Chapter 343

Soon Tang Long and his father left Cai's house, because staying here would only lose face, and it was meaningless at all.

Seeing Tang Long leave, Zhuge Shensuan really wanted to fly, just to give these two two feet, him!mom!Yes, I don't even look at my virtues, but I dare to rob women from myself.

But Zhuge Shensuan didn't say anything, but just sat down, anyway, now his future old father-in-law has betrothed his daughter to him.

Is it possible for him not to give gifts, anyway, just now his second wife and her second son had such a quarrel, even if he does not give gifts, it is reasonable.

Seeing Zhuge Shensuan sitting down without taking out anything, the old father-in-law of Zhuge Shensuan was naturally unwilling.

He was originally a money fanatic, that's why he planned a banquet at night like this, in order to blackmail Zhuge God into calculating something, because Zhuge God's calculation is full of good things.

If she doesn't extort a little bit, it will make her feel uncomfortable. At this time, God Zhuge doesn't say anything, what does that mean.

Zhuge's future is divinely predicted, and the father-in-law said with a shy old face: "Nephew Zhuge, didn't you just say that you were going to propose marriage to my daughter? Why are you not talking now."

Zhuge said to the future old father-in-law respectfully, "Master father-in-law, didn't you agree just now? Could there be other things?

I also hope that the father-in-law will tell you bluntly that the son-in-law did not understand the meaning of the father-in-law. "

Zhuge Shensuan came directly to pretend to be confused!Damn, he didn't believe that after he said that, his father-in-law still had the nerve to ask him for a bride price.

But God Zhuge underestimated his father-in-law. His father-in-law's face is said to be thicker than the city wall, so is it a waste of reputation?
Zhuge Shensuan's future old father-in-law said: "My son-in-law, since I have married my most beloved daughter to you, it means that you have stolen a treasure from my Cai family.

what do you say?We also need to leave something for us to remember, otherwise, after our daughter is gone, we don't know what to use to remember her. "

Zhuge Shensuan's future old father-in-law means that you have married my daughter away, shouldn't you give a little gift?You can send some as you like, anyway, I don't choose.

Although she was very tactful, anyone should be able to hear what he meant.

Zhuge Shensuan said: "Father-in-law, don't worry, my son-in-law will not take away everything from your daughter's house, my house has already been fully furnished.

All the things used by Wen Ji are left in Cai's house, which is enough for everyone to remember. "

After hearing Zhuge Shensuan's words, Zhuge Shensuan's future father-in-law's second wife was dissatisfied. She didn't get so many gold and silver treasures just now, and now she wants to marry her own family to a poor man. Can she be happy like this?
But she didn't dare to speak, because she had been slapped once by her husband He Chi just now, and she even glanced at him, telling him not to talk too much.

If she speaks now, she will ignore her husband, and the consequences of doing so will naturally be very serious.

God Zhuge predicted that his father-in-law would not give up in the future and said: "My son-in-law, there is a custom in Luoyang, our capital of gods, that we need to give a bride price to marry someone else's daughter.

Since you are going to marry my daughter, it is natural that this vulgarity is unavoidable. You should have seen the situation just now. Do you think you have to give some dowry as well? "

Before Zhuge Shensuan could speak, Cai Wenji stood up and said to her father, "Daddy, brother Zhuge's dowry has been given away, and part of the dowry has already been used, and the other part is in the hands of my younger brother."

Cai Wenji stood up and spoke, which immediately made Zhuge Shensuan's future father-in-law very embarrassed. Your stinky daughter is not married yet, and her arm is turned out.

The Wannian Snow Mountain Ginseng given by Zhuge Shensuan is indeed a priceless treasure, even all the betrothal gifts given by the Tang family just now are less than one percent.

However, Zhuge Shensuan's future old father-in-law obviously wanted to forget about the tea and let Zhuge Shensuan give him some more good things. Now he asked his daughter to bring it up. How could he be ashamed and continue to ask Zhuge Shensuan for something.

Zhuge Shensuan's future father-in-law gave an embarrassed smile, sat down, and then laughed loudly: "It's true that women are not allowed to stay in university, women are not allowed to stay in university."

Zhuge Shensuan was even more embarrassed at this time, because he was still standing at this time, and it was even more embarrassing for Cai Wenji to talk to him. He was going to shirk it just now, and then give him less.

But after seeing Cai Wenji's actions, Zhuge Shensuan felt that he should take out all the things he had prepared.

Because he got Cai Wenji, a woman who loved her wholeheartedly, he didn't feel at all at a loss for asking him to pay a little.

Zhuge Shensuan said with a slight smile: "Wen Ji, what was given to my mother-in-law before, it was given to my mother-in-law, how can it be considered a bride price.

And if you marry me, the father-in-law and mother-in-law must be very empty in their hearts, so this gift must be given. "

Zhuge Shensuan's old father-in-law smiled slightly, but he didn't expect his daughter to be useful. He said so many things, but his daughter's casual words were not worth it.

It seems that if he wants to get something from Zhuge Shensuan again in the future, he will have to rely on his own daughter.

If Zhuge Shensuan knew that his future old father-in-law had such thoughts in his heart, he would definitely shout that I don't want such a father-in-law, how could God give me such a father-in-law.

Can't you give me a father-in-law like Nanshan County King who is not greedy for money?

Zhuge Shensuan directly took out the gift she had prepared from her storage ring and placed it on the ground.

Zhuge Shensuan came to the prepared presents, and opened the presents one by one.

Then began to introduce, Zhuge Shensuan said slowly: "Father-in-law, the betrothal gifts I gave are:
One billion taels of silver!
One million taels of gold!
Three boxes of pearls and emeralds each!
One hundred yellow rank weapons!

Ten mysterious weapons!

The day after tomorrow, one thousand auxiliary pills for cultivation!

One hundred innate cultivation auxiliary pills!

Ten True Martial Arts Auxiliary Pills! "

After introducing all the dowry gifts, Zhuge Shensuan returned to his original seat!
Zhuge Shensuan's future father-in-law directly called someone to carry the treasure to the warehouse.

Although the property that Zhuge Shensuan gave was already very good and comparable to that given by the Tang family, it still did not satisfy Zhuge Shensuan's future father-in-law.

Because he knew that Zhuge Shensuan had a lot of treasures on him, otherwise he wouldn't just give away the Ten Thousand Year Snow Mountain Ginseng, but he still wanted to get some rare treasures like the Ten Thousand Year Snow Mountain Ginseng from Zhuge God Suan.

To be continued………………………

(End of this chapter)

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