Emperor Martial System

Chapter 348 Zhuge's Divine Fortune Guess

Chapter 348 Zhuge's Divine Fortune Guess

Zhuge Shensuan stayed at Cai's house for fourteen days, and he finally received the notification that the headquarters of the Jinyiwei Commander in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, had been successfully established.

He should take up his post today, Zhuge's fortune teller, after breakfast, he will go directly to the headquarters of Jinyiwei Commander in Luoyang, the capital of the gods.

The Jinyiwei Commander Headquarters in Luoyang, the capital of God, is not the same place as the Jinyiwei Headquarters in Luoyang, the capital of God. headquarters.

After Zhuge Shensuan obtained the position of the command room in Luoyang, the divine capital, he has not completely controlled the Jinyiwei in Luoyang, the divine capital, so Zhuge Shensuan's fourth-level branch task ([-]) has not been completed.

Zhuge Shensu guessed that if he wanted to complete the level-up side mission ([-]), it should be to completely control the god capital Luoyang Jinyiwei.


The three deputy commanders of Jinyiwei did not go to the headquarters of the Jinyiwei Commander in Luoyang, but gathered in a small restaurant, as if to give Zhuge Shensuan a blow and let Zhuge Shensuan know that they did not listen to Zhuge Shensuan.

Jin Shicong said to Liu Chuan and Lan Weiran: "You two, today is the big day for Jin Yiwei to open the mansion. If we don't go, what will that God Zhuge do to trouble us?"

Liu Chuan said coldly: "What should I do, wouldn't the cold salad be enough? You must be clear, we are not subordinates of Zhuge Shensuan, but the subordinates of the three envoys.

Zhuge Shensuan is just under the White Tiger God Envoy, what can he do to us. "

Lan Weiran also said: "That's right, Zhuge God is afraid of what he will do, if he didn't perform a little better in front of the Holy One that day, the commander of Jinyiwei might not be him.

And there are three adults behind us, what can he do to us, if he endures, then we will cause him a little more trouble.

If he can't bear it, then we will fight him. Could it be that he alone can fight the three of us.

If we don't go today, give him a warning first! "

Jin Shicong said: "Since both of you have said that, then I will listen to you.

A little Zhuge fortune teller is so arrogant and conceited, he should be taught a lesson. "

At the same time, at the headquarters of the commanding envoy in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, all the Jinyi guards assigned to Zhuge Shensuan had already arrived. They gathered in twos and threes on the square, and those who knew each other were chatting there.

A congenitally perfect beauty said to another congenitally consummated strong man: "Liu Hai, most of the gods in Luoyang are high-ranking officials and dignitaries. If we serve as Jinyiwei in the god capital Luoyang, will we offend these dignitaries and end up miserable? gone."

The innate consummation being asked, the strong man said: "Fang Yuting, it depends on what our adults say, we follow the adults' wishes, there shouldn't be any major problems.

After all, when the sky is falling, there will be tall people supporting it. We short people just need to go with the flow. After all, the capital city is a place of right and wrong, as long as we don’t become leaders?Everything is fine.

Isn't there a saying that is very good, that is, shoot the first bird, there are more than 1000 people in Jinyiwei, the god capital Luoyang, as long as we don't do anything, we can still do well in the god capital Luoyang.

Moreover, the offerings in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, are comparable, and the offerings in other places are much higher. "

Another young martial artist of the innate pulse refining realm said: "Your Excellency is indeed reasonable, if you don't become a leader, there will be no major problems.

But if we follow the trend like this, it will be very difficult for us to be promoted in the official position of Jinyiwei, and we may be in this position all our lives. "

Liu Hai continued: "Brother, which is more important than improving your own life? Don't you know which is less important.

That's all I can say, what are you going to do?Just do what you want. "

The 1000 people present basically had the same idea. They all wanted to follow the trend and just get a basic salary, and they didn't have any intention of doing things well.

Especially those transferred by the imperial guards, they are the most aware of how difficult it is for the imperial city to manage law and order.

Their imperial guards are always beaten and kicked by those dignitaries, which is still light, and even some guards are known to be killed by dignitaries.

So their wretchedness is even more serious, and they even have only one idea, that is, they will never care if they encounter high-ranking officials and dignitaries doing evil.

Because they have seen too many real-life examples. There was once a Imperial Guard who couldn't understand a high-ranking official bullying the common people, robbing the good women from the common people's homes, and finally managed it.

The imperial guard directly beat the high-ranking official who robbed the woman from a good family. Who knew that the high-ranking official was the only son of the Minister of the Ministry of War among the six ministers.

The final result was that the Imperial Guard in the innate realm who shot was directly given a sky lantern by his boss for a random reason.

It can be said that the Ming Dynasty is the most difficult to manage in the whole world, because no one dares to control you high-ranking officials, so these high-ranking officials and dignitaries ran amok.

At twelve o'clock in the noon, Zhuge Shensuan finally arrived at the martial arts arena at the commander headquarters of Jinyiwei.

Zhuge Shensuan, who was dressed in the official uniform of the Commander in Jinyiwei, came and quieted the noisy martial arts arena.

There were no figures of the three deputy commanders on the martial arts arena, so Zhuge Shensuan guessed what was going on.

But it was just right that they didn't come, Zhuge Shensuan wanted to gather the hearts of his subordinates together today, and Zhuge Shensuan didn't have the confidence to gather the hearts of his subordinates together with the appearance of the three of them.

If the three of them don't come, God Zhuge is [-]% sure to gather people's hearts together.

The law and order in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, is messy. Zhuge Shensuan has been in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, for more than a month. Of course, he knows these problems.

The dignitaries and dignitaries acted recklessly, disturbing the law and order of Shendu, making Shendu a relatively chaotic place.

Zhuge guessed that the real reason for the establishment of the god capital Luoyang Jinyiwei today is to return the god capital Luoyang to a peaceful and peaceful imperial capital.

That's why he chose Zhuge God to calculate this, a young man who is not afraid of his might, as the commander of Jinyiwei, the capital of Luoyang.

As for why three deputy commanders were sent to Zhuge Shensuan, it was to test whether Zhuge Shensuan was qualified to take on this important task.

If Zhuge Shensuan can't even fight against the three deputy commanders, Zhuge Shensuan is not qualified to continue to serve as the commander of the god capital Luoyang.

To be continued…………………

(End of this chapter)

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