Emperor Martial System

Chapter 401 Leapfrog

Chapter 401 Leapfrog
Fan Banyue asked in a low voice: "Mr. Ge, I've never heard of leapfrog, and I don't even know how to do it.

Teacher, should you tell me what to do first?I'll do it then. "

Seeing Fan Banyue's careful look, Zhuge Shensuan felt a little funny. He didn't expect that Fan Banyue, the son of Qingqiu Sword Sect Master, would be so cowardly, and after beating him, he would become so much.

This man is indeed a criminal!It's cheap, it's typical that you can't fight without hitting, and you will be obedient immediately after hitting.

Zhuge Shensuan said with a calm smile: "Leapfrog is to squat on the ground and then slowly jump forward.

Now I understand, if you understand, dance to me quickly, don't stop until I tell you to stop.

Otherwise, you will be served directly by torture. I believe you don't want to suffer anymore, the pain this morning. "

Hearing that Zhuge Shensuan said that he would be served with a severe punishment, Fan Banyue was immediately cowardly, quickly squatted on the ground and began to jump up, without Zhuge Shensuan's supervision, the jump was very fast.

Zhuge Shensuan smiled lightly, and then said loudly to Fan Banyue: "If you want to jump, you have to dance well, keep the same pace of jumping, and keep breathing smoothly."

After hearing the words of Zhuge Shensuan, Fan Banyue did not hesitate at all, and directly followed Zhuge Shensuan's words.

Zhuge Shensuan saw that Fan Banyue was doing what he asked, so he didn't say anything.

Instead, he sat on a stone bench in the courtyard and began to admire Fan Banyue's leapfrog.

At the beginning of the first stick of incense, Fan Banyue's jumping is not too difficult. After all, the aura of heaven and earth is strong on this continent, and the bodies of ordinary people are stronger than those of ordinary people on the blue planet, let alone those in the acquired state. warrior.

But an hour passed, and Fan Banyue began to lose some of his physical strength. After all, warriors of the acquired realm were only warriors of the acquired realm, and warriors who had not produced internal strength were not much stronger than ordinary people.

Although Fan Banyue was exhausted and still couldn't do some things, but Zhuge Shensuan didn't tell him to stop, he just didn't dare to stop.

Because compared to being tired now, he was more afraid of Zhuge Shensuan punching and kicking him. The fist marks Zhuge Shensuan left him this morning are still on his body, and there is still some faint pain.

Zhuge Shensuan didn't mean to stop, but continued to sit on his stool and enjoy the scene on the field.

Another 10 minutes passed without knowing it. At this time, Fan Banyue took a lot of effort and took a long time to jump every step. Zhuge Shensuan also saw it. This should be Fan Banyue's jump. limit.

Zhuge Shensuan still didn't stop doing business, but continued to sit on the stone bench and admire the situation on the field.

After another 5 minutes, Fan Banyue stopped, and begged for mercy to Zhuge Shensuan: "Mr. Ge, I really can't jump anymore, I really can't jump anymore, can I stop dancing?"

Zhuge Shensuan said coldly: "Dance for me right away, if you stop for me, I'll clean up for you right away."

After talking about Zhuge Shensuan, he meant to do it. Fan Banyue saw that Zhuge Shensuan wanted to do it, and he didn't dare to stay where he was. It really hurt him to beat them this morning, and he continued to lie on the ground jump.

Another 10 minutes passed, and he jumped about 160 times!

Fan Banyue stopped again, and weakly said to Zhuge Shensuan: "Mr. Ge, I really can't take it anymore, even if you kill me, I can't dance anymore, I really can't dance anymore. "

Fan Banyue was cursing Zhuge Shensuan in his heart, and he was still asking about the eighteen generations of Zhuge Shensuan's ancestors.

Without further ado, Zhuge Shensuan came directly in front of Fan Banyue, punching and kicking Fan Banyue, although the strike was lighter than this morning, but because Fan Banyue had been leapfrogging for a long time, he was already physically and mentally exhausted at this time, so The lighter hit on his body was more painful than the heavy punch in the morning.

Fan Banyue, who was beaten into unbearable pain by Zhuge Shensuan, immediately begged Zhuge Shensuan for mercy: "Mr. Ge, I think I should still be able to dance, no, I think I must be able to dance, teacher, don't beat me again."

At this moment, he was not in the mood to curse Zhuge God, because he had reached his limit at this time, the previous jump and Zhuge God's beating, directly sent him to the limit of his body.

He continued to jump again, but this time he jumped really slowly, even slower than an ant crawling.

It takes about half a minute to jump one step, and one step doesn't jump very far, very similar to the situation of spinning in place.

But Zhuge Shensuan didn't say anything, but quietly watched this scene from the side!
Of course, Zhuge Shensuan trained Fan Banyue like this, not because he was twisted in his heart, but because he was really training Fan Banyue.

After all, as Fan Banyue's teacher, he had to show some grades after a while, otherwise he would not be easy to deal with.

In fact, Fan Banyue's talent is not bad, after all, he is the son of a real martial artist.

It's just that he is very afraid of suffering, and no one is persecuting him, so he hasn't cultivated much, and his cultivation base is not very high.

As long as Zhuge Shensuan solves this problem, it will be much easier to teach Fan Banyue again. At least one or two months later, it will not be a problem to deal with Fan Banyue's father.

There is actually a reason for Fan Banyue to leapfrog endlessly like this. Isn't Fan Banyue afraid of suffering? What kind of suffering is the greatest is breaking through one's own limits, and breaking through one's own limits is the most painful thing.

What Zhuge Shensuan has to do is to let Fan Banyue break through the limit of his body, so that Fan Banyue will not be too afraid of suffering in the future, and then the teaching of Zhuge Shensuan is half completed.

About 10 minutes later, Fan Banyue was exhausted and fell to the ground. He was close to the limit of his body, but he passed out without breaking through the limit of his body.

Zhuge Shensuan didn't say anything, he directly carried Fan Banyue back to the bedroom, and then threw him in the hot water pool for him to take a good soak.

Although Fan Banyue didn't break through the limit of his body today, he has made great progress. I believe that Fan Banyue will basically not be afraid of the hardship of cultivation if he trains like this for a few more days.

Because after people have endured greater pain, they will have some immunity to some small pains.

It took Fan Banyue four hours to recover. After recovering, Zhuge Shensuan did not directly rest Fan Banyue, but let him sit cross-legged to practice.

Because cultivation is the best now, after suffering so much pain just now, it is already a small problem to bear a little bit of boring and painful cultivation.

To be continued…………:……………

(End of this chapter)

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