Chapter 416
Although Zhuge Shensuan had dealt with most of the low-level disciples of the Kunlun School, the disciples of the Kunlun School did not suffer much damage.

Therefore, the system did not judge that Zhuge Shensuan had completed the five-level main task, and it did not issue rewards to Zhuge Shensuan.

After completely eliminating the Kunlun faction, Zhuge Shensuan came to the meeting hall of the Kunlun faction.

At this time, the representative of the demon sect, the mountain ghost mother-in-law, was interrogating the twelve real martial arts experts. In just a few hours, the mountain ghost mother-in-law had killed three true martial arts experts.

The cruel methods of the Demon Sect are naturally unimaginable, although the Shangui mother-in-law used very bad methods against the 12 strong men in the real martial arts realm.

But the two imperial realm powerhouses from the Taoist Holy Land and the Buddhist Holy Land didn't say anything, because they knew that it would be useless to say anything. What they needed was the Nine Heavens Profound Fruit Tree, not the lives of the twelve true martial realm powerhouses.

I have to say that the method of the mountain ghost mother-in-law is still very useful. After some interrogation, the mountain ghost mother-in-law did get some useful things.

These useful things are that the Kunlun faction did block Huangshan for seven days, and the elite of the Kunlun faction did not participate in the closure of the mountain, but was secretly transferred to a place.

The most important thing is that a strong man in the real martial arts realm who was abandoned by the Kunlun faction knew about that place. As for how did the strong man in the real martial arts realm know.

That's when the Kunlun faction closed the mountain. At that time, the elder of the real martial arts realm was in charge of all the places where the mountain was closed, but there was one area that the Kunlun faction did not block.

Even the disciples of the Kunlun Sect were not allowed to appear in that area. Later, the strong man in the realm of true martial arts went to that area to watch it, and indeed found a secret space inherited from ancient times.

Soon the five imperial realm experts were brought by the true martial arts expert to the ancient inheritance secret realm space exchanged by Zhuge Shensuan in the system.

And those useless real martial arts powerhouses and five imperial realm powerhouses didn't care about them, but directly threw them to Zhuge Shensuan for disposal.

Zhuge Shensuan didn't directly deal with those strong people in the real martial arts realm, but locked them up secretly. There is a big difference between the dead strong people in the real martial arts realm and the living strong people in the real martial arts realm.

If it is a strong person in the innate realm, Zhuge's magic calculation may not be too unusual, but it is different for a strong person in the real martial state. It will be useful to keep these strong people in the real martial state sooner or later.

Zhuge Shensuan did not join in the fun with those powerful people in the imperial realm, but led the army of Huangshan County to leave Huangshan and return to Huangshan County.

The real martial arts expert who knew the secret realm of the ancient inheritance quickly brought the five imperial realm experts to the secret realm of the ancient inheritance.

After the five imperial powerhouses entered the secret realm of the ancient inheritance, their first feeling was that the ancient inheritance was too small after all.

This is the smallest ancient inheritance secret realm they have ever seen.

Although this can be regarded as an independent space, the space here is at least a thousand times different from the ancient inheritance secret realm they have.

Whether it is the royal family, the holy land of Taoism, the holy land of Buddhism, or the magic gate, they all have their own secret space of ancient inheritance.

But they were soon relieved, because they discovered that this ancient inheritance secret realm space seemed to have been created just to plant a Nine Heavens Profound Fruit Tree.

There is a huge pit in the center of the entire space, and in that huge pit is the aura left by the Nine Heavens Profound Fruit Tree.

This kind of breath is very consistent with the breath of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree recorded in the ancient secret book, although the breath in this huge pit is very weak.

However, they are all powerful in the imperial realm, and their perception of breath is very keen, so they can smell it easily.

The powerful man in the imperial realm from the Buddhist Holy Land was the first to say: "The matter about the Nine Heavens Xuanguo Tree is indeed true, it seems that this trip was not in vain.

I guess this Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree should be the private property of a certain adult in ancient times, and he specially opened up this space for this Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree.

That's why this Nine Heavens Profound Fruit Tree survived the great calamity of the ancient times. "

Wu Wei from the Daoist Holy Land also said: "This time I completely agree with what Kongwen Laotu said. If you want to open up space, you must be at least a strong man in the imperial realm.

Presumably everyone should know that there were not few strong men in the imperial realm in the ancient times, but after the ancient catastrophe, the strong men in the imperial realm disappeared one after another.

The population of the entire continent has also dropped by nine tenths, and it has also caused many inheritances to be broken.

Such a small space can be opened up by a strong emperor. "

Others also agreed with Master Kongwen's statement.

In fact, the aura of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree in the huge pit was also exchanged from the system by Zhuge Shensuan, in order to completely eliminate the Kunlun faction.

If it is to buy a Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree, Zhuge Shensuan doesn't even have that much financial resources.

Even if you buy a Nine Heavens Profound Fruit, Zhuge Shensuan will go bankrupt. The most important thing is that after relying on the Nine Heavens Profound Fruit to break through, the path of martial arts in this life will be broken, and it is impossible to go any further.

Arriving at the King Realm, the Imperial Realm is naturally not the pursuit of Zhuge Shensuan, so Zhuge Shensuan naturally did not do this kind of thing.

It doesn't take many imperial coins to exchange the aura of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree, so Zhuge Shensuan didn't feel any heartache, and used the aura of the Huan Le Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree to arrange the overall situation of today.

The mountain ghost mother-in-law of the Demon Sect said coldly: "Fellow Taoists, it has now been confirmed that the Nine Heavens Profound Fruit Tree does exist.

However, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree has been taken away by the elites of the Kunlun Sect. Now our most important thing is to find the elites of the Kunlun Sect, and then take back the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fruit Tree. "

Kong Wen from the Holy Land of Buddhism said indifferently: "The elites of the Kunlun faction have been fleeing for at least a few days. Trying to find them all over the rivers and lakes is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

The Taoist Holy Land powerhouse and the royal family powerhouse looked at each other, and they all thought of a place where the Kunlun Sect's ancestral land was.

The founder of the Kunlun School was once a disciple of the Taoist Holy Land, but he violated the rules of the Taoist Holy Land, and was finally expelled from the Taoist Holy Land.

After the Kunlun Sect developed and expanded, the Daoist Holy Land wanted to take the Kunlun Sect back into its own sect to strengthen itself, but the Kunlun Sect refused.

Although the Kunlun faction did not agree, the imperial realm powerhouse of the ancestral Taoist holy land of the Kunlun faction knew where it was.

Let me tell you one thing, many readers hope that I will make an update, but I have not been able to satisfy everyone recently.

Because the Chinese New Year is coming soon, I have to save some and update it during the Chinese New Year. I can’t let everyone go to the Chinese New Year and let me write here alone.

And I promised explosive updates in the days of Chinese New Year.

One last thing to inform, that is, you can read this book for free in the starting point on the 29th and 30th of this month.

(End of this chapter)

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