Emperor Martial System

Chapter 384 Personal Token

Chapter 384 Personal Token
The old backer's camp, Zhuge's magic, naturally no longer polite!

Zhuge Shensuan directly asked the backer king: "His Royal Highness, I want to ask how much power you can use now. After all, if I join your power, I must know these questions.

Otherwise, I have no way to help you fight for the position of heir to the crown prince with all your strength! "

After hearing the words of Zhuge's divine fortune, the backer king was a little embarrassed, because his influence was too small, and even the small ones were embarrassed to say it.

Zhuge Shensuan continued: "His Royal Highness the King of the Mountain, since I agreed to join His Highness the King of the Mountain, I will naturally not regret it!
I want to know how much power His Royal Highness Backer King has, just to make a comparison with other princes, so as to know the gap between us and others.

Also, in order to weigh what we should do next, how can we develop and grow His Royal Highness the King of the Mountain as soon as possible. "

Backer King said: "Among the 27 princes in the imperial city, they are divided into three grades!

The first level, of course, is those who are standing behind and supported by a strong man in the king's realm. There are four such princes, namely the current prince, the second prince, the third prince, and the sixth prince. Stepped into the realm of true martial arts.

The second level is naturally a few princes in the Tiangang realm standing behind them, and they have little influence in the court.There are a total of eight such princes, and there are also two princes who have stepped into the realm of true martial arts, namely the fifth prince and the eighth prince.

The third rank is the weakest prince. Some of these people have a real martial arts powerhouse standing beside them, and some have several real martial arts powerhouses standing beside them. All the princes who came down belonged to this category, and none of them were in the Tiangang realm. "

Zhuge Shensuan said calmly: "Then, His Royal Highness King of the Backing Mountain belongs to this third category."

His Highness the Mountain King said: "To be honest, Master Zhuge, I do belong to the last category, but I am considered to be in the upper middle class in the last category.

There are still many princes who are weaker than me. As long as Master Zhuge agrees to help me, I can instantly grow into a second-type prince. At that time, my chances of being the heir to the crown prince will also increase many times. "

Zhuge Shensuan nodded and said: "Indeed, but His Royal Highness, since I joined your camp.

You must take a long-term view. Our first step is to become comparable to the four princes who were originally in Luoyang, the capital of God.

The second step is to do everything possible to make the Holy Majesty like you, and the last step is naturally to fight for the succession of the Crown Prince. "

Although the backer king has a big heart, he doesn't have a shrewd mind and strong leadership skills. He is a typical example of talent and ambition.

The backer king asked Zhuge Shenshu: "Master Zhuge, what should we do now?"

Zhuge Shensuan looked at the backer king in front of him, and secretly thought in his heart, can this backer king really be used well, is this in line with my own style of doing things, but I have to give him a taste of the sweetness first, before he can let him go Follow my rhythm step by step?
Zhuge was lucky, and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, you have just returned to Luoyang, the capital of God, so it is definitely unstable to take root in Luoyang, the capital of God, and it has not been long since I entered Luoyang, the capital of God, so it doesn't matter much.

So the first step we have to do is naturally to recruit allies for His Royal Highness the King of the Mountain, or find ministers in the court to support His Highness the King of the Mountain. "

The backer king said very calmly: "Of course I have thought about this, but during this period of time I have visited many officials of the third, fourth and fifth ranks in the imperial court, except Zhuge Shensuan who promised to stand by my side.

The people I went to visit were all pushy, four-five-six, all said to be loyal to the Holy One. To put it bluntly, it was because they disliked that my current strength was too weak, and they felt insecure standing behind me. "

Zhuge Shensuan said with a calm smile: "I will leave the matter of finding backers to win allies. Don't worry, Your Highness. I will definitely bring strong allies for Your Highness, so that His Highness's power will instantly exceed the second level, and it will be close to the second level." !First notch."

The backer king directly handed over his personal token to Zhuge Shensuan, and said to Zhuge Shensuan, "Master Zhuge, this is the personal token of this king, which means that you are the one who is behind this king. Completely replace this king."

Backer King originally had no confidence in competing for the throne, but now that Zhuge Shensuan has joined his camp, his own confidence has greatly increased.

So he directly gave his token to Zhuge Shensuan, saying that from now on Zhuge Shensuan would be under him alone and above all his subordinates.

Zhuge Shensuan chatted with the backer king for two full hours before sending the backer king out of his mansion. Whether it was the backer king or Zhuge Shensuan, they were all in a good mood.

Because the two of them each got what they needed, the backer king naturally got a capable, calculating and intelligent person like Zhuge Shensuan to join the camp, and Zhuge Shensuan was about to complete the system's side missions.

The most important thing is Zhuge's magic calculation, and he can also use the backing king to accomplish many things that he can't accomplish by himself.

After the backer king left, Zhuge Shensuan returned to his practice room again and began to practice.

Zhuge Shensuan believes that no matter at any time, you can't relax your own cultivation progress, you must speed up your own cultivation speed, so that your strength can be improved rapidly.

And it wasn't long before Zhuge Shensuan practiced, the sound of system mechanization sounded in Zhuge Shensuan's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the fourth-level side mission ([-]) and successfully joining the power of a prince, and becoming the power that the prince relies on most.

Now start to distribute system rewards, reward the complete nine-character scriptures, and wish the host to cultivate to a perfect state. "

After the sound of the system's mechanization ended, Zhuge Shensuan only felt his whole body lighten, and there were many more memories in his mind that did not belong to her.

These memories are not other things, but everything about the Nine-Character Scripture. After these things entered Zhuge Shensuan's mind, they seemed to be deeply reflected in Zhuge Shensuan's mind.

As if these things belonged to the Zhuge Shenyan Society, Zhuge Shensuan found that he had completely broken the Nine-Character Mantra, and also had an inseparable relationship with the Nine-Character Mantra.

Zhuge Shensuan really wanted to find a place to try the power of his nine-character mantra, but it was obviously not suitable in his mansion.

To be continued…………………

(End of this chapter)

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