Emperor Martial System

Chapter 391 Rewards

Chapter 391 Rewards
Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the officials above the court, and said with a smile in his heart: "My dear friends, do you know why I am so happy today."

At this time, the future old father-in-law of Zhuge Shen, who is also the Minister of Rites of the imperial court, directly stood up and said to the emperor respectfully: "The emperor's Longyan is very happy, there must be some great joy! If the old minister's guess is right, the emperor should It’s because of the news that the Lord of the Yinshen Palace has been arrested!”

Zhuge Shensuan's future old father-in-law is not only very greedy for money, but also very tactful, especially when he flatters the current sage Zhu Yuanzhang, he can be said to be a good hand.

Everyone present knew why the emperor was happy, but before they had time to say it, Zhuge's future father-in-law directly said it first.

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed loudly and said: "Cai Aiqing still understands me, all you loves, you should learn more from Cai Aiqing's spirit of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism!
That's right!I know that the reason why I am happy is because the owner of the Yinshen Palace has fallen into the French net of my Ming Dynasty.

Over the years, the Yinshen Palace has assassinated countless officials in my court. Now that the owner of the Yinshen Palace has finally been arrested, we will surely get the news and wipe out the entire Yinshen Palace, so as to eliminate these moths in my Ming Dynasty. "

Zhuge's future old father-in-law, at this time, will not forget to shoot again, today's majesty's flattery.

Zhuge's future old father-in-law said: "All this is thanks to the emperor's blessing, so we can catch the rebels and rebels..."

The future old father-in-law of Zhuge's fortune-telling directly blows up the current sage Zhu Yuanzhang as if there is no sky and no earth, and he almost blows Zhu Yuanzhang into the sky.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang was not disgusted, on the contrary, he seemed to think that Zhuge God was right in what his old father-in-law said.

Zhuge Shensuan saw his father-in-law kneeling and licking, he didn't even have the face to look at it, this is too embarrassing for him!
If he was allowed to kneel and lick like this, he really couldn't do it. If there were enough interests for Zhuge Shensuan to kneel and lick, then Zhuge Shensuan would kneel and lick without hesitation.

But kneeling and licking like this has no benefit at all, it just leaves an image of kneeling and licking in the mind of the current Holy Majesty, what is the use of this.

But Zhuge Shensuan didn't understand how his future old father-in-law survived. Among the six books, only the Book of Rites was weak and weak, and there was no big power behind it.

In the entire Cai family, there is only one master of the Tiangang realm, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites. Even the Cai family has only three masters of the real martial arts realm. It can be said that they are weak and outrageous.

If he hadn't knelt and licked all these years, he might have lost his position as Minister of Rites long ago, because many people were thinking about her position as Minister of Rites.

The most important thing is that the Minister of Rites does not belong to the royal faction, nor does he belong to the military faction!He belongs to the neutral faction, and he was able to achieve his current position completely step by step.

There are still many people above the imperial court who neither belong to the royal family faction nor the military faction, and these people are all relying on the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites
Of course, the military faction and the royal family faction have naturally wooed him, but because his attitude is too important, he can decide a lot of things at once.

So he agreed to one of the parties, and the other party must regard him as a thorn in the flesh. In order not to offend both parties, neither party agreed.

Zhu Yuanzhang said to everyone in the court: "This time, the leader of the Yinshen Palace was able to catch the palace master. Of course, the commander of Jin Yiwei, Zhuge Shensuan, took the first place in the credit, and the four envoys took the second place.

This time all meritorious persons will be rewarded, and each of the four great envoys will be rewarded with a king realm elixir. "

Don't underestimate this king realm elixir, basically every elixir of this level is priceless, even the medicinal materials used to refine this elixir are also priceless.

The most important thing is that after breaking through the king realm powerhouse, it is difficult to increase one's own cultivation base by absorbing the power of heaven and earth. One year of practice does not necessarily mean taking a king realm elixir and cultivating for one month to improve one's cultivation base. fast.

Wangjing Realm pills are also fifth-tier pills. In the entire Ming Dynasty, only the royal family enshrined a fifth-tier alchemist. It is not known whether there are fifth-tier alchemists in other places and whether there are no fifth-tier alchemists.

And the fifth-order elixirs refined by the royal family of the Ming Dynasty were not even digested internally enough, so naturally they were rarely circulated.

The four great envoys thanked Lord Ron one after another, and then stepped aside.

Zhu Yuanzhang, Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, continued: "As for the biggest hero this time, Zhuge Shensuan, I reward Zhuge Shensuan with the title of Earl of Loyalty and Bravery!"

There are many kinds of titles in the Ming Dynasty, namely Wangjue, Marquis, and Earl. The royal family of the Ming Dynasty, that is, their own people, rewarded them all as Wangjue, while Marquis and Earl were used to reward meritorious ministers. To get the title of an earl is actually pretty good.

Moreover, the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty once made a decree that it is not the Ming family, but the kings of the world will fight together!

Even the county kings in various places cannot call themselves kings, they can only call themselves county kings, which is equivalent to the title of Marquis!

Zhuge Shensuan also respectfully bowed his head to Zhu Yuanzhang to thank Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhuge Shensuan didn't really care much about getting the earl. To get this earl is at most one more identity. There is no other benefit at all. It is better to reward him with a king realm elixir benefits.

But Zhuge Shensuan couldn't say it, he could only hide these words in his heart.

Why did he look down on this earl's status? Naturally, it was because Zhuge Shensuan had already identified himself as the co-lord of the world, so how could he be surprised by such a small earl's title.

Moreover, the earl's title is not beneficial at all. He neither has his own fief, nor can he establish a private army.

All the titles in the whole world, except for the twelve county kings, no one has the right to establish a private army. Of course, the royal family's title king is not after this routine. They can establish a private army, and they can establish a private army of about 1 people. military.

Because this is a way to strengthen the power of the royal family of the Ming Dynasty, and prevent other forces from recruiting private troops privately, but the royal family can recruit people. Ruled the Ming Dynasty.

At that time, the Ming Dynasty will no longer be a combination of interests of the four forces, but completely belong to the Zhu family.

After Zhuge Shensuan walked to the front of the stage to thank the Lord Long En, he returned to his seat, as if nothing happened just now.

To be continued………………………

(End of this chapter)

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