Chapter 471
Everyone set off, ready to challenge the Ice Tiger who was half a king.

Yan Dongchen was quite upset.

Of course he will fight that ice tiger, but he should definitely be the leader, not like now, he actually becomes someone's younger brother.

Therefore, he has a black face all the time.

They came to the end of the valley, and sure enough, they saw a huge fierce tiger sitting there, its whole body was snow-white, and when they took a breath, there was a cold wind howling.

This is the half-step king-level ferocious beast, blocking their way.

Seeing this group of people approaching, the ferocious beast just glanced at them lazily, did not stand up and attack them, and lowered its head again as if it hadn't seen them at all.

"This ferocious beast cannot be chased, there is a formation blocking it." Someone said.

Some people challenged this ice tiger at the beginning, and of course they were defeated. Now there are still a few corpses frozen into ice sculptures, making a gesture of fleeing, but they have already been killed by the ice. cover.

"Brothers, come with me!" Li Zijuan roared. Now he feels so good, as if he has become a general, commanding an invincible army.

In fact, although they only have more than 300 people, there are many masters in the realm of real martial arts. It is not too much to be called an invincible teacher who is not a person who is in the outside world.

——Perhaps, in the future, if some of them can step out of the king realm, or even the emperor realm, then Li Zi can really boast for a lifetime.

Half-step Wang Jing smiled faintly, and said to Yan Dongchen: "How about it, do you want to compare again?"

"Compared to what?" Of course Yan Dongchen would not be cowardly.

"Whoever caused more damage to that ice tiger." Zhuge Shensuan said.

"Okay!" Yan Dongchen nodded, of course he didn't think he would lose to Zhuge Shensuan, no matter in which aspect.

The two rushed to the front, and seeing these two fierce men rushing to the front line, the other people's confidence was greatly increased, and they all roared and followed closely behind.


The crowd roared, their voices vibrated, and they were extremely powerful.

The ice tiger just stood up, swayed its body, and a powerful breath circulated, chilling to the bone.

Everyone couldn't help shivering, and suddenly realized that this was a half-step king-level beast, not a true martial artist. Suddenly, many people felt fear.

Half-step Wangjing snorted, drew out his long sword, and took the lead in attacking.

The ice tiger opened its mouth in disdain, and suddenly, a gust of cold air gushed out, and the golden sword released by the long sword was wrapped, condensed layers of ice, and fell from midair suddenly.

It was smashed to pieces on the ground, turned into gold energy again, and returned to the space between heaven and earth.

In the martial arts world, a half-step king-level murderer is completely comparable to an ordinary king-level strong outsider. In just one round of fighting, Zhuge Shensuan has already figured out the strength of the beast.

Yan Dongchen sneered, he took out a long silver whip, brushed it, and pulled it out, the whip stretched infinitely, and pulled it towards the ice tiger.

Crack, this whip hit Binghu.

Before Yan Dongchen could show his joy, he saw ice coming from the end of the long whip, spreading towards him along the whip, at an astonishingly fast speed.

He hastily roared, the divine light on the silver whip shone, and then quickly retreated back.

The combination of the two top geniuses failed in one strike, and they were completely useless in front of this ice tiger.

It is worthy of being half-step King Realm, a fierce beast comparable to King Realm level, completely crushed in terms of level.

Everyone shot one after another, but none of them dared to rush forward, and they all attacked from a distance.

Boom, boom, energy blasted from the Ice Tiger's body, but none of the attacks could break through its defense.

However, this seemed to anger it, the ice tiger stared at the crowd, opened its mouth suddenly, swiped, and a cold current spewed out, rushing towards the crowd.

Everyone hurriedly evaded, and the cold current rushed over, only to see that there were still two people who failed to escape in time, and were turned into ice sculptures by life and death.

"There is still a breath of life."

"Quickly, lift it to the side and immediately melt the ice with flame energy, it should be saved."

The two were carried aside. Naturally, someone who was proficient in flame energy rescued them, while others continued to attack the ice tiger.

Zhuge Shensuan yelled, and the fourth-level martial arts unfolded. He performed the four-level secret method to his heart's content, and every move, every punch, and every palm were all extremely powerful.

Yan Dongchen didn't give in, and now he didn't have the mind to engage in internal strife. He had to defeat Binghu and them to pass the level, and he couldn't do it alone, so he had to join forces with Zhuge Shensuan.

That being the case, just like the previous agreement, let's see who has the stronger combat power and can cause more damage to the ice tiger.

Their combat power must not be underestimated. If they are allowed to play, even the King Realm will be overpowering.

Therefore, after the ice tiger was hit a few times, a lot of hair fell off immediately.

However, this still failed to irritate the ice tiger, and it still maintained its original attack rhythm.

Zhuge Shen was surprised, this is unreasonable, fierce beast, why does it have the word "fierce"?

It is that they have only animal nature and no wisdom, they are cruel and domineering.

He lost a lot of hair after being bombarded, but he still has no temper?
Zhuge God was stunned for a moment, could it be that this ice tiger is not a real beast, but just a show, a puppet controlled by a formation?
This is very likely to explain why it has been sitting here.

But perhaps guessing the truth does not mean that the battle can be resolved. Zhuge Shensuan made a move with all his strength, trying to cause the greatest damage to the ice tiger.

On the other side, Yan Dongchen couldn't help but use his big move.

His figure suddenly became bigger, even surpassing this ice tiger, and then he pressed down with his palm, and the snow all over the valley rolled upside down and flew towards the sky.

"Prajna Heavenly Mountain Palm!"

On that huge palm, there are streaks of glowing lines, intertwined with incomparably complex symbols, as if blessed with some powerful power, which can blast the world through with a single blow.

He used the power of his bloodline, and his combat power soared directly to the King Realm.

Boom, with this palm, the world was shaken.

The ice tiger roared and slapped the sky with its palm.

Its huge body sank immediately, and it was crushed to the ground.

"it is good!"

Everyone shouted, Yan Dongchen is really powerful, he can knock down the beasts in the king's realm, how strong is this strength?
However, after being handsome for less than three seconds, Yan Dongchen's face immediately turned pale, his body seemed to be emptied, and he quickly became smaller.

However, the ice tiger shook its body and stood up again. It saw several injuries on its body and lost a lot of hair, but it was not seriously injured.

After all, it is a half-step King Realm beast comparable to a King Realm, so how could it be severely injured just by taking a single blow?
Binghu stared at Yan Dongchen, and seemed to know that he was a big threat, and wanted to kill him.

It killed it, but Zhuge Shensuan stepped forward, and his swordsmanship of killing demons unfolded, and his combat power suddenly soared to a new height.

He barely confronted the ice tiger, but even with the sword technique of killing monsters, he was not the opponent of the ice tiger.

A martial skill learned by Zhuge Shenmao, a swordsman who slashed demons, is comparable to a fourth-order martial skill.

(End of this chapter)

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