Emperor Martial System

Chapter 499 Dead Light

Chapter 499 Dead Light
Zhuge Shensuan secretly smiled, if he said that he had comprehended the Great Sun Chaotian Palm an hour ago, how shocked these people would be?
Uh, it's more likely that I don't believe his words.

After another few hours, the top geniuses have mastered this martial skill one after another, and it can be used initially, but it will not happen overnight if it is to be handy and mysterious.

Even, if you don't understand the special artistic conception of some moves, it will be useless for you to practice them for hundreds of years.

How could a fourth-order martial skill be practiced so easily.

However, several people screamed and died suddenly.

It wasn't that he was attacked by someone, but that he was repeatedly haunted by ghosts, exhausted his source of life, and died without any cause.

Among them, there is even a real martial artist.

In this strange place, the strong in the real martial arts realm may not have much advantage over the strong in the innate realm.

Now, even those who are strong in the realm of real martial arts are afraid.

They didn't dare to stay any longer, fearing that they would suffer misfortune, and moved on.

After walking through the hall, there is a wall, but after entering through the arch, a very strange scene appeared in front of it.

How can there be any Taoist temples, it is a desert.

Zhuge Shensuan was startled, unable to believe his eyes.

Was he suddenly teleported back to the previous desert?
No, although this is a desert, there is a blood moon hanging in the sky, and there is an indescribable bleakness.

That's weird, where is this?
"Why did we suddenly come to the desert?"

"Is this teleported?"

"Or... a hallucination?"

Everyone was shocked, and some people even lowered their bodies and picked up the sand, trying to determine if it was a hallucination.

Zhuge Shensuan also released his consciousness, but he was surprised to find that this is really sand, as if it were fake.

Unless this method is far beyond his level, it will make him unable to tell the truth from the fake.

"Hey, Zhuge's fortune teller!" Song Qian looked over, showing a hint of surprise.

Because she clearly didn't see him before, but he popped up all of a sudden, which surprised her.

Although the other party was surprised, Zhuge Shensuan was no less surprised than him. Zhuge Shensuan was surprised, how did the other party recognize him? This is very unscientific!

He has clearly changed his appearance, even the fluctuation of his soul has also changed, unless he is a big realm higher than him, then it is possible to break through his disguise.

He condenses water vapor and turns into an ice mirror. When he sees himself in the mirror, isn't he his original appearance?
how can that be?
He obviously didn't remove the soul spell, let alone change back to his own appearance, how could he suddenly return to his original appearance?
Zhuge Shensuan was extremely surprised, what's going on?
In just a moment, Zhuge Shensuan understood.

He is 100% sure that this is a mirage.

Moreover, this illusion was completely different from the illusions he had seen before.

If his consciousness thinks that he was injured or even died, then he will also fall into dead silence forever until his life is exhausted.

He suddenly thought of the legend of the Heitian Taoist Temple, where the light of death shrouded all living beings.

Is it because of this?
He stopped suddenly, boom, the ground flame rushed out with infinite power.

If this is going to be burned directly, then Zhuge Shensuan will definitely "die", not the body, but the soul, even if he believes that this is an illusion, but because it is too real, the will will still think that he was burned to death.

He can't change this illusion, but he can change himself.

"I am the Great Emperor, the invincible Great Emperor, the one who arbitrarily judges an era." Zhuge Shensuan said lightly, and then slapped it out with a palm.

Boom, the entire desert was destroyed, he slapped it, and all existence was destroyed.

The earth fire disappeared in front of Zhuge Shensuan, leaving only a void, he shouted loudly, and clapped his palms again, papapapa, each palm could tear Xingyu apart.

The majesty of the Great Emperor is invincible in the world.

Boom, the void couldn't bear the emperor's bombardment, and it shattered again, and the picture in front of it was shattered into pieces.

Zhuge Shensuan trembled, opened his eyes, and saw that he had returned to the Heitian Taoist Temple.

He was in the crowd, everyone closed their eyes, but the eyeballs were shaking rapidly, and the expressions on their faces were either nervous or frightened. In short, no one was in a relaxed state.

Obviously, these people, like him before, were in an illusion of incomparable reality and couldn't extricate themselves.

Zhuge Shensuan looked up and saw a light dancing in front of him, which was as black as ink.

Is this the legendary death ray?
Zhuge Shensuan strode forward, within a few steps, the scene in front of him changed suddenly, he entered a barren mountain, and a big stone rolled down.

It is not difficult for Zhuge Shensuan to imagine himself as the Great Emperor,
Boom, the mountain broke, the sky collapsed, and the void shattered, and he immediately returned to reality.

By comparison, he only took a mere step.

Hiss, what a powerful hallucination, he knew it was an hallucination, and kept walking forward, but he only took one step, which showed how quickly and deeply he was affected by the hallucination.

Zhuge Shensuan continued to move forward, and the scenery changed again. He was in the ice and snow, and the cold wind was howling, which made him freeze in an instant.


Zhuge Shensuan punched at will, the world shattered, and he withdrew from the illusion again.

Go, go, go.

Rao Zhuge Shensuan has found a way to crack it, but the progress is still slow.

However, he was firm in his convictions, and nothing could stop him.

Finally, he walked up to the light, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, with a smile on his face.

Zhuge Shensuan immediately began to refine the light, which went very smoothly and melted into the inner alchemy.

In this way, he should also have the ability of this light to create illusions.

Wait, isn't this all going too well?
Zhuge Shensuan was stunned, and immediately imagined himself as the emperor, and then launched a bombardment, bang, the world collapsed.

The scene in front of him changed slightly, he was still in the Heitian Taoist temple, but the black light was not refined by him at all, and he was still more than ten feet away from the light.

It's really amazing, creating such an illusion that he almost fell for it.

If he really thinks that the illusion has been broken, he will be trapped in the previous illusion until the end of his lifespan.


Zhuge Shensuan showed a smile, the more powerful this light is, the more astonishing it will be to his strength improvement after he collects and refines this light.

He continued to move forward, but naturally fell into illusions again and again, the reality and illusion were constantly intertwined. If it weren't for Zhuge Shensuan's iron will, he might have been driven crazy alive.

What is true and what is false?
Zhuge Shensuan could not help but ask himself, as long as he thinks it is true, it is true.

He was determined and strode forward.

Finally, he walked in front of the black light.

This time it was real, not a fantasy.

Zhuge Shensuan stretched out his hand and grabbed the black light, but the moment he touched it, his sea of ​​consciousness seemed to explode. Countless scenes appeared and flashed one after another, including endless battle scenes and terrifying scenes of heaven and earth collapsing.

(End of this chapter)

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