Emperor Martial System

Chapter 376 The decision to summon the prince

Chapter 376 The decision to recall the prince

Lu Benwei said to Zhuge Shensuan: "Master Zhuge, you have dealt with the other three deputy Jinyiwei commanders, there is no problem.

Would you like me to contact Jin Yiwei below and make you a certificate first, so it will be safer. "

Zhuge Shensuan smiled lightly, and said very mysteriously: "It's just to get rid of the three jumping clowns. You don't need any certificates at all. You don't have to worry about this matter. You can go back and take the pill to break through, and then take good care of Jinyiwei with me." , If there is anything that cannot be resolved, just let me know."

Lu Benwei said respectfully: "It's the adults, the little ones know."

After Lu Benwei finished speaking, he backed out respectfully!
The news that Zhuge Shensuan had returned to Jinyiwei headquarters spread throughout the entire god capital Luoyang to the dignitaries and dignitaries in just half a day.

After all, some time ago, Zhongshu Linghemen ordered Zhuge to make fortunes frantically, and they all knew about it. Now most of the dignitaries are preparing to watch the fun.

In the imperial palace, Zhu Yuanzhang lived on the dragon chair in the imperial study room and listened to the envoy of Qinglong to report the situation to him.

Zhu Yuanzhang said indifferently: "You mean that Zhuge's magic fortune-telling has dealt with the three deputy commanders of Jin Yiwei as soon as he came back, and even abolished their cultivation base."

The Azure Dragon Divine Envoy said respectfully: "My Majesty, the situation is indeed such a situation. I don't know what we should do."

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "There is no need to do anything. Those three people under your command are looking for death, that is, looking for death. We don't need to worry about them at all.

We just need to wait for Zhongshu Ling and Men Shiling to strike, and the higher the cultivation level of Zhuge Shensuan, the better for us.

Zhuge Shensuan is so powerful, do you think who can get rid of Zhuge Shensuan except for Zhongshu Linghemen's orders?

As long as these two people make a move, I can take the opportunity to take back the rights of these two people, and our plan will come true. "

The Azure Dragon God Envoy said: "Your Majesty, whether we will feed tigers or not, Zhuge Shensuan's strength and age are all placed there."

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "He has no chance. After he becomes a strong king, someone will get rid of him. I absolutely do not allow the Ming Dynasty to have uncontrollable people."

The fighting power of Zhuge Shensuan's family is too strong, and it has already threatened Zhu Yuanzhang, so Zhu Yuanzhang is going to get rid of Zhuge Shensuan when he breaks through the king's realm.

Before he made a breakthrough, Zhu Yuanzhang was going to maximize his interests.

Zhu Yuanzhang continued: "Princes everywhere have been notified!"

The Azure Dragon Divine Envoy said: "Report to the emperor, all the troops have been dispatched, and I don't believe that within half a month, princes from all over the country will enter the capital.

But Your Majesty, I really don't understand what you mean right now?Why let the princes from all over the world come to Beijing. "

Zhu Yuanzhang said lightly: "The Tian family has been the most ruthless since ancient times, but they are all my sons after all, and I don't want them to kill each other.

So I want them to fight in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, and finally I will determine the last heir to resolve their killing intent. "

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang just didn't want his sons to kill each other, so he needed to choose the strongest heir, who would not be afraid of the threats of all other princes.

Only in this way can his other sons not have to die. Although he has established a prince now, the prince is too weak and incompetent, and he cannot keep his position as the prince.

In the future, after he reaches the top of the country, he will definitely kill his brother, only in this way can he keep his position.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang needs to cultivate a strongest heir. Only such a strongest heir can accommodate other emperor brothers.

When Zhu Yuanzhang inherited the throne, it was because Zhu Yuanzhang crushed the other princes in every way, so Zhu Yuanzhang successfully ascended to the throne.

And Zhu Yuanzhang did not behead his emperor brothers and brothers to consolidate his throne, and his emperor brothers and brothers were all reused by him.

Because he is confident that he can hold down other imperial brothers and brothers, he does not need to kill others to consolidate his position. I am not afraid of their rebellion.

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to cultivate such a prince who was as capable as himself. Only in this way could he keep his son. This was the last thing he could do as a father.

And Zhu Yuanzhang is not in a hurry to train the prince, because he is now in the heyday of the Spring and Autumn Period, that is to say, he still has at least 150 years of life span, so he can slowly select and train the prince.

The Azure Dragon Envoy thoroughly understood Zhu Yuanzhang's thoughts.

The Azure Dragon God Envoy said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "Then, if the emperor from all over the world enters the capital, will you prevent them from fighting among themselves?"

Now there is usually only one crown prince and three princes, so the battle in the capital is not very obvious.

But if more than 20 princes gather in the capital at one time, then the battle in the capital will become serious.

Zhu Yuanzhang said lightly: "No need! They are making troubles, and if I suppress them, there will be no major problems. To cultivate the strongest prince, it is natural to let them fight. The more fierce the fight, the better.

If I let them fight after I'm dead, then they'll kill each other, and that's the last thing I want to see.

What I do now is to deliberately let them fight each other, only in this way can I choose the strongest heir. "

The Azure Dragon Divine Envoy said respectfully: "Does the third prince need to be called back? It has been so long with the Nanshan County King, and he has not completely solved the Nanshan County King.

It shows that the king of Nanshan County is a hard nut to crack, and he will definitely not be able to take it down in a short time. "

The king of Nanshan County handed over all the troops to Ma Chao. With Ma Chao there to withstand the pressure of the third house, the third prince naturally did not have such an easy time, so he took down the private army of the king of Nanshan County.

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "We underestimated Nanshan County Prince's Mansion, Nanshan County Prince's Mansion, since we dared to refuse the marriage of Zhongshan County Prince's Mansion, we naturally have some skills of our own.

Otherwise, Nanshan County Prince's Mansion would not dare to seek death like this. According to the information obtained so far, Nanshan County King is the most powerful of all the county kings except Zhongshan County King.

So the plan for Nanshan Junwang was suspended, and the third prince was also called back. Among all the princes, the third prince is also one of the best. I want to cultivate his overall view and his heart first.

Moreover, your Jinyiwei's intelligence should also be strengthened. The situation in the Zhongshan County Prince's Mansion is your dereliction of duty. "

To be continued………………………

(End of this chapter)

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