Chapter 489
A ten-year lifespan is completely insignificant to outsiders.

Because those who are strong in the innate realm theoretically have a lifespan of up to 200 years, ten years of life extension is only an increase of 5.00%, and those who enter here are basically young people, who are far from the worry of drying up their lifespan. Therefore, they can increase their lifespan by ten years. Years is certainly a good thing, but it is not so urgent that you risk your life to grab it.

However, for local people, extending life for ten years can make anyone crazy about it.

Because everyone here only has a lifespan of about [-] years, if they can eat the heart of the tree of spirits, they can live for another ten years. Who can't be tempted?
"Extending ten years of life is not very important to me, the key is that death light, is it some kind of fairy glow?" Zhuge Shensuan muttered to himself.

However, if you go to Heitian Temple this time, you will definitely meet the natives here. Extending your life ten years is too important for them, and there will definitely be a big battle.

There are many masters of the half-step king realm here, and there are even real masters of the king realm. Although Zhuge's magic calculation made the two half-step king realm masters of the Zhou family stare blankly, it was a special case.

"Even so, this trip is imperative for me."

Xianxia is too important. After refining, it can form a divine aura, which is as powerful as a supernatural power. This must not be missed.

"The Heitian Taoist Temple is located... more than 700 miles north of this place." Zhuge Shensuan continued to check the information, "There was originally a swamp there, but just four days ago, a pitch-black Taoist temple appeared, with a black light shining move, and then someone discovered a black avenue."

"This is very similar to the legendary Heitian Taoist Temple, so it caused a sensation."

Zhuge Shensuan set off and rushed towards the Heitian Taoist Temple. I believe that whether it is local warriors or foreign adventurers, the number of people who will go will be quite amazing. Therefore, he must hurry, and a big battle will definitely be inevitable.

Only half an hour later, Zhuge Shensuan came to the swamp, but the next journey was very difficult.

Because there are terrible strange winds blowing over the swamp from time to time, with infinite destructive power, even the peak of Tiangang realm can only be easily torn apart.

Therefore, even if Zhuge God is very strong, he can only walk here on foot.

However, the ground is not necessarily safe, because there are ferocious beasts lurking in the swamp, and from time to time they will break through the mud and rush out to attack.

However, Zhuge Shensuan solved all kinds of difficulties, and soon Zhuge Shensuan arrived outside the Heitian Taoist Temple.


As soon as Zhuge Shensuan entered the Taoist temple, he immediately found that the sky had darkened.

There are black clouds covering the sky above, and it is indeed very dark outside, but it is definitely not so dark. It is not the darkness of light, but a kind of darkness of artistic conception, with a chill penetrating to the bones.

Even Zhuge Shensuan could see dark shadows floating in the air, like ghosts.

Run several exercises to produce a mask of famous equipment outside the body.

Boom, rushing forward, completely expelling the darkness on this road immediately, even those ghosts turned into fly ash in an instant like snow meeting flames.

But after drinking it, the endless darkness eroded over again, quickly swallowing the light path, and the black shadow in the distance was more like a shark smelling blood, scrambling to float over.

It was as if he was just a passer-by at first, and no one cared about him, but all of a sudden, he burst into light and became extremely dazzling.

It seems that the internal qi cultivated by the nine-character mantra can extremely restrain evil, but it is also extremely hatred-inducing.

Water can extinguish fire, but what if you encounter burning flames?
However, he couldn't control it anymore, he punched out, but the black shadows were unharmed, and instead rushed towards him.

Zhuge Shensuan then runs the fourth-order martial skill, and the effect is different immediately.

Originally, these black shadows seemed to have no substance, so no matter how powerful you are, it would be useless to punch them, but now it seems that part of the entity has been exposed and can be hit.

Boom, his powerful strength erupted, and he punched out. Suddenly, several black shadows twisted and were torn apart by him.

However, the number of black shadows is astonishingly large, so it doesn't matter if they are smashed into pieces, more black shadows are still rushing.

Damn, Zhuge Shensuan quickly turned around, the ants killed the elephant too much, he didn't want to be surrounded by these things.

Fortunately, although the place is shrouded in darkness, there are not black shadows everywhere, and the speed of the black shadows is not very fast. After a few steps, he got rid of the large troops behind.

Hey, why is this similar to the Taoist temple on Yuehua Island?
Does this have anything to do with Taoism?
Zhuge Shensuan saw a tree, it was a willow tree, but different from ordinary willow trees, this willow tree was completely black, as if contaminated with demonic nature.

He looked carefully, and there was not a single leaf of the willow tree that was the same.


However, although this willow tree is full of vitality, it is definitely not a fairy tree, it can give birth to the heart of the spiritual tree that can make people's lifespan skyrocket.

Also, if this is really the Hei Tian Shen Liu, will he be the only one here?
Zhuge couldn't believe that no one could come in before.

He continued to move forward. This Heitian Taoist temple is astonishingly large, and there may be room for tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of people.

Hey, didn't it mean that there is a death ray boiling here, as long as you touch it, it can immediately make living things lose their vitality?
Zhuge Shensuan guessed that it was Xianxia, ​​and the Light of Thunder before it was collected was equally terrifying, even Zhuge Shensuan could kill it.And the Moyuan Realm is also the King Realm, which left behind the legend of death light.

The question is, what about the light?
Zhuge Shensuan continued to move forward, how come there are no people here?
Ahead, a large hall appeared.

In front of the main hall is a ferocious stone statue, with angry eyes wide open, two hands up and down, even if it is just a stone statue, you can still see the kind of anger gushing out, wanting to beat people to death.

Zhuge Shensuan has seen that this is a stone statue driven by a formation, will it recover?
Zhuge Shensuan strode forward, ready to strike.

Sure enough, the stone statue immediately revived, angrily reprimanded, hum, and the ripples of the spiritual consciousness swept towards Zhuge Shensuan.

This is very frightening, Zhuge's divine calculation can be sure that under the real martial arts, the sea of ​​consciousness will collapse immediately, and even half a step of true martial arts will shake the sea of ​​consciousness, and the headache will split.

However, he is the pinnacle of Tiangang realm.

Hum, his inner alchemy also vibrated slightly, and he went towards this divine consciousness.

The two collided, causing terrifying ripples, visible to the naked eye.

Zhuge Shensuan let out a long roar, and went towards the stone statue.

He swung his fist, and the stone statue slapped it down with his palm, and immediately hit straight, a shock wave centered on the two of them, oscillating in all directions.

To be continued………………………

(End of this chapter)

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