Chapter 427
The essence of the Enlightenment Flower melts in the mouth, and the hot essence of the Enlightenment Flower spreads out from Zhuge Shensuan's mouth.

Immediately, it turned into billowing spiritual power, rushing into Zhuge Shensuan's body like a flood, making his body flush instantly.

Zhuge Shensuan felt the spiritual power that was about to riot in his body, and he didn't dare to neglect it.

He hastily closed his eyes and entered the cultivation state, running the several internal skills and mental methods he knew, and frantically refining those violent spiritual powers.


The billowing spiritual power, like a torrent of flood, howls on Zhuge Shensuan's limbs and bones, that feeling of fullness.

The meridians of Zhuge Shensuan were all in pain, obviously reaching the limit of endurance.

Zhuge Shensuan obviously understood the situation in his body at this time, and immediately began to operate several internal skills and mental methods.

Drive those majestic spiritual powers to run along the operation route of several inner skills and mental methods.

Fortunately, several internal skills and mental methods are powerful enough, and those vigorous and violent spiritual powers are met after several internal skills and mental methods.

Like docile little sheep, they began to run quietly according to the route of several internal skills and mental methods.

Sensing the situation in his body, Zhuge Shensuan finally felt at ease. If he couldn't cure the violent spiritual power in his body, he would be really miserable.

Waves of spiritual power are transferred to the chaotic dantian by several internal skills and mental methods, and then transformed into internal force and stored in the wonton dantian.

And with such a powerful influx of internal force, the originally scarce internal force in the chaotic dantian began to increase slowly.


Half a day later, in the cave where Zhuge Shensuan was located, Zhuge Shensuan sat quietly cross-legged on a huge bluestone slab.

At this time, on the surface of his body, there is continuous spiritual power seeping out, which is a manifestation of the extreme filling of internal power in his body.

At this time, he was unable to convert spiritual power into internal power, so spiritual power seeped out from his body.

At each level, the spiritual power contained in the body has its limit. At this time, Zhuge Shensuan was only at the Tiangang realm, but now the spiritual power in his body has exceeded the upper limit of a Tiangang realm.

Zhuge Shensuan let out a deep breath, and that breath was overflowing with traces of purple, obviously mixed with spiritual power.

"It's almost time, it's time to break through!"

This thought flashed through Zhuge Shensuan's mind, and immediately he took a deep breath, and the surging spiritual power flowing in the meridians in his body suddenly accelerated.It began to operate crazily along the operation route of several internal skills and mental methods.

That speed has reached the limit, causing the meridians to contract slightly.

But Zhuge Shensuan didn't pay any attention to it. The dominance of several internal skills and mental methods is enough to control these violent spiritual powers.

"Turn them all into a part of my inner strength! Help me integrate into the world!"

Zhuge Shensuan murmured in his heart, only to see that in the chaotic dantian, the light of internal force was condensed.

The internal force slowly formed a vortex in the dantian, and this vortex swayed like a long whale absorbing water, absorbing all the internal force released by the martial arts elixir in his body.

And with the infusion of a large amount of internal force, the illusory whirlpool in the chaotic dantian seemed to be slightly solidified.


In the chaotic dantian, the small vortex formed by internal force absorbs at an extremely terrifying speed. In just twenty minutes, the majestic spiritual force that originally filled the meridians in Zhuge Shensuan's body was transformed into internal force by the true martial arts elixir, and he counted it all. absorbed it.

And after absorbing such a powerful internal force, the illusory and chaotic dantian seemed to become a little clearer, which made Zhuge Shensuan happy, because this is the situation of breaking through to the peak of the Tiangang realm.

Zhuge Shensuan slowly transforms the internal force, the chaotic dantian is also slowly becoming clear, and the small vortex in the crumbling dantian is also slowly solidified.

Another stick of incense time has passed!
The chaotic dantian of Zhuge Shensuan became completely clear, and the small vortex in the dantian also completely rotated normally.

At this time, a wave of vigorous spiritual power rippled from Zhuge Shensuan's body.

That kind of tyrannical feeling made him feel as if all the pores of his body were open.

The feeling of comfort is indescribable.

Zhuge Shensuan sensed his dantian and felt his body with some joy.

Breaking through the peak of the Tiangang realm brought him the kind of power, the kind of tyrannical degree, which has surpassed his strongest state in his previous life.

At this time, Zhuge Shensuan's body has been nearly 100% integrated into the heaven and earth, and Zhuge Shensuan's sensitivity to the power of heaven and earth has also increased too much.

As long as Zhuge Shensuan integrates his body 100% into the heaven and earth, he can successfully break through the king realm.

To put it bluntly, Wangjing is able to use the power of heaven and earth, and to put it bluntly in the realm of true martial arts is to borrow the power of heaven and earth.

At this time, Zhuge Shensuan has reached the peak of the Tiangang realm, and the great increase in cultivation has also greatly increased the strength of Zhuge Shensuan.

At this time, even if Zhuge Shensuan is allowed to fight a strong man in the king realm, Zhuge Shensuan can not lose the wind within an hour.

Of course, the King Realm powerhouse he was fighting with could only be the one who had just broken through, and if a King Realm powerhouse like Zhao Zilong's Zhuge Shensuan would certainly not be able to stop him.

Now Zhuge Shensuan can defeat ten strong men in the Tiangang realm.

What Wu Daohua brought to Zhuge Shensuan was not only an improvement in cultivation, but also made Zhuge Shensuan's understanding of the world to a higher level.

Now if Zhuge Shensuan forcibly breaks through the king realm, he has at least a [-]% chance of breaking through.

The [-]% chance is the best benefit that Enlightenment Flower brings to Zhuge Shensuan.


When Zhuge Shensuan was consolidating his cultivation, he suddenly felt an aura outside the cave. Although this aura was very secret, he still discovered it.

Zhuge Shensuan said calmly to the entrance of the cave: "Who is sneaking in from outside the cave."

At this time, a young man with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes walked into the cave. The person who came was none other than Du Xiao, whom Zhuge Shensuan invited at a high price from the rivers and lakes.

Du Xiao respectfully said to Zhuge Shensuan, "Du Xiao has met Mr. Zhuge."

Zhuge Shensuan said with a normal expression, "How did you find me?"

Du Xiao replied respectfully: "Reporting to Master Zhuge, I have practiced the art of observing qi since I was young.

I saw a faint aura of a strong person nearby, and that aura even surpassed the peak of the Tiangang realm.

I think that in the whole secret realm of the royal family, perhaps only Master Zhuge has such strength, so he rushed here. "

Zhuge Shensuan also heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, if his whereabouts can really be calculated by these people who are proficient in calculations, it will be really troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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