Chapter 491
"Very good, you dare not even look down on me, Kang Xinghai, you are so brave!" He said lightly, but his anger was already surging.

God Zhuge smiled: "You really have something wrong with you, don't you have no hands or feet? Even if you have no hands or feet, you should be polite when asking for help. Why, everyone owes you?"

Kang Xinghai was furious immediately, whoever dared to talk to him like that would be courting death!
"Hmph, I think your eyes are white!" He said coldly, showing his murderous intent.

"Brother Kang, and this brother!" The woman in the Taoist robe spoke, her voice was long and indescribable, like singing from the Dao, "We are all human, please be of one mind Work together, don't coax."

Zhuge Shensuan suddenly had a sense of peace of mind, as if the disputes in the world had nothing to do with him.

His heart trembled, what kind of exercise is this, it can actually affect his mind.

He has a sense of familiarity, and he only feels that this is in the same line as the nine-character mantra.

Could it be that this woman is from Taoism? Taoist Holy Land.

Kang Xinghai's killing intent dissipated immediately, and he smiled slightly: "Since the fairies have said so, I have no objections."

It's amazing, such a heavy killing intent can be resolved immediately. It has to be said that Taoism has a terrifying ability to influence people's hearts.

Zhuge Shensuan looked at the woman in Taoist robe, and said indifferently: "May I ask what your name is?"

"Bold!" Kang Xinghai immediately scolded.

The woman in a Taoist robe was calm and said: "The poor nun's Taoist name is Yunmeng."

Road number?
She is indeed a Taoist preacher.

"Fairy Yunmeng is a Daoist saint!" Kang Xinghai introduced, "And she is the number one beauty in the Daoist Holy Land."

This woman is indeed beautiful, not inferior to Song Qian.

However, is it possible to get married in a Taoist Holy Land?
Yunmeng made a Daoist name: "Monks don't get caught up in the world of mortals. The so-called number one beauty in the holy land of Daoism is just a joke."

Zhuge Shensuan's eyes narrowed slightly. Although this holy woman claimed to be a poor nun and said that the number one beauty in the Holy Land was a joke, she had not been seen protesting in the world.

Hehe, the holy maiden of this sect, like Song Qian, is by no means so pure and scheming as she seems.

"Next, Zhuge Shensuan." Zhuge Shensuan first introduced himself, "I wonder what the saint knows about this Heitian Taoist temple?"

"Not at all." Yunmeng shook her head, "My Taoist school saves all sentient beings, but this place is extremely fierce, and it is definitely not a quiet place for my Taoist school."

She pointed to the oil lamp, with slender hands, as beautiful as jade, which made people's heart skip a beat: "It's like that oil lamp.

If the poor nun guessed correctly, it was corpse oil refined from the corpses of warriors in the imperial realm. "

Depend on!
Zhuge Shensuan couldn't help baring his teeth, this is really heavy taste, but it's no wonder that this light has such a powerful effect, it can actually improve physical fitness.

That is the sixth-order "material".

Moreover, there are no emperor-level powerhouses in the entire continent now, but it is really terrifying to see lamp oil extracted from the corpses of emperor-level powerhouses here.

"That's right, this can improve one's physique, but the Emperor's Realm is already a shortcut, absorbing such benefits will inevitably contaminate the cause and effect of the world, which is not a good thing." Yunmeng said solemnly.

Zhuge Shensuan nodded, the Emperor Realm is too powerful, even close to the Dao, but being refined into corpse oil, this is naturally against the heaven and earth, absorbing such benefits, naturally may be targeted by the heaven and earth.

"What kind of place is this, where even the emperor's realm can be cut off and turned into corpse oil?" Kang Xinghai was a little out of his wits. Even a genius like him only had the confidence to hit the emperor's realm. Want the emperor's realm? Too difficult, too difficult, It’s not enough to have enough talent.

And he didn't think about it at all, because there is no emperor-level powerhouse in the whole world.

But now, the Emperor Realm who sat high above the Nine Heavens in ancient times has been refined into corpse oil, which naturally shocked him and made him lose his mind.

"Fairy, could you be mistaken?" he asked.

Yunmeng shook her head: "I am a Taoist who saves all sentient beings, and I am most familiar with this kind of evil thing. Naturally, the poor nun will not be wrong."

"However, refining the corpses of the emperor's realm into corpse oil does not necessarily require the strength to kill the emperor's realm." She paused and said again.

Indeed, the corpse of Emperor Realm could be beheaded, or... dug out.

But does this woman really know nothing about Heitian Taoism?
"Let me study it." Kang Xinghai said, while walking towards the oil lamp, he said nicely, but his eyes could not conceal the greed.

This is the oil refined by the Emperor Realm. Regardless of whether it is corpse oil or not, the effect is there. If he can take away the one that can improve his physique, he can practice under the oil lamp every day. How much benefit will this bring?
Perhaps his peak is not the King Realm, but the Emperor Realm.

As for the cause and effect of heaven and earth, as long as he is strong enough, does he need to care?
But he had only walked a few steps, but his face immediately turned pale.

The pressure is like a mountain.

He couldn't take another step, otherwise he would definitely be overwhelmed by the terrifying aura.

This is the emperor's prestige, which is incomprehensible to them in the Tiangang realm, and it is simply unmatched.

Only then did he know why Zhuge God didn't take the oil lamp when he came in clearly. It wasn't because he was stupid, but because it was simply impossible.

After thinking this through, he became angry.

You clearly knew this, why didn't you tell me, you deliberately made a fool of me, didn't you?
"Zhuge Shensuan, I don't care about the previous rudeness with you, but you deliberately tricked me, even if Fairy Yunmeng said, I can't stand you!" Kang Xinghai said calmly, turning to Zhuge Shensuan to force him.

Phew, at this moment, a cloudy wind blew past, the light of the oil lamp changed for a while, and suddenly went out.

Immediately, a strong chill rose from the bottom of Zhuge Shensuan's heart, and he hurriedly ran outside.

Yunmeng's reaction was even faster. When Zhuge Shensuan jumped out of the hall, he saw that the other party was one step faster than him. Only Kang Xinghai, an idiot, was too arrogant, and he didn't want to act cowardly in front of a beautiful woman. There was no immediate escape.

Zhuge Shensuan looked at Yunmeng, and couldn't help gasping, because there was a ring of fingerprints on the jade-like neck of the other party, as if someone had strangled his neck, black and blue.

Seeing that Zhuge Shensuan was staring at her neck without taking her eyes off, Yunmeng couldn't help showing a hint of annoyance.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't think that's what you mean." Zhuge Shensuan waved his hand, "Look at your neck first."

Yun Meng condensed an ice mirror, her pretty face couldn't help but change color with a glance.

This must have been pinched by someone, but she didn't know it, which naturally made her feel horrified.

To be continued…………… 一…………

(End of this chapter)

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