Emperor Martial System

Chapter 310 The Protagonist's Halo

Chapter 310 The Protagonist's Halo
Cai Wenji continued, "If someone else has what you want, Yulong Auction House will arrange for the two of you to discuss it. As for whether it will be successful or not, it is your own business.

If you are afraid of revealing your identity, you can still cover your face to trade, and Yulong Auction House is responsible for the security during the transaction, so you don't worry about others buying and selling. "

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and an old man appeared on the high platform in the hall on the first floor. "Everyone is very welcome to participate in the Yulong Fair. I am Fang Tianzuo, the host of this fair. I won't say anything extra.

I just want to make one point, fair competition should not overwhelm others, otherwise it will be difficult for me to mention Yulong Auction House, and you should know the consequences. "

As soon as Fang Tianzuo's voice fell, there was a burst of discussion from the people present.

They were all talking about the Yulong Auction House in Youzhou being attacked by the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

It is completely the rhythm of good things not going out, and bad things spreading thousands of miles.

Fang Tianzuo has nothing to do with the people's discussion, after all, he can't keep everyone's mouths shut.

He could only continue: "The next thing is to auction the first item, the golden silk soft armor from the Ming Dynasty is a yellow-rank defensive weapon, which was forged by the master Geers when he was young.

This defensive weapon is already comparable to a Xuan-level defensive weapon. The starting price is 1000 gold, and each increase in price must not be less than [-] taels of gold. "

In the hall on the first floor, a burly man said in an extremely violent voice: "I will offer eleven thousand gold for Master Geers' works."

Another soft voice sounded in the hall, "I want to get the treasure armor made by Master Geers with only [-] gold. I really can't control myself. I will give [-] gold."

Not long after, the price of this treasure armor was fired up to [-] gold, but the people in the VIP rooms on the second and third floors did not bid, and finally this treasure armor was bought by a young man in the hall on the first floor. Obtained for [-] gold.

Soon the first five treasures were all taken down, but they were all ordinary treasures, no one in the VIP room made a move, and all the treasures were bought by the people in the hall.

Soon the sixth treasure was brought up Fang Tianzuo Lang said: "The sixth item is the third-level elixir daffodil flower, a kind of auxiliary material needed to refine the foundation pill, and the starting price is 3 taels of gold. Each price increase must be at least 3000 taels of gold! Bidding starts now."

Zhuge Shensuan's face was slightly happy, this thing is useful for him, the foundation building Dan Guming Siyi is to consolidate the foundation, Zhuge Shensuan's cultivation level has improved rapidly during these times, although the foundation does not have much influence.

But if you can get a Foundation Establishment Pill, it would be great to consolidate your foundation!

Although it is not the foundation building pill, it is not a small gain to be able to get this kind of elixir. Zhuge God actually has the foundation building pill formula.

If he could gather all the elixirs he needed, Zhuge Shensuan could find someone to help him refine the elixirs.

As for Zhuge Shensuan, why didn't this pill be exchanged in the system, because this pill is unique in this world and widely circulated, so the system doesn't even have this pill.

Moreover, the auxiliary elixir of the foundation pill has been collected, and now there are only three main medicines, the third-level elixir Narcissus, the third-level elixir Baijiancao, and the second-level elixir Fenghuizi.

Seeing the change in Zhuge Shensuan's expression, Cai Wenji said calmly: "You are also interested in this elixir.

You don't practice some method of harvesting yin and nourishing yang, so your foundation is not stable. Now you need this kind of medicine to replenish your foundation. "

Zhuge Shensuan said with a smile: "The guess is very accurate, I really need this elixir.

But it's not because I have practiced the method of harvesting yin and nourishing yang, but because my talent is too high and my cultivation speed is too fast, so my foundation is unstable.

My cultivation speed has broken the sky! "

This time, there was only one person in the hall who made a move, and he immediately gave up after someone made a bid in the VIP room, because most of the people in the hall were from the acquired realm, and there were a small number of pro-innate people who had no background.

These people don't have such wealth to fight for, and some people in the private room don't need it, so there are not many people fighting for it.

Zhuge Shensuan was not in a hurry to bid, but was ready to make a final decision.Soon the price was raised to 10 taels of gold, and only two bids were made at this time.

"One hundred thousand and one thousand taels of gold." An old voice on the third floor said:
"Wang Laogui, even if you get this auxiliary material, you still can't practice the Foundation Establishment Pill without other main materials. I won't fight with you this time." Another Xiong Jin's voice said:
"You don't have to worry about it, even if I buy it back, it's none of your business." The old voice said again:

"One hundred thousand and one thousand taels of gold, is there anything higher?" Fang Tianzuo said.

Cai Wenji leaned over to look at Zhuge Shensuan and said indifferently: "That Wang Laogui is an elder of the top sect Qianfen Sect. His real martial arts level is cultivated. His real name is Wang Yuan; while the other one is the top sect Qianfen Sect. The head of the master is also a true martial artist, and his real name is Wulin.

Thousands of years ago, these two sects were originally one sect, and their ancestors broke through the king realm and were about to advance to super sects.

With the strength of Qianfen Hezong, it can basically compete with Wudang faction.But for some reason, the patriarch of the Qianfenqianhe sect died unexpectedly, and his sect also split.

Don't think about making a move. If the gold is not enough, I can lend you some.

But when you get rich in the future, you have to repay me twice. Of course, if you compensate with meat, you don't have to pay back the money. "

"One hundred thousand and one thousand taels of gold, one hundred thousand and one thousand taels of gold..."

"No, I still have this gold." Zhuge Shensuan said loudly: "I bid 15 taels of gold." Zhuge Shensuan's voice echoed throughout the trading field.

Cai Wenji said with a charming face: "Brother Zhuge, you don't understand style at all, I'm so proactive, but you don't take the initiative.

Could it be that you are not good at that, even if you are not good, I will not despise you. "

Cai Wenji is not like this usually, he is very cold towards everyone, I don't know why he feels special kindness when he sees Zhuge's fortune telling.

Moreover, Zhuge Shensuan has a special charm that attracts him, making him always want to moles Zhuge Shensuan.

If Zhuge Shensuan knew Cai Wenji's thoughts, he would have laughed and said: "Could it be that this is the halo of the protagonist, it seems that people who travel through have the halo of the protagonist, and my halo is too! Crap!.

If this halo opens up the harem in the future, I don't have to be afraid at all. I just need to say it at that time, and it won't be thousands of beauties rushing towards me. "

(End of this chapter)

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