Emperor Martial System

Chapter 332 Victory in the First Battle

Chapter 332 Victory in the First Battle
The No.1 Zhuge Shensuan battle is Jin Shicong, so there is no pressure at all. Among these three people, Zhuge Shensuan really has no one else to make her feel pressure except Liu Chuan.

No matter how you say it, Liu Chuan is still a strong man in the Tiangang realm, so it is normal for Zhuge Shensuan to feel pressure when facing him.

Zhuge Shensuan stepped onto the ring, and at this time Jin Shicong also stepped onto the ring!

After Jin Shicong saw Zhuge's magic fortune-telling, he decided in his heart that the White Tiger faction was out of their minds, and they would choose a person with no hair to participate in the competition.

Jin Shicong muttered to himself: "I thought it was the guy from the White Tiger faction, but I didn't expect to send out a boy with no hair at all.

It seems that I still have a chance. Even if I can't get the commander, the deputy commander still has a glimmer of hope. "

Among the four contestants, Jin Shicong was the weakest. He even planned to give up the competition. If it weren't for the Xuanwu God Envoy watching him, he might not have come to the competition.

Is this all here to be humiliated? If he is asked to fight with a person of the martial arts realm and a strong man of the earth evil realm and the Tiangang realm, isn't that looking for abuse?

He put all his hopes on the last competition, if he can get the emperor's appreciation, then there is still a glimmer of hope, otherwise, he can only say it is game over. (game over@)

He thought that if he could defeat one person, at least he wouldn't lose so ugly, so the more he thought about it, the more excited he became, the more excited he became.

On the high platform, the Xuanwu God Envoy took the lead and said to the White Tiger God Envoy: "Miss Bai, are you just giving up? How dare you find someone who doesn't even have full hair to participate in this competition? Isn't this giving us food? ?
I thought there was no hope for my people this time, but I didn't expect you to give me such a big surprise all of a sudden. "

The people on the field are all powerful kings, so it is easy to see that Zhuge Shensuan is full of blood, and his age will never exceed 40 years old.

Since he is not very old, no matter how high his cultivation is, he may not have broken through the realm of true martial arts.

The White Tiger God Envoy smiled slightly, and said flatly: "Xuanwu, don't be too happy, I send whoever I send, of course there is a reason for who I send. Your people are just waiting to lose!"

The Qinglong Divine Envoy said calmly: "This person looks familiar, I remembered, it turned out to be Zhuge Shensuan who ranked fourth on the rookie list!

Beauty White Tiger, don't you have a strong man in the Earth Sha realm under your command, and she also happens to meet the requirements for the competition, so instead of sending him to participate, you send a young man to participate. "

Participating in the election of a command envoy naturally requires qualifications. First, you need to be a Jinyiwei person, and then you must be a town envoy or a state-level inspector.

Of course, those commanders and deputy commanders naturally couldn't come to join in the fun. After all, they already had such a position. If they came to participate again, they couldn't let him be the commander of two places.

The white tiger envoy said calmly: "I still say the same thing, it is my freedom to send whoever I send, and I haven't broken any rules anyway.

You just have to wait and see, the position of the commander of this god capital Luoyang is about to be determined by me. "

Hearing that the White Tiger God Envoy was so confident, everyone present looked at Zhuge Shensuan one after another, as if they wanted to see through Zhuge Shensuan.

But after looking at it for a long time, everyone didn't find any abnormalities in Zhuge's magic calculation, nor did they find anything special about Zhuge's magic calculation.

At this moment, the Vermillion Bird Divine Envoy said: "Miss Baihu, what kind of cultivation is this person you sent on the stage, even I can't see through it.

What kind of treasure was used on him to hide his aura, and it was so powerful. "

After hearing the words of the Vermillion Bird Divine Envoy, everyone looked at Zhuge Shensuan one after another, and no one saw through Zhuge Shensuan's cultivation level.

Xuanwu Divine Envoy also said: "Beauty Baihu, what is the cultivation level of this person you sent on the stage? Why is he still covering up, can't he be more open and aboveboard?"

Baihu smiled lightly, and then said slowly: "My people like to hide, so naturally I can't expose his hole cards. It's up to you to guess?"

After hearing the words of the White Tiger Divine Envoy, the people present didn't ask any more questions, because they knew that no matter how much they asked, they couldn't find anything.

It's better to observe Zhuge Shensuan's game carefully. Zhuge Shensuan's age is at that level, and it is absolutely impossible to reach the level of Tiangang realm. Later, he will fight against people in Tiangang realm. Where is the strength?
Even Tie Feiying, who came to watch the battle, became a little interested when he saw Zhuge's magic fortune.

Zhuge Shensuan didn't make the first move, but waited for the opponent to make the first move, and then made a move to strike later.

Zhuge Shensuan was going to keep his hand, not to reveal his true strength for the time being, and the Suzaku God who would fight later caught Liu Chuan under his command by surprise.

At this time, Jin Shicong, who was competing against Zhuge Shensuan, pulled out the long knife at his waist and slashed directly at Zhuge Shensuan.

He didn't have any tactics at all. If tactics were needed to deal with such a young boy, then his 100 years of life would be in vain.

Zhuge Shensuan made a beautiful dodge, and then directly dodged Jin Shicong's attack. Zhuge Shensuan stacked his left foot, and his backhand was a left-handed kick.

With a kick on Jin Shicong's waist, Jin Shicong was directly kicked to the ground, Zhuge Shensuan's long sword was unsheathed, and the long sword fell on Jin Shicong's neck.

With just one move, Jin Shicong was defeated by Zhuge Shensuan. This lightning speed shocked everyone under the ring.

Zhuge Shensuan also looked bewildered, she originally planned to hide her hand, but she didn't expect his opponent to be so unbearable that he didn't even take a move from him.

You must know that Zhuge Shensuan only used half of his strength!
In fact, it's not that Jin Shicong's strength is too low, but because Jin Shicong is too careless, and he didn't even use his full strength. In addition, Zhuge Shensuan's strength is very strong, even if he only used half of his strength.

The strength used by Zhuge Shensuan is also equivalent to the full strength of the Disha realm, so Jin Shicong was directly counted by Zhuge Shensu.

Soon the competition on the other side of the ring was over, and the result was naturally very obvious. Lan Weiran was defeated by Liu Chuan after only a dozen moves.

One is a master of the Tiangang realm, and the other is a master of the Earth Sha realm. Lan Weiran's failure is very normal.

It's just that the five people on the high platform still can't understand Zhuge's magic fortune, they don't know the true strength of Zhuge's magic, because Zhuge's magic obviously didn't use all their strength, but they still killed a strong man in the real martial arts realm with one move.

(End of this chapter)

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