Emperor Martial System

Chapter 368 The Plan of the Three Deputy Commanders

Chapter 368 The Plan of the Three Deputy Commanders
After a while, Zhuge Shensuan recovered his calm. He believed that there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge.

And isn't there still three years left, he can definitely grow up to become a prince's reliance!

But now is not the time for him to think about these things, but he should work harder to cultivate.

Because he is in a very dangerous situation now, if he does not get through this danger, Zhuge Shensuan believes that even if he seeks refuge with the princes now.

Those princes may not accept him, even if they accept him, they will definitely not help Zhuge Shensuan to resist the coming threat.

It is even possible to directly capture Zhuge Shensuan and send it to Zhongshu Ling or Men Xialing.

And the reason is very simple, because Zhuge Shensuan's current strength has not yet reached the point where they should desperately protect it.

Moreover, the Ming Dynasty is a combination of interests after all. Although it will not be decided by other forces who will become the emperor in the end, it will definitely take care of the ideas of other forces in the entire interest combination.

Zhuge Shensuan didn't think too much, but directly took out a elixir from the storage space, and started to practice after taking it.

Zhuge God counts on cultivating without distracting thoughts, but the glory of Jinyiwei he bought with his life is being taken away by others.

In the headquarters of the Jinyiwei commander in the god capital Luoyang, all the Jinyiwei gathered on the martial arts arena.

Where Zhuge Shensuan usually stands, there are three people standing today. These three people are none other than the deputy commander of Jinyiwei, the capital of God.

In fact, they are not very optimistic about Jin Yiwei. At the beginning, they wanted to get the position of Jin Yiwei's commander, but they just wanted to raise their official position to a higher level.

He didn't expect to be able to truly command Jinyiwei to shake the world. After all, there are too many high-ranking officials and dignitaries in the capital. If they are not careful, they may be over.

But what I didn't expect was that Zhuge Shensuan actually helped them bring down Jiangshan, and after Zhuge Shensuan brought down Jiangshan, he disappeared directly. Wouldn't this fulfill them?

Standing on the main stage, Liu Chuan said calmly to the Jinyiwei below: "Everyone, the commander of Jinyiwei, Zhuge, has been away from duty for a long time.

This is discrediting our Jinyiwei, do you think we can bear it, we can't bear it!Even if Zhuge God is the commander of our Jinyiwei, we can't bear it.

Today I will take the lead in writing the Wanming Letter, requesting the emperor to withdraw Zhuge Shensuan as the commander of the Jinyiwei, and then find another talented person to take the position of the commander of the Jinyiwei.

Everyone say yes! "

It has been nearly five days since Zhuge Shensuan has not appeared, so Liu Chuan thought of a way to write a book of thousands of names.

Once Zhuge Shensuan was pulled from this position, the position of Jin Yiwei Commander would be vacant.

Who will be the commander of Jin Yiwei at that time, of course he, a senior and powerful person, will do it.

At this time, Liu Chuan had already thought of himself as the commander of Jin Yiwei, and he was imagining how he would berate Fang Qiu and point the country.

However, he didn't know the real reason for Zhuge Shensuan's disappearance, and thought that Zhuge Shensuan was simply assassinated by someone who ordered from the sect or ordered by Zhongshu.

If he knew that Zhuge God was the fuse of the struggle between the royal family and the military under the combination of interests of the Ming Dynasty, he would definitely not dare to do so.

But he was just a deputy commander of Jin Yiwei, and he was just promoted, so he didn't know the way of it, so he dared to act so boldly.

However, he said that he would write a book of thousands of names, but none of the Jin Yiwei off the field agreed with him.

It made him on top like a clown, chirping in a normal way.

Seeing that none of the people in Jinyiwei agreed with him, Liu Chuan thought that these people in Jinyiwei should still be waiting for God Zhuge to come back.

After Liu Chuan snorted coldly, he dismissed Jin Yiwei directly.

Liu Chuan and the three Jinyiwei deputy commanders left the headquarters of the Jinyiwei Commander in Luoyang, the divine capital.

In Liu Chuan's home, Jin Shicong, Lan Weiran and Liu Chuan sat together at a round table, drinking tea and discussing.

Jin Shicong took the lead and said: "Brother Liu, it seems bad for us to seize power like this! You have seen the situation today, the gang of Jinyiwei are all counting on Zhuge God.

We want to pull them together to demand the withdrawal of Zhuge Shensuan, which may be a very difficult thing. "

Lan Weiran also nodded and said: "Yes! Zhuge Shensuan has built the dignity of Jin Yiwei, making Jin Yiwei completely raise his head and chest in Luoyang, the capital of God.

If we want to unite with the Jinyiwei people, it may be very difficult to remove the spiritual commander of the Jinyiwei with tens of thousands of letters. "

Liu Chuan said lightly: "This matter must be difficult, but I believe that this matter will definitely succeed in the end.

We failed this time for three reasons.

One is that the time for Zhuge Shensuan to disappear is too short, the second is that Zhuge Shensuan gave some small favors to the Jinyiwei below, and the third is that we do not have much prestige among Jinyiwei, so this plan will fail.

As long as we solve these three problems, it is not a simple matter to unite these Jinyiwei.

We only need to wait for a month. During this period of time, if we give some small favors to the Jinyiwei below, they will inevitably forget that Zhuge God has treated them well, and instead remember our kindness to them.

When the time comes, we will unite them again, won't it be a piece of cake? "

Jin Shicong said: "Can Zhuge Shensuan disappear for such a long time? If Zhuge Shensuan suddenly comes back within a month, what shall we do?"

Liu Chuan said lightly: "God Zhuge counts back, you guys are thinking too much!
Among you, Shu Ling and Men Xia Ling are dry food, they are now searching for Zhuge Shensuan with all their strength, as long as Zhuge Shensuan appears, they will undoubtedly die.

At that time, we don't even need to write a book of thousands of names, Zhuge Shensuan has already vacated the position of Jin Yiwei's commander because of his death.

So no matter whether Zhuge Shensuan appeared or not, the position of commander of Jin Yiwei must be one of the three of us. "

Liu Chuan continued: "You two, no matter who among the three of us is the commander of Jinyiwei, the other two will be able to share some real power, but if Zhuge Shensu exists, it is based on Zhuge Shensu's strength and temper.

We don't want to be assigned the real power of the Jinyiwei for the rest of our lives. Are you willing to be the deputy commander of the Jinyiwei who has no money and no real power for a lifetime. "

To be continued………………………

(End of this chapter)

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