Chapter 305

The person who wanted to punish him to death before, now has the face to talk to him about brotherhood, such nonsense as blood melts in water.

This made Yu Jiang feel sicker than letting Yu Jiang eat a hundred catties of shit.

Yu Jiang ignored Yu Zui's father's begging for mercy in the slightest, the gang energy fell, and the world finally became quiet.

He will never hear these disgusting words again!

Yu Jiang asked Zhuge Shensuan, "My lord! How to deal with this remaining crime."

Zhuge Shensuan said indifferently: "Do you still need me to teach you these things! If you still need me to teach you these things, then you really don't need to follow me anymore."

Zhuge Shensuan called Zhang Jiang in.

Then he told Yu Jiang: "He will follow you from now on, and then I will leave you three hundred innate strong men.

I will leave the matter of the Yu family to you. I will only give you ten days. If you can't handle it well within ten days, everything will be over.

That means you are not capable enough. If you are not capable enough, it is also a crime to me, and people who commit this kind of crime are usually dead.

Ten days later, I will go into the Lingshi vein cave to investigate the situation. I hope you will not disappoint me, and I do not hope that there will be another person to take over from you. "

After speaking, Zhuge Shensuan left the room directly, leaving only Zhang Jiang, Yu Jiang and Yu Zui in the room.

After God Zhuge figured out the room, she immediately practiced in the next room. God Zhuge calculated that she couldn't leave now because she still wanted to find out how big the Lingshi vein hole was.

But now Zhuge Shensuan couldn't get in, because if he got in now, all his previous efforts would be in vain, and he had to get rid of everyone in the Yu family.

If you wait for Yu Jiang to settle all these things, Zhuge Shensuan will be able to enter it openly, and check it out with confidence.

At that time, the Yu family will still be the Yu family, it's just that something happened in the family and some turmoil occurred.

And Zhuge Shensuan's Heaven and Earth Auction House doesn't need to be exposed, and you won't find any problems with other top-level big victories in Youzhou?
After retreating with Zhuge Shensuan, he directly used the elixir to start practicing!
Zhuge Shensuan, from the time travel to the present, except when he needs to do things, he is not practicing, and he has been practicing at other times.

Because he knows that in this world where martial arts is the most important thing, if you want not to be ruled by others, and if you want your destiny not to be controlled by others, then you must have strong strength as a support.

Just like the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, he is extremely powerful and has reached the peak of the imperial realm, so there is no one in the entire Ming Dynasty who is not afraid of him, and no one is not afraid of him.

In the period he was in, the whole world surrendered, all people returned to their hearts, and tides came from all directions. There was no power in the rivers and lakes who dared to fight against him, otherwise, they would have to wait to be destroyed.

It can be said that as long as Ming Taizu lived for a day, no one would dare to say no to him.

As long as Ming Taizu was still breathing, no one would dare to say that the court was not good.

There is another allusion of Ming Taizu, that is, when he was about to die, that is, in the first year of the founding of the country, he issued a decree to the sun.

That is to order the sun to stand still!
Ming Taizu dared to stop such a magnificent thing as the sun, so one can imagine how peak Ming Taizu was.

If Zhuge God wants to do it, he must be a person like Ming Taizu, become a person at the same peak as him, and even surpass him as a person who is even more insane than him.

God Zhuge is silently cultivating!

However, large-scale changes are taking place within the Yu family.

Yu Zui's lineage, whether old or weak, women and children, were all killed, while Yu Jiang's lineage completely stood up.

Although Yu Zui was not reconciled to such a fate, there was nothing he could do about it, because the troops returned to Yu Jiang by Zhuge Shensuan were too golden and sharp.

Moreover, the two real martial arts powerhouses from Yu Zui's lineage have been killed, and they don't even have room to resist.

Ten days later, the Yu family was completely controlled by Yu Jiang, and Yu Jiang directly made a new plan for the Yu family.

The guards of the mine were directly replaced by people brought by Zhuge Shensuan!

The Yu family also recovered, calm as usual.

The Yu family's so many big actions were completely attributed by Yu Jiang to Yu Zui's lineage, and he wanted to get rid of their lineage, so he fought back vigorously.

All the members of the Yu family moved directly back to the old family, and most of the people around this mine were from Yu Zui's lineage, and basically all of them had been killed.

Only a few of Yu Jiang's sons, daughters, and grandchildren were left, and these people were sent back to the old family by Yu Jiang.

Noon after October!
Yu Jiang took Zhuge Shensuan and Zhang Jiang directly to the mine on the top of the mountain.

Zhuge God counted to the top of the mountain only to find that the mountain is very strange, because there is only one mine on the top of the mountain.

Then follow the mine, and the mine extends in all directions, as if it is a mine that has been mined for a long time.

Zhuge Shensuan has carefully inspected this mine, and this mine is at least a medium-sized mine, so Zhuge Shensuan is a little excited.

Zhuge Shensuan made a strict arrangement for the mine, and made every layer of defenses watertight. It is basically impossible for miners like mines to send news.

These miners were all criminals bought by the Yu family from the death row. The Yu family gave them a second life, so they were naturally very grateful to the Yu family.

They all worked very hard on mining, and the Yu family promised them that they would be released after three years of mining, which made these people work even harder.

Of course, the Yu family will definitely not let them go. Could it be that the time they left here is the time of their death? After all, the Yu family will definitely not let these news spread.

They didn't know how rare these spirit jades were, so they naively thought that they could really get a chance.

Zhuge Shensuan didn't say anything, just asked them to do a good job. If they did well, Zhuge Shensuan would let them go.

After Zhuge Shensuan inspected the ore veins, he took the ore that had been dug away, and Zhuge Shensuan did not explain other things.

Instead, Zhang Jiang and Yu Jiang were left in this place, and everything was left to them to handle. If Zhuge Shen could do everything by himself.

Where does God Zhuge live?There are so many things, so Zhuge Shensuan intends to train a group of subordinates. Of course, it is far from enough to rely on his natal generals.

He still needs to select some talented people to train. Take Zhou Qing as an example. At this time, Zhou Qing has already advanced to the realm of congenital perfection, and Zhuge Shensuan has given him a broken martial arts alchemy.

When he breaks through the realm of true martial arts, it will be time for Zhuge Shensuan to take on his heavy responsibility.

(End of this chapter)

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