Emperor Martial System

Chapter 436 I Haven't Started Acting Yet

Chapter 436 I Haven't Started Acting Yet

Zhuge's future old father-in-law said: "Son-in-law, don't worry, I will take care of your going to the East China Sea."

After Zhuge Shensuan heard his future old father-in-law's guarantee, he continued to chat with his father-in-law for a few words, and then left his father-in-law's house.

If Zhuge Shensuan stayed at his father-in-law's house for a long time, if someone with a heart found out that Zhuge Shensuan wanted to go to the East China Sea, it would be more difficult.

The future old father-in-law of Zhuge Shensuan has been in the officialdom for so many years. With his cultivation in the Tiangang realm, he became one of the six ministers, and also formed a large neutral faction in the court.

He naturally has his abilities, that's why Zhuge Shensuan is relieved to hand over the Heaven and Earth Auction House to his old father-in-law. He believes that his old father-in-law will never let him down.

As for the matter of going to the East China Sea, Zhuge Shensuan believes that as long as he is willing to take the position of Jinyiwei and the [-] troops of Huangshan County, plus his old father-in-law, it should not be a problem.

Sure enough, Zhuge Shensuan only returned to his mansion and stayed there for three days.

The imperial decree of the current emperor came down to his mansion, announcing that Zhuge Shensuan was the governor of the East China Sea, and also the city lord of the East China Sea, in charge of all important military and political affairs in the East China Sea.

Moreover, Zhuge Shensuan must leave Luoyang, Chengdu, and go to Donghai City to take up a post within ten days.

Moreover, Zhuge Shensuan's command of the [-] troops in Huangshan County was not deprived, but only Zhuge Shensuan's position as the commander of Jinyiwei was seized.

He also asked Zhuge Shensuan to recommend the next commander of Jinyiwei, the capital of the gods, Luoyang. With such a small price attached, he got what Zhuge Shensuan wanted in such a short period of time.

Zhuge Shensuan really admired his old father-in-law more and more.

Zhuge Shensuan quietly came to the home of his future old father-in-law after receiving the order from the Holy Majesty.

Zhuge God is in the study of the future old father-in-law.

Zhuge Shensuan respectfully said: "My lord father-in-law, you really have great powers, and you managed to accomplish the second thing I asked you to do in just three days, and you only paid a very small price.

It seems that I really haven't fully understood your relationship in Luoyang, the capital of God. "

In the future of Zhuge Shensuan, the old father-in-law looked at Zhuge Shensuan in complete bewilderment, he couldn't understand what Zhuge Shensuan was saying.

Zhuge's future old father-in-law said with a confused face: "Son-in-law, what are you talking about? I didn't understand at all.

What does it mean that I have done the second thing well. "

When Zhuge Shensuan saw the confused look on his future old father-in-law, he became even more confused.

Zhuge Shensuan carefully told the emperor's imperial decree to his future old father-in-law.

After listening to Zhuge Shensuan's explanation, Zhuge Shensuan's future old father-in-law said: "I really did not do this matter, and I don't know why His Majesty issued this edict.

Although my plan is ready, and it will definitely get you this position if it is implemented, I haven't implemented it yet.

And this plan of mine will definitely cost you the position of the commander of the army of Huangshan County and Luoyang, the capital of the gods. "

Zhuge Shensuan said: "Then who did this thing? I didn't tell anyone about it except my father-in-law."

Zhuge Shensuan's future old father-in-law said: "Could it be your family? Your family is so powerful, there must be some relationship that you don't know about. Maybe your family helped you behind the scenes."

Zhuge Shensuan really wanted to say that I have a Mao family, but Zhuge Shensuan didn't say it, because it is always best to keep a little mystery.

Zhuge Shensuan said indifferently: "There is also this possibility.

No matter, anyway, this transfer is beneficial to me, so why bother with so many things. "

Zhuge's future old father-in-law said, "Son-in-law, when are you planning to go to the East China Sea?"

Zhuge Shensuan said: "Of course, the sooner the better, I will get up and go to the East China Sea as soon as I am going back to my residence.

The establishment of the heaven and earth auction house in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, is left to the father-in-law. "

Zhuge Shensuan's future old father-in-law said: "Please don't worry about this matter, I will definitely help you handle it properly.

But I don't know your subordinates, how should we contact. "

Zhuge Shensuan blew a whistle, and soon Zhao Zilong entered the study of Zhuge Shensuan's future father-in-law.

Zhuge Shensuan introduced to his future father-in-law: "My lord father-in-law, this is my subordinate Zhao Zilong, from now on he will obey your orders.

Heaven and Earth Auction House, if you have anything you don't know, just ask him.

Moreover, he is still a strong man at the peak of the King Realm. Even if he meets a strong man in the King Realm, he can stop him for a while. Now I will officially transfer him to your command. From now on, the safety of you and your family depends on you. He protected. "

Zhuge Shensuan's future father-in-law said: "Son-in-law, you are going to Donghai soon, should you take my daughter back to my house first, so that his safety can be guaranteed during your absence."

Zhuge Shensuan said: "Father-in-law, don't worry about this matter, Wen Ji has been sent back to the family headquarters by me, you don't have to worry about his safety at all.

And it is more suitable for cultivation in our family headquarters. "

Zhuge Shensuan's future father-in-law said: "This way I can rest assured, son-in-law, you can go to the East China Sea without worry, the Heaven and Earth Auction House will hold its first auction at most half a year."

Zhuge Shensuan nodded, left Zhao Zilong behind, and left the study of his future old father-in-law.

In fact, Zhuge Shensuan was able to go to the East China Sea, and he still had to thank the First Prince, Second Prince, Third Prince and Sixth Prince.

These four princes knew that Zhuge Shensuan was standing behind the backer king, so these four enemies jointly took action to build Zhuge Shensuan to the East China Sea.

Now the backer king has gained His Majesty's favor, if they add forces like Zhuge Shensuan standing behind them, then there will definitely be a dark horse again in their battle for the throne, and that is the backer king.

To drive Zhuge Shensuan to the East China Sea is to break the backing king's arm.

Today's sage Zhu Yuanzhang naturally knows what his four sons are planning, but it is difficult for him to refuse a request made by his four sons.

In addition, Zhuge Shensuan still has some skills, and the East China Sea is a place of chaos. If Zhuge Shensuan is placed in the East China Sea, it can change the current situation of the Ming Dynasty in the East China Sea, that would be great.

As for the Backer King, who is still retreating in the True Dragon Pond, he doesn't know about these things.

To be continued…………………

Starting from the 1st, there are five changes every day, which is the so-called explosive change. As for when it will stop, I will notify you separately.

(End of this chapter)

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