshan County finally won Fang Wenjing again.

The prince of Nanshan County also assured Fang Wenjing that he would only like Fang Wenjing in the future, and this was what made Fang Wenjing thorough.

Back then Fang Wenjing's mother died because his father had too many women and did not take good care of her mother.

He also knew that the Prince of Nanshan had only one wife, and the son of the Prince of Nanshan said that he would only love her in the future, Fang Wenjing was instantly moved.

From then on, even Fang Wenjing's father was not as important as the prince of Nanshan County, because he felt unprecedented warmth from the prince of Nanshan County.

The whole family had a lively day, and then they went back to their rooms!

At nightfall, Prince Nanshan came to Zhuge's room!
The crown prince of Nanshan County asked Zhuge Shensuan, "Brother-in-law, why did you ask me to come?"

Zhuge Shensuan said: "What is it? You still have the nerve to tell me? Do you feel that you are invincible now? No one is your opponent anymore?

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, your cultivation base has not improved an inch, and you are still wandering around just stepping into the realm of innate viscera refining.

Don't you know that the hero in the beauty village is twilight, who wants to go to the grave before he becomes a hero?

Do you feel that you are the holy body of martial arts, and you will be invincible in the world without practicing from now on? "

Zhuge Shensuan scolded the crown prince of Nanshan County for a while, because after the prince of Nanshan County had Fang Wenjing for a while, he really relaxed all his cultivation.

After such a long time, there is still no progress in cultivation.

Originally, after the prince of Nanshan County came back, Zhuge God was going to use the broken martial arts pill to let the prince of Nanshan County's mansion reach my real martial arts realm, but he didn't expect the prince of Nanshan County to use the minimum standard of using the real martial arts pill.

In this way, even if Zhuge God wanted to help him, he would be powerless.

The crown prince of Nanshan County lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Brother-in-law, I know I was wrong! I have indeed been slack during this time."

The prince of Nanshan County looks exactly like a little daughter-in-law who has done something wrong.

Zhuge's fortune teller, seeing the appearance of Nanshan Junwang, I really wanted to jump up, so I just flew with him, are you just a little lax?

This son of the Prince of Nanshan County may only have practiced seriously when he was a child. Since Zhuge God gave him the Xiantian Pill, he broke through to Xiantian Consummation, and he got Fang Wenjing.

He became very arrogant, and even dismissed cultivation. Since then, he has never practiced for a day.

Zhuge Shensuan said earnestly: "Fatty! You have to know that in this world where martial arts are respected, other than family affection, other things are not as important as martial arts training.

Isn't it bad for the people you want to protect yourself without strong force?Even if I can protect you for a while, I cannot protect you forever.

After all, sometimes I am negligent, and it is impossible to always be by your side.

Moreover, as a man, you must also have your own responsibilities, don't waste the body that God gave you to practice martial arts.

If one day you see your loved ones, or your close relatives and family members are threatened, but you have no force to save them.

It will be too late for you to regret it by then! "

The crown prince of Nanshan County said: "Brother-in-law! I understand, I will practice hard in the future, and I will never let you down, and I will never let your family down.

I will become a man who stands upright, a man who can protect himself, his relatives and friends, and the one he loves. "

Zhuge Shensuan nodded and said, "It's good that you can understand this matter.

From today onwards, you are not allowed to leave the Tiandao Mansion. Don't let me think about it until you break through the realm of true martial arts. Otherwise, if you let me know, I will break your dog legs.

And don't keep thinking about that aspect, otherwise, even if you are in Tiandao Palace, your cultivation base will not improve quickly.

A person who is temperate is the one who will be successful, and if you often do that kind of thing, if you fail in the future, be careful to be green hated. "

The prince of Nanshan County said with some embarrassment: "Understood! Brother-in-law."

That's right, the prince of Nanshan County didn't practice during this period, and all his time was spent playing with Fang Wenjing and doing things in that area.

The prince of Nanshan County knows the taste, and since that time, he has wanted it so much that basically as long as he is with Fang Wenjing, he has to do it every night.

And he did feel that as he did it more and more times, his stamina did drop greatly, and sometimes he couldn't satisfy Fang Wenjing anymore.

To be continued…………………

(End of this chapter)

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