Chapter 319

That night, Cai Wenji came to the guest room where Zhuge Shensuan lived!

Cai Wenji said to Zhuge Shensuan: "Brother Zhuge, I really neglected you today, and I didn't even have time to play with you."

Zhuge Shensuan said: "What are you talking about, I am new to Luoyang, the capital of gods, and it is very good that you can arrange such a good accommodation for me.

Coupled with the aunt's affairs, it's normal that you don't have time!

How is my aunt now? Is she better?Did Jiedu Dan take it? "

Cai Wenji said: "My mother has already taken Jiedu Dan, but the effect is still not obvious. Although it is better, it is still not completely cured.

Because the poison in my mother was so strange, the Holy Lord sent Yu imperial physicians to treat my mother, and even those imperial physicians didn't know what my mother planted. "

Zhuge Shensuan comforted Cai Wenji and said, "Auntie will be fine, you don't have to worry too much."

Cai Wenji nodded, and then said to Zhuge Shensuan: "My mother already knows about your existence, and today my mother is hosting a banquet, and I am going to invite you to eat with me.

I don't know if it's possible, but if not, forget it! "

Zhuge Shen said: "My aunt is hosting a banquet, how could I not go, when will it be.

Call me when the time comes, and I'll be right over. "

Cai Wenji said: "It's now, haven't I come to call you?"

Zhuge Shensuan nodded, and said: "Let's go, don't make my aunt wait too long, or my crime will be serious."

Soon Zhuge Shensuan followed Cai Wenji to Cai Shangshu's back garden. At this time, there was a banquet in the garden under a pavilion.

And on the table sat a beautiful woman and a handsome young scholar.

Cai Wenji came to the edge of the pavilion with Zhuge Shensuan!
Cai Wenji introduced to Zhuge Shensuan: "This is my mother, and this is my younger brother Cai Sanyuan."

Zhuge Shensuan said to the two people on the table: "I have met my aunt, brother Sanyuan."

Before Cai Wenji's mother said anything, Cai Sanyuan stood up, and said to Zhuge Shensuan, "This big brother! Since everyone calls me Sanyuan brother, shouldn't you give me a meeting gift, otherwise, you, the big brother, will be the same as you!" It's so incompetent."

Zhuge Shensuan was also laughed at by Cai Sanyuan's character. A handsome scholar actually asked for gifts as soon as they met, so Zhuge Shensuan was a little caught off guard.

Cai Wenji immediately scolded: "Sanyuan! Sit down quickly, it's really not big or small, call it Brother Zhuge."

Then Cai Wenji said to Zhuge Shensuan: "Brother Zhuge, don't mind! My younger brother has always had this personality."

And Cai Wenji's mother has been sitting on the table without saying anything, but has been watching this good show.

Cai Sanyuan said: "Sister! You were not like this before. No matter who came, I asked the other party for a gift, and you would never say anything.

How did you change today? Do you have anything to do with this Big Brother Zhuge? It doesn’t matter if you want me to call him Big Brother Zhuge.

But I have to see if the gifts he brought out are qualified enough. You must know that all the gifts that I have given me in the past are all very good treasures. "

After Cai Sanyuan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand directly, without any sense of disobedience, as if she deserved something.

Cai Wenji followed God Zhuge, her eyes seemed to say sorry.

Zhuge Shensuan said with a faint smile: "Brother Sanyuan, since I called your brother, I naturally prepared a gift for you."

Then Zhuge Shensuan touched his right hand with his left hand, and suddenly a long sword appeared out of thin air, and Zhuge Shensuan handed the long sword to Cai Sanyuan.

Cai Sanyuan cried out in surprise, it is actually a space ring, you actually have such a rare treasure, it seems that you have been taken advantage of this time.

Even Cai Wenji's mother, who was sitting beside her and hadn't spoken a word, had a look of color in her eyes.

Zhuge Shensuan heard that Cai Wenji's younger brother took him for a fool, he didn't know what to say, even if you took me for a fool, you shouldn't say it.

You say it, doesn't it embarrass me? How can everyone have fun when I am embarrassed?

Cai Sanyuan put away the long sword, and then said to Zhuge Shensuan: "You are wronged, you will not just give me a long sword to fool me."

Zhuge Shensuan said: "Brother Sanyuan, how can I fool you! The long sword I gave you is called Longyin Sword, and it is a mysterious sword."

Cai Wenji said: "Brother Zhuge, don't spoil him by giving such a precious treasure to my younger brother."

Zhuge Shensuan said with a faint smile: "It's okay, this weapon is just right for your younger brother. I used this weapon before, and I don't need it now. It's just right to give it to your younger brother."

Cai Wenji's younger brother is only at the congenital blood refinement level, so when using weapons of the Xuan level, it will neither be unusable because the weapon is too high, nor will it be difficult to use because the weapon is too low.

Cai Sanyuan said: "Mysterious price treasure! It's still so-so, so I'll accept it reluctantly."

Although the people who came to chase his sister had given treasures before, they had never given such high-level treasures, at most they were yellow rank treasures.

He drew out the long sword, the whole body of the long sword was pitch black, it didn't have a gorgeous appearance at all, but it was restrained.

If it weren't for the sword exuding the aura of a mysterious treasure, Cai Sanyuan would think he was cheated.

Cai Sanyuan said: "I'm being wronged, isn't it the dragon chant sword? Shouldn't the long sword be glorious, independent, high-end and high-end, and there should be the sound of dragon chant when the long sword is pulled out?

Why does this long sword look so dark? If she didn't have the aura of that mysterious treasure, I would think he is a piece of trash. "

Zhuge Shensuan said: "What you said, this long sword also had it before, but I sealed all these functions.

Weapons are used to fight against people, not to decorate yourself. If you want to sneak attack others, how can you sneak attack thinking that your long sword exudes the sound of dragon chant.

So in order to worry about others discovering my sneak attack, I sealed all these functions of the long sword. "

The three of them were stunned when they heard Zhuge Shensuan's words. They didn't expect that Zhuge Shensuan, who ranked fourth on the rookie list, would say such a sneak attack.

He said such shameless words in such a lofty way, which made the three of them a little speechless.

Cai Wenji thought that the earth sword that Zhuge Shensu took out last time was also pitch-black. Now he finally realized that Zhuge Shensu used the black long sword to sneak attack others.

(End of this chapter)

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