Emperor Martial System

Chapter 425 The Flower of Enlightenment

Chapter 425 The Flower of Enlightenment

Before Zhuge Shensuan had finished speaking, he made a bold move.

Under Zhuge Shensuan's powerful cultivation, the four real martial arts masters and four real enlightenment zombies of the Corpse Exorcist Sect didn't even have a hundred moves, and they were all killed by Zhuge Shensuan.

The powerful cultivation of Zhuge Shensu also shocked Jin Yiwei's real martial arts powerhouses and the neutral faction's true martial arts powerhouses.

It is quite normal for a strong man in the Tiangang realm to easily kill a strong man in the human martial realm in a one-on-one situation.

But if it's a one-on-eight situation, it's not bad if a strong player in the Tiangang realm can beat it. If you want to completely wipe out the opponent, it's basically impossible.

This is also the reason why the strong men of the exorcism faction just now were not afraid at all.

The strong men of Jin Yiwei and the strong men of the neutral faction really thought that they were worthy of their reputation.

Qianhu of Jinyiwei bowed his hands to Zhuge Shensuan, and said quietly: "Thank you, Mr. Zhuge, for your timely help."

The officials of the neutral faction also bowed their hands to Zhuge Shensuan and said: "Master Zhan Hongfei of Xiahonglu Temple, thank you Lord Zhuge for your rescue."

Zhuge Shensuan smiled indifferently, and said with an indifferent expression: "Everyone is an official in the same dynasty, so if you can help each other, you should naturally help each other, and you don't need to be so polite.

And I don't like the corpses, my bugs in the dark. "

"Anyway, I still want to thank Mr. Zhuge.

By the way, Lord Zhuge, where are you going next?" asked Qianhu of Jinyiwei.

Zhuge Shensuan said with a calm smile: "I can't tell the difference between south, east and north here, so let's take a look.

See if you can get any treasures. "

Qian Hu of Jin Yiwei whispered: "Then can I go with you, Mr. Zhuge?"

He was also afraid that the members of the Exorcist Sect would sneak up again, so it would be better to follow such a master as Zhuge Shensuan.

Zhuge Shensuan said with a calm smile: "It doesn't matter. We are all colleagues in Jinyiwei. It is also very good to be able to walk together and help each other in the secret realm."

After the official of the neutral faction went through what happened just now, his courage was frightened.

He also hurriedly said to Zhuge Shensuan: "Master Zhuge, I also want to go with you."

Zhuge Shen said: "Okay then, let's go together."

In this way, Zhuge Shensuan continued to search in the secret realm with two strong men in the realm of real martial arts.

But in the outside world at this time, as the four masters of the real martial arts realm of the Corpse Exorcism Sect were killed, the identity jade cards they left behind were exploded one after another.

The little eunuch who was in charge of the report immediately said loudly: "Two real martial arts experts under the command of the fourteenth prince were killed, and two real martial arts experts under the command of the eighteenth prince were killed."

A prince can only bring three strong men who are in the realm of true martial arts into the secret realm, so the number of princes entering the secret realm is equal, and the next step depends on the quality of the people they bring.

However, some princes who have no hope of winning the heir are directly attached to the few princes who are most likely to win the heir.

So the fourteenth prince and the eighteenth prince are all princes attached to the third prince. , so their people were naturally replaced by the third prince's people.

The people who were watching were in an uproar when they heard the news. What happened to the Royal Secret Realm? It was so chaotic. So many people died within a few hours after entering.

In the secret territory of the royal family, Zhuge Shensuan, Jinyiwei Qianhu and Zhan Hongfei walked in the same direction, only occasionally seeing a few people from the Ming Dynasty.

If it is a strong person in the realm of real martial arts, he will say hello, and the innate opponent will take the initiative to avoid it.

People from the Ming Dynasty also didn't find any too precious treasures here, so there's no need to tear the skin.

But at this time, there was a faint sound of fighting ahead, and it sounded like there were quite a few people.

Zhuge Shensuan Jinyiwei Qianhu and Zhan Hongfei looked at each other, and immediately rushed forward.

In this secret place where there is a large-scale battle, there must be good things to fight against, so Zhuge Shensuan they naturally refused to let go of this opportunity.

In a canyon, there are four people and two zombies on one side, and four people on the other side. The strong on both sides are fighting endlessly.

There are still some congenital warriors drooling outside looking at a huge crimson flower that is one person tall in the canyon, but they also know that this thing is not something they can covet.

There are also a few strong men in the real martial arts realm above the canyon, but they did not dare to make a move.

The two sides fighting were none other than the first prince and the third prince, so the real martial arts powerhouses who were watching from above the canyon did not dare to fight.

On the side of the eldest prince, there are two strong men in the Tiangang realm, two strong men in the Earth Sha realm, and one strong man in the Human Martial realm.

On the side of the third prince, there are also these two strong men in the Tiangang realm, two strong men in the Earth Sha realm, and one strong man in the Human Martial realm.

The fight between the two sides was very intense.

Two of the strong men on the third prince's side belonged to the Corpse Exorcist faction, because they were driving a zombie to fight, and they also had a strong smell of rotting corpses, so it was not difficult to recognize them.

The eldest prince, who was fighting against the third prince, said coldly: "Third brother, you dare to collude with the exorcists, you are really brave.

Don't you know that the Exorcist Sect was wiped out by our royal family united with the forces of the world?
Where do you put your father and the entire Ming Dynasty in this way, today I, the elder brother, will teach you a lesson. "

With many people watching the battle, the eldest prince and the third prince naturally did not dare to kill each other, and at most they would deal with the opponent's subordinates.

Otherwise, blatantly killing one's own brother is a taboo among the royal family, after all, their father is still there.

The third prince snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "Brother, why do you say such nonsense, our royal family must naturally have a magnanimous mind, otherwise how could it be possible to annex the world and rule the Quartet.

Those who drive corpses are willing to surrender to me and to our Ming Dynasty, so our Ming Dynasty must be tolerant.

It seems that people from the Wudang faction support you, and the emperor didn't say much. "

The eldest prince saw that he could not take advantage of words, so he continued to fight with the third prince.

The huge red flower in the canyon is called Enlightenment Flower, which can help the strong in the realm of true martial arts understand the world and prepare for breaking through the realm of kings.

That's why the third prince and the eldest prince started shopping before their lover Huangdan appeared.

You must know that the emperors of all dynasties are strong in the king realm, so breaking through the king realm is also a major factor in inheriting the throne.

The two of them have reached the Tiangang realm, and they are not far from the king realm, so they need this Enlightenment Flower even more.

(End of this chapter)

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