Emperor Martial System

Chapter 302 Dog bites dog 1 mouth hair

Chapter 302
On the other side, Yu Zui's father and Yu Jiang were locked in the same room, and under the watchful eye of a natal general who had been counted by Zhuge God, there was no chance of escaping.

Moreover, both of them were sealed in strength, but their actions were not blocked.

When Yu Zui's father saw Yu Jiang, he immediately thought that the thief was brought here by Yu Jiang.

After all, Yu Jiang was dozens of miles away, and now he was caught in the same place as him. It is obvious that Yu Jiang brought the thieves here.

Yu Zui's father said coldly: "Yu Jiang! You are a traitor of the family, you actually lured the thief here.

You must know that there is your own son and your own daughter here. Did you bring the thieves here because you wanted them to die with you?

And why did you leak the spirit stone veins! "

Now that the thieves have been brought here, Yu Zui's father thinks that the thieves must have come for the Lingshi mine this time, otherwise, how could this group of powerful thieves come to them.

Yu Jiang said very flatly: "You said that I leaked the spirit stone veins, you have the nerve to say so!

If it weren't for your good son, how would the Heaven and Earth Auction House know that our Yu family has a vein of spirit stones.

You have time to teach me a lesson, why not take more time to take care of your son! "

Yu Jiang didn't want to argue with his cousin at all, because he just saw his cousin using two pieces of spiritual jade to cultivate at the same time.

If you give me a piece, you are reluctant to give it to the uncle, so that you can improve your cultivation as soon as possible, so that you can protect the family.

But in fact, not only thinking about his own family, but also putting himself out as a bait, really treating himself as a big one!stupid!force!?
Yu Jiang didn't want to argue with his cousin, but how could his cousin let him go.

Yu Zui's father looked cold and domineering, and said very disdainfully: "You said it was my son who leaked it, so it was my son who leaked it.

Don't make excuses to cover up the mistakes you made, and who gave you the courage to teach your cousin.

When the people from the Heaven and Earth Auction House come, I will be the first to surrender, and the condition is that the people from the Heaven and Earth Auction House kill you, a shameful traitor. "

Yu Zui's father already knew that their opponent was the Heaven and Earth Auction House, so he no longer had any hope, and just wanted to join the Heaven and Earth Auction House as soon as possible.

Because of the power of the Heaven and Earth Auction House, they have seen the Heaven and Earth Auction House, and wanting to kill them is as easy as crushing an ant.

Naturally, there are conditions for joining the Heaven and Earth Auction House, and his condition is naturally very simple, that is to get rid of the family traitor Yu Jiang.

He believed that whether it was his son who leaked the news or not, Yu Jiang had betrayed the Yu family by bringing the people from the Heaven and Earth Auction House here. As for the traitor, he naturally wanted the other party to die.

As for why he is so confident?The Heaven and Earth Auction House chose him entirely because his father broke through the Tiangang realm and became the top powerhouse in Youzhou.

As long as he persuades his father to surrender at that time, the Heaven and Earth Auction House will choose them as long as their heads are not broken, and will help them get rid of the traitors.

This is why he is so confident!

Yu Jiang said coldly: "Cousin, don't tell me you're so good at what you do, we are all a family!"

At this time, Yu Jiang was more sad than heartbroken. He was the head of the Heaven and Earth Auction House, and he begged for so long in order to keep the trust of his cousin and uncle.

Even if he saw his cousin cheating on him, he never thought of getting rid of his cousin and uncle. He didn't expect his cousin to say such a thing.

His cousin's behavior made him feel cold.

Yu Jiang didn't speak, because he knew it was useless to say anything, and now his life was controlled by the young master of the auction house in heaven and earth.

So it is meaningless for him to argue with his cousin, he has made up his mind, no matter what the young master of the auction house in heaven and earth does in the end.

He will never get involved, he just wants to do things well for the young master of the Heaven and Earth Auction House in the future.

Yu Jiang didn't speak, but his cousin thought he was afraid, and said more brazenly: "Do you think you can escape death if you bring the enemy here?"

Yu Zui's father had always envied Yu Jiang's higher talent than him. Even with the help of his father's vast resources, he had only reached the same level of cultivation as Yu Jiang, which made him very upset.

So he has always hated Yu Jiang in his heart, and even wanted to kill Yu Jiang, but Yu Jiang is also a strong man in the realm of true martial arts.

And he is also a member of the Yu family, if Yu Jiang is killed, he will lose a real martial arts expert from the Yu family.

It's something his father doesn't want to see, so whatever he thinks?Neither did his father.

The discovery of the Lingshi vein this time gave Yu Zui's father a good opportunity, a good opportunity to surpass Yu Jiang, and a chance to carry forward the Yu family.

But he didn't want to give Yu Jiang this opportunity, so he told his father to mind that he would be transferred outside to the place where the bait was arranged.

He even had the idea of ​​killing Yu Jiang when he became stronger.

Unexpectedly, before he became stronger, Yu Jiang brought people here, which made him even more angry, so he poured out all the thoughts he had buried in his heart for so many years.

Yu Jiang still ignored Yu Zui's father at all, but sat there quietly by himself, because he knew that it was meaningless to say anything, and his life and death were all in the hands of the young master of the auction house in heaven and earth.

Yu Zui's father mocked Yu Jiang vigorously, but he didn't do anything, but just mocked Yu Jiang with words.

Because his internal strength has been sealed, now he can't even display the strength of the acquired realm. If he makes a move, it will be like two ordinary people fighting.

And if he makes a move, he will leave a bad impression on the people in the Heaven and Earth Auction House, and it is very likely that he will be finished.

So he couldn't make a move even more!
The Zhuge Shensuan faction guarded their real martial arts experts outside, and did not pay attention to what happened inside.

Zhuge Shensuan asked him to watch this room and then watch the two people inside instead of asking him to do other things.

So before Zhuge Shensuan made arrangements, he would not do anything, he would not do anything, unless someone inside was about to die, he would take action.

Because Zhuge Shensuan said that he would not let the people inside have trouble, and he would not hesitate to carry out the things Zhuge Shensuan had arranged, and he would not do anything that Zhuge Shensuan had not arranged.

(End of this chapter)

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