Emperor Martial System

Chapter 322 Your love rival is here

Chapter 322 Your love rival is here
After the doctor retreated, the food was also withdrawn, and the four chatted happily!
After chatting for about an hour or two, they each returned to their own residences.

Cai Wenji naturally sent Zhuge Shensuan for a ride, and this journey directly sent Zhuge Shensuan back to the guest room.

Cai Wenji said to Zhuge Shensuan: "Brother Zhuge, thank you so much for what happened today!"

Zhuge Shensuan said: "You call me brother, I should help you naturally, if you thank me, it will appear to be born.

Just treat it as the rent I pay for living here with you. "

The rent is indeed very expensive, but Zhuge Shensuan believes that he is also very happy to make Cai Wenji happy.

Cai Wenji was so moved by Zhuge's divine calculation!

Cai Wenji stood on her toes and kissed Zhuge Shensuan's face with her lips, Zhuge Shensuan seemed to have been electrocuted.

Before Zhuge Shensuan had time to savor the beauty of this moment, Cai Wenji had already ran out of Zhuge Shensuan's room.

Zhuge Shensuan muttered to himself: "Could this be an unexpected gain? It still feels good."

Zhuge Shensuan didn't chase it out, because chasing it at this time would only make Cai Wenji more embarrassed,
When Cai Wenji comes next time, God Zhuge will come back with a kiss no matter what.I can't be kissed by Cai Wenji in vain, Zhuge Shensuan thought shamelessly.

It was already night time, so Zhuge Shensuan naturally had nothing else to do, so he went back to bed and began to practice.

At noon the next day, Zhuge Shensuan withdrew from his cultivation state.

One night's practice made Zhuge Shensuan's cultivation level improve a little bit. Although it's not a big improvement, as long as there is improvement, little will add up, and one day he will be able to reach the pinnacle of martial arts.

Just as Zhuge Shensuan was about to go out for dinner, the door of his room was pushed open. Zhuge Shensuan first thought it was the food delivery man, but unexpectedly it was Cai Wenji's younger brother.

In this way, God Zhuge really wants to find a place to hide, as long as you stay with this guy, he will definitely scrape one or two things on you.

Zhuge Shensuan has been hung up by him a lot, but now Zhuge Shensuan has been kissed by his sister, I have completely confirmed the eyes, and I have met the right person.

So for this little brother-in-law, Zhuge Shensuan has nothing to do, Zhuge Shensuan greets him, just treat it as a beautiful woman who has lost money.

When Cai Sanyuan came up, he didn't ask for something like Zhuge Shensuan, but said to Zhuge Shensuan: "Brother-in-law! It's not good, it's not good, your love rival is here."

Zhuge Shensuan was directly confused by Cai Sanyuan, why is my love rival coming!

Zhuge Shensuan said: "Don't worry, speak slowly."

After Cai Sanyuan explained to Zhuge Shensuan for a long time, Zhuge Shensuan finally understood!
It turned out that the news of Cai Wenji's return spread, so many young talents from Luoyang, the capital of gods, came to the door again.

Moreover, more than ten people came here at once, and each of them is from a famous family, at least a descendant of a fourth-rank official.

As one of the four beauties in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, Cai Wenji is naturally sought after by others, and there are countless people who want to kiss her.

It was for this reason that Cai Wenji left Luoyang, the capital of the gods, and went to Wuzhou alone, in order to avoid the harassment of these flies.

But what he didn't expect was that there were flies everywhere, even if he went to Wuzhou, there were still a lot of flies.

In the end, when he joined Jinyiwei, the situation was reduced, and he was stable for a while.

Unexpectedly, just after she returned to Luoyang, Chengdu, this group of flies came again, which really annoyed him.

Cai Sanyuan said: "Brother-in-law! You must teach the other party a profound lesson this time, and let them know that your uncle is not your second uncle.

Teach them all the lessons once and for all, so that they will never dare to come to our house again. "

Zhuge Shensuan nodded, and said coldly: "What you said is very reasonable. Today I will teach all these guys a lesson. I beat him so hard that even his own mother can't recognize him."

Speaking of Zhuge Shensuan and Cai Sanyuan, they walked out of the room and walked towards the martial arts field together.

The two soon arrived at the martial arts arena of Cai's family. At this time, there were indeed more than a dozen young men in gorgeous clothes gathered on the martial arts arena.

And there is a person standing in the middle, who is organizing this kind of person!

Zhuge Shensuan pointed to the conductor and said, "Who is that person! Why does he only want to listen to people of this race?"

Cai Sanyuan said: "That's a slut, he was my second mother's son, logically speaking, I should call him big brother.

But he's such a slut that the last thing I want to meet is this slut.

He usually likes to make a bunch of good friends, and every time he makes these good friends, he always introduces my sister to these good friends.

I guess these people must have been recruited by him, and he must have revealed the news of my sister's return.

There is no error at all. If he hadn't revealed it, I would not have lifted it for three years. "

Zhuge Shensuan thought to himself, unexpectedly he!mom!There is such a bitch!people! , I will focus on taking care of him later, and I must let him know why the flowers are so red.

Zhuge Shensuan and Cai Sanyuan walked directly to the side of the crowd. Since there were more than a dozen people, they suddenly added Zhuge Shensuan and Cai Sanyuan, but no one noticed anything.

Instead, he was really listening to what Cai Sanyuan said about that bitch!People, Cai Xiaoxian pays attention to the strategy of chasing Cai Wenji.

Everyone listened seriously, and they were very devoted.

Cai Xiaoxian was also too involved in the talk, so he didn't notice the addition of Zhuge Shensuan and Cai Sanyuan at all.

Cai Xiaoxian said in a cheerful manner: "My elder sister, that is, the daughter born to my aunt, is the second-ranked woman among the four beauties in the capital of God.

If you want to pursue her, you must have a strategy, otherwise, there is no hope at all.

And as his half-brother, I naturally know many things about him. There are countless people who have pursued her over the years, but none of them can kiss Fangze. Why is that?

This is because you don't have enough skills, so you need to get skills from me, so that you can have a chance to kiss the beauty of Miss Cai Wenji, one of the four beauties in Luoyang, the capital of the gods.

Of course, if you want to obtain these methods, you must pay some price. After all, there is no free lunch in the world.

Although we are all friends, Cai Wenji is my half-sister, so it is very normal to charge you a little fee, and I don't think you will have any opinions. "

(End of this chapter)

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