Emperor Martial System

Chapter 405 The Beginning of the Layout

Chapter 405 The Beginning of the Layout
The Great Elder of Wanmomen could not say: "Everyone, since everyone is here, let's start this experience.

As usual, there are six points in the outer area, and the elders of our six families are distributed on these six points. No matter which family's disciple asks for help, we must provide quick support.

In the end, the scores of each disciple are calculated according to the left ear of the beast obtained by the disciple. "

Zhuge Shensuan was the first to express his opinion and said: "I express my opinion on behalf of Qingqiu Jianzong, Qingqiu Jianzong has no objection."

After Zhuge Shensuan expressed his position, other sects also expressed their position one after another, and they had no opinion.

Soon Zhuge Shensuan and the others were arranged at their respective points, and the disciples of various sects also entered the periphery of Huangshan.


Fan Banyue entered the outskirts of Huangshan.I began to search slowly, except for those ferocious beasts that live in groups, every other ferocious beast has a strong sense of territory.Violate the territory of the beast, and the beast will never die with you.

It didn't take long.

Fan Banyue found a ferocious beast in the middle of the first order, which was comparable to the martial arts acquired by human beings.

The rhinoceros is taking a lunch break under a big tree.

Fan Banyue was very nervous, and Fan Banyue slowly approached the rhinoceros.Fan Banyue arrived behind a big tree, and a throwing knife appeared in his hand.


The throwing knife quickly flew towards the rhinoceros and hit the rhinoceros on the head.

The rhino was seriously injured.Stand up immediately.When she saw Fan Banyue, she rushed to Fan Banyue quickly, and the rhinoceros tail swept towards Fan Banyue.

Fortunately, Fan Banyue reacted quickly and jumped up and escaped from the big tree in an instant. The tree as big as the mouth of the basin was hit with a three-foot long mark by the rhino.

Fan Banyue thought to himself, if this blow hits him, he will be seriously injured if he doesn't die!
A throwing knife appeared on either side of Fan Banyue's left and right hands, and he slapped the rhinoceros at the same time.

The rhino beast dodged one, but was hit on the rhino's head again by the second throwing knife.In addition, he was seriously injured before, and with a few growls, the rhino slowly fell down.

Fan Banyue took off the horn of the rhino and the left ear of the beast, cut off two legs of the rhino, and left quickly.

The most valuable part of the rhinoceros horn and rhinoceros leg; it can be used as medicine or as an auxiliary tool; and the left ear of the rhinoceros is what is needed for this scoring.

After a while, the rhino's body was eaten by the beasts attracted by the smell of blood.

Three hours passed quickly, and Fan Banyue also successfully killed three beasts in the realm of meat training.

Fan Banyue's every move did not escape the eyes of Zhuge Shensuan, after Fan Banyue beheaded the fourth fierce beast that had perfected the state of meat training.

Zhuge Shensuan used his powerful divine sense to drive a Ji Zeng who was innately perfect to slowly approach Fan Banyue.

In a short time, Fan Banyue met the fierce beast of the innate perfection realm driven by Zhuge's divine calculation and divine sense.

Fan Banyue saw the ferocious beast of the congenital perfection realm. Although he didn't know the level of the ferocious beast, he could tell from the coercion of the beast that it was a ferocious beast of the congenital realm.

Fan Banyue fired the flare gun in his hand without hesitation, then found a direction and started to run away, his face was ashen ashes now.

The moment Fan Banyue ran away, the ferocious beast of the perfect realm rushed towards him instantly, and the ferocious beast of the congenital perfect realm was a grinding claw, and it slapped him directly.

Just when he thought he was going to die, Zhuge Shensuan suddenly appeared beside him, and blocked the ominous beast of the congenital perfect state for him.

Zhuge Shensuan said very flatly: "Stand aside and don't move. This is a beast with a congenital perfection state. I will talk about other things after I solve it."

It didn't take long for Zhuge Shensuan to fight the murderer, and the people in charge of the other six points also appeared in front of Zhuge Shensuan.

They didn't care when someone fired the flare gun, because it was the nearest person to support, and they had to protect the disciples in other places.

It's just that the movement of Zhuge Shensuan and the murderer of the congenital perfection realm attracted them here.

Mo couldn't say to the four people around him: "Where did the four innately consummate beasts come from? Haven't the suzerains of the six sects cleaned up this area? There will be absolutely no innate realm murderer.

And should we help this man named Ge Qing!"

Wen Changsheng said: "There is no need for the time being, the man named Ge Qing is fighting fierce beasts, and the murderer does not seem to be his opponent.

We don't need to make a move at all, and we just want to see how capable this Ge Qing is. If this Ge Qing really can't hold on, we will make a move again.

As for this ferocious beast, I feel that he should have come in from other places, and it was only after the real martial arts powerhouses of our six sects expelled the congenital ferocious beasts from this place, this congenital ferocious beast came in, otherwise Words can't explain why a fierce beast with an innate perfect state appears here. "

The other three present also nodded in agreement.

Although the six major forces present did not have much conflict and usually helped each other, but in this case they also wanted to find out where the bottom line of this amiable was and how strong she was.

Qingqiu Sword Sect, how much will it be strengthened with Ge Qing?

As for the innate consummate beast, they didn't think too much about it. They all agreed that the innate consummate murderer should have come from somewhere else.

Zhuge Shensuan saw that the situation was almost the same, and his speed of attack also increased a bit, and then the murderer was suppressed by him.

After fighting for about half a stick of incense, Zhuge Shensuan sacrificed a long sword, and then used a move of Sancai swordsmanship.

Zhuge Shensuan pretended to use this sword technique, as if he had tried his best. After one strike, the beast that was innately perfect was completely smashed to the ground by Zhuge Shensuan.

The place where the fierce beast and Zhuge Shensuan fought on the ground was already a huge pothole, but now that pothole is also collapsing, and finally a separate space entrance was exposed, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

The six major forces present, the six innately perfect people felt that there was a space below, and now they saw the entrance, they were even more sure, this is definitely a separate space, and this kind of place often represents opportunities!

In the ancient times, there were many spaces that existed alone, some of which were formed naturally, and some were opened up by those strong people.

Therefore, this kind of separate space is basically used as a secret place for some sects or a place where treasures are hidden. Once discovered, there will be a lot of gains.

Recommend a new book called the Summoning System of Famous Generals of China.

(End of this chapter)

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