Emperor Martial System

Chapter 481 Cooperation

Chapter 481 Cooperation
"Little friend Zhuge, this is information that our Zhou family has spent decades inquiring about. I don't know how much manpower and material resources have been spent. Do you want to get something for nothing?" Zhou Mi said in a deep voice, still wanting to bargain.

"That's right." Zhuge Shensuan nodded, honestly.

Both Zhou Mi and Zhou Lou were speechless for a while, who is this guy? Why does he not have the frivolous arrogance of a young man?

"Hehe, there is no problem in wanting the information." Zhou Mi suddenly smiled, "However, I can tell you very clearly that even if I give you the information, you will not be able to get over Tianyun Mountain, where there are eight King Realm kings. The beasts each blocked a way out of the mountain. Therefore, we have to kill one of them."

"It's not that I look down on Xiaoyou, but besides the restraint effect on the thunder attribute mystic power, Xiaoyou is also immune to other forces?"

old fox.

Zhuge Shensuan said in his heart, but his face remained calm: "Oh, what good suggestion does Patriarch Zhou have?"

"Cooperate." Zhou Mi smiled, "If you help us clear Tianyun Mountain, everyone will be happy."

What the Zhou family wants is to pass through Tianyun Mountain forever, not temporarily, otherwise they can kill a king beast, but it won't take long for a new king beast to appear and become a hindrance again.

Therefore, only by completely occupying Tianyun Mountain can it be done once and for all.

Zhuge Shensuan smiled: "Patriarch Zhou said just now that I am no match for any king beast, why is it that I need to contribute all of a sudden?"

Zhou Mi laughed: "Of course it makes sense."

Zhou Lou interface: "My Zhou family has developed an astonishingly powerful weapon that can kill kings. However, that weapon requires extremely pure thunder ore to function. According to the current progress, it may take two to three hundred years to complete it. The extraction was successful. Therefore, we need you, my friend, to control this weapon."

Zhuge Shensuan has amazing control over Lei Ting, maybe he can do things that ordinary people can't do.

Hey, the Zhou family still has such a secret weapon?
"Besides, after leaving Tianyun Mountain, it is the Demon Yuan Realm, where the strong are everywhere, and you can't gain a foothold with your cultivation base." Zhou Mi continued, "However, if my Zhou family can pass through Tianyun Mountain, we will be in the Demon Yuan Realm. If you open a door and establish a sect in the domain, you can become your backing."

"Think about it."

Zhuge Shensuan pondered slightly, he felt that it should not be difficult for him to cross Tianyun Mountain, because he has a cultivation level comparable to that of a king, and because the place is relatively wide, it is not that the ice tiger is stronger, but that there is only one 30-meter-high ice tiger around it. The road is [-] meter wide, and there is basically no chance to hide your body.But others are hard to say.

The point is, where are his men?
Maybe not in this area, maybe in this area, just haven't arrived yet.

If he left alone, wouldn't he have trapped his men here?
Also, he also wants to see that big killer weapon, which can actually kill Wangjing, if he can take advantage of it, he will have another killer weapon in the future.

"If that so-called big weapon really has such power, let's cooperate." Zhuge Shensuan said.

"Good!" Zhou Mi and Zhou Lou smiled at the same time.

Soon, Zhuge Shensuan saw this big killer.

This is a crossbow with only three arrows, because both the body of the crossbow and the body of the arrow are made of rare treasures.

Zhuge Shensuan can tell at a glance that this is the material of the fifth grade of the first grade.

Therefore, the Zhou family should have spent countless time and painstaking efforts just to build this crossbow and three arrows.

A crossbow is a weapon, but it needs energy injection to propel the arrows and burst out with terrible destructive power.

And this energy source is the kind that is not mined from thunder ore, but purified, because it requires a short period of super input to be able to kill the king.

This requires too much purity of energy, so even if Zhou Mi, Zhou Lou and other Tiangang realms are perfect, it is not enough, although they should be controlled by them when designing.

But after it was built, it was discovered that they couldn't stimulate it at all, or in other words, the effect was far from expected.

According to Zhuge's divine calculation, although his realm is only the realm of Earth Sha, but the thunder energy is too pure, maybe he can do it.

This is of course, because that is not the power of Zhuge's divine calculation at all, but the light of thunder in the inner alchemy, the source of all thunder ores.

If you can't even calculate Zhuge God, then no one should be able to motivate it.

Zhuge Shensuan began to try, he set up an arrow, and then injected power into the body of the crossbow.

Bit by bit, there is an energy pool in the crossbow, which is slowly filling up now.

After 10 minutes, the energy pool is full.

Zhuge Shensuan did not blast out the attack immediately, but waited for another 5 minutes before aiming at the target in front and flipping the switch.

Boom, an arrow shot out.

Quickly, it was like thunder in the sky, leaving a trail of electric traces behind the tail, and then, there was a loud "boom", and a mountain in front of it disappeared immediately.

All of a sudden, Zhou Mi, Zhou Lou, and the Zhou family members who followed were all with their mouths half open, completely speechless.

The blow was simply earth-shattering.

"It is estimated that the power of the attack has reached the peak of the King Realm." Zhou Mi speculated.

"Killing the King Realm is easy."

"It's effortless to level Tianyun Mountain."

"Haha, who can compete with my Zhou family now?"

Everyone in the Zhou family was very excited. Of course, someone rushed out immediately and collected the arrows. There are only three arrows in total, so they must be recycled.

Even Song Qian was shocked, she didn't expect that the Skyhunting Crossbow could exert such terrifying power in the hands of Zhuge Shensuan.

"Little friend Zhuge, happy cooperation." Zhou Mi smiled and stretched out his hand.

Zhuge Shensuan also stretched out his hand and shook it with the other party.

Of course, he would not work for the other party for nothing. Although he also wanted to cross Tianyun Mountain, it was only natural to get some benefits, so he couldn't be soft-hearted.

The Zhou family also knew his value, and immediately sent a lot of great medicine, and promised Zhuge Shensuan that after conquering Tianyun Mountain, the harvest could be shared equally with Zhuge Shensuan.

Tianyun Mountain not only has ferocious beasts, but also great medicines, but the ferocious beasts are too scary, if you want to gather big medicines here, you usually have to pay the price of your life.

The Zhou family began to contact those outsiders, hoping that everyone can cooperate. After passing through Tianyun Mountain, the road ahead will be broad.

This is beneficial to everyone, so the outsiders also decided to level Tianyun Mountain together with the Zhou family.

"Brother Zhuge, do you really trust the Zhou family?" Song Qian came to visit with a calm and fairy air.

However, Zhuge Shensuan knew that this little girl looked as beautiful as a celestial being, but she was actually extremely dark-hearted and thoughtful.

He smiled: "Why don't you believe it?"

"I heard that there are many fourth-tier medicines in Tianyun Mountain, which can even greatly improve the realm of true martial arts. Do you think the Zhou family is willing to hand over such fourth-tier medicines?"

(End of this chapter)

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