Emperor Martial System

Chapter 293 Level 4 Main Quest Completed

Chapter 293 Completion of Level [-] Main Mission
After Zhuge Shensuan came to the treasure house of the Hehuan Sect, he directly entered the treasure house of the Hehuan Sect.

The treasure house of Hehuan Sect was not guarded, even the door of the treasure house was wide open, so Zhuge Shensuan felt bad instantly.

Could it be that someone got there first? If all the precious treasures were taken away, wouldn't he suffer a big loss?

Zhuge Shensuan has long regarded the treasure house of Hehuanbao as his own, so if something is missing in this treasure house, it is equivalent to Zhuge Shensuan. If something is lost, this naturally makes Zhuge Shensuan feel a little sad.

Sure enough, after Zhuge Shensuan entered the treasury, the treasury had already become empty.

The treasury is divided into five areas, which are the pill area, weapon area, material area, and skill area. There is also an area that is not marked, which is where there are twenty or thirty large boxes.

Moreover, there were several strings of silver coins hanging on some of the boxes, so Zhuge's fortune teller instantly thought of these boxes as the place to put money.

Zhuge Shensuan looked up to the sky and screamed: "Which god killed it? Take away all my treasures, no, if there is only one person, even if he has such a large space of his own, it is impossible for the ring to take away all the treasures here. Evacuated.

At this time, Zhuge Shensuan thought of a reason, it must be that those who escaped were not willing to give up the wealth on the mountain, so they could secretly pack up all the wealth and run away. "

Zhuge Shen guessed well, it was indeed those Hehuan Sect disciples who escaped for their lives who came to remove all these treasures.

Zhuge Shensuan muttered to himself, "I knew I should have killed all these bandits, but I let them live, but they took all my treasures and ran away.

It’s best not to let me see these goddamn people, otherwise I will kill one when I see one, kill another when I see two, and kill ten when I see ten. "

Qin Shuyu looked at Zhuge Shensuan and was a little speechless, thinking in her heart: "These treasures belong to them, don't you have any sense of shame when you say they are robbers?
However, he didn't say these words, but silently slandered Zhuge Shensuan in his heart. "

The God of Destiny will be a real person, even though he obeys Zhuge God's fortune, and he still obeys Zhuge God [-]%.

But they have their own thoughts, and their thoughts will not let them do things that are harmful to Zhuge Shensuan, but this does not include slandering Zhuge Shensuan in their hearts.

Zhuge's fortune teller didn't know that Qin Shuyu was slandering him, otherwise, he would have beaten Qin Shuyu's ass, he lost so much wealth, it's fine if you don't sympathize with me, but he is still slandering me in his heart.

How vicious your intentions are, I must teach you how to be a man.

Zhuge Shensuan complained, but after a while he regained his composure, and began to carefully observe the surroundings of the treasure house.

As long as no one is guarding it, anyone can enter the treasure house of the Hehuan Sect, so God Zhuge doesn't believe it.

Zhuge Shensuan concluded that this treasure house is only a treasure house on the surface, there must not be many good things, and it is only used to store ordinary treasures.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for them all to be taken away so easily.

The real treasure must be placed in a real secret room, and this treasure house is likely to be in this room or something.

As the saying goes, the safest place is the most dangerous place, and the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Zhuge Shensuan looked around carefully, but he still didn't find anything, Zhuge Shensuan muttered to himself: "Could it be that I was wrong!"

So Zhuge God calculated the treasure house and came to the hall. At this time, the hall was already full of treasures, and these treasures were collected from the places where those people lived.

Zhuge Shensuan then arranged for everyone to search for a hidden place in the entire Hehuan Sect!
Zhuge Shensuan doesn't believe in Hehuanzong, and there is no secret treasure house.

An hour passed, and everyone came back, but no one said that they found any secret place, and no one found it.

Zhuge Shensuan murmured to himself: "Could it be that this Hehuan Sect really only has one treasure house?"

Zhuge Shensuan didn't believe it, so he asked his men to search again!
Another hour passed, and everyone came back again, but this time with nothing.

Zhuge Shensuan gave up directly, if he didn't have it, he didn't have it, anyway, he didn't lack this treasure.

But his heart is still very heartbroken. After losing so many people, he finally got some trivial silver taels and some small silver bills.

Zhuge Shensuan directly left a natal god to lead a hundred innate powerhouses here.

After all, this is the place where the Hehuan Sect is stationed, the power of heaven and earth is still very strong, and it is a good place for cultivation.

Qingyun Mountain of Qingyun Sword Sect was Zhuge Shensuan's first military training place, and Hehuanzong naturally became Zhuge Shensuan's second military training place.

Zhuge Shensuan took the rest of the people back directly to Tiandao Mansion, because these people were brought out from Tiandao Mansion by Zhuge Shensuan.

Zhuge Shensuan did not touch the people of Qingyun Sword Sect's company this time. After all, Qingyun Sword Sect has nothing to do with Zhuge Shensuan on the bright side, so Zhuge Shensuan did not touch the people there: .

Zhuge Shensuan knew that her identity would have to be exposed sooner or later, but if it could be later, he would be able to make more preparations. It would be great if she could be exposed after his uprising up.

After Zhuge Shensuan returned to Tiandao Mansion, he went back to his room directly!
Zhuge Shensuan sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice!
That night!

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice entered Zhuge Shensuan's ears!


"Congratulations to the host for completing the fourth-level main task,
Task level evaluation, level four is superior.

The task rewards a level [-] superior natal general, a chance to draw a prize for a level [-] superior, and an item from a level [-] superior shopping mall.

Now release the five-level main task, destroy a superpower within 15 years,
Task explanation:

Destroy 80.00% of the high-level superpowers, 80.00% of the second sons, the task evaluation is five-level superior, and the reward is five-level superior.

Destroy 50.00% of the top ranks of the fifth-rate forces, 50.00% of the second ranks, the task evaluation is the fifth rank, and the reward is the fifth rank.

Mission rewards, a level [-] natal general, a chance to draw a lottery at level [-], and an item from the level [-] mall. "

There was no extra reward this time, which made Zhuge Shensuan feel a little unbalanced.

To be continued…………………………

(End of this chapter)

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