Emperor Martial System

Chapter 505 Emperor Falls

Chapter 505 Emperor Falls
Zhuge Shensuan stared at it, and couldn't help being surprised, because he saw the scene of all living beings worshiping in the incense.

"This is the thought of sentient beings of Taoism." Someone said from the side, "The Taoist incense condensed with the power of thought has an amazing effect in saving the souls of the dead."

"Thinking power turned into incense?"

"Hehe, this is the method of the Taoist sect. Moreover, this is not a simple thought power, it requires an extremely devout belief."

Taoism has existed for countless years, so it will naturally be studied by people, and many methods are not secrets.

Yunmeng drew the incense and floated towards the corpse. When the incense touched the corpse, suddenly, the corpse was burning violently.

All the people in the realm of true martial arts showed fear, and felt that if they were touched by such flames, they would definitely die.

"Supreme karmic fire!" Another person recognized the source of the flame.

"One of the strongest killing moves of Daomen."

"We warriors fight with the heavens and people all our lives. It is inevitable that we will commit murder and form criminal karma. The Taoist sect has means to attract the judgment of heaven and earth, burn the criminal karma, and form karmic fire."

"It can't be extinguished, it can't be extinguished, and the fire of karma will only stop when the sin karma is burned."

Zhuge Shensuan was surprised, the Taoist sect actually had the means to burn the sin karma, which is really amazing.

The practice of a warrior is a path against the heavens. The higher the realm, the deeper the crime. Who can stand it when it is burned?
No, as long as the strength is strong enough, I can't be burned if I suppress myself.

Otherwise, Yunmeng wouldn't need the help of so many people in the realm of true martial arts, and wouldn't need to do such a foreplay, and would need to use the fragrance of sentient beings' thought power, which should be the key to igniting the fire of karma.

The bones were burning, and Yunmeng didn't need to do anything else at this time, so she quickly extinguished the remaining incense and carefully put it away.

This burning lasted for three days and three nights, and when the karmic fire was extinguished, the corpse had completely turned into ashes.

The strange thing is that the willow tree it leans on has no effect at all, and there is no trace of burn marks.

"The fire of karma will only burn yourself, and others have no cause and effect with you, so how can they be affected?" Someone explained.

However, after the bones disappeared, a hole appeared in the place that was originally covered by it!
Everyone looked at each other, what's going on?
There was excitement on Yunmeng's face, she was the first to go out and got into the tree hole.

Even if a woman dares to do it, do others have the nerve to show weakness?
All the people in the realm of true martial arts followed into the cave, and there seemed to be an endless space inside. When one person walked in, he didn't say that it was too crowded, and the people behind could not come in.

After waiting for a while, almost all the people outside entered the tree hole, and Zhuge Shensuan followed. He was full of doubts and innumerable curiosity now.

It stands to reason that he has already got Xianxia here, so he should leave, but he is so curious, but he wants to continue, to see what happens.

Zhuge Shensuan also entered the tree hole.

It was pitch black all around, and I couldn't see my fingers when I stretched out my hand.

This is not the darkness of vision, but also the darkness of spiritual perception. It is useless even if you release your spiritual consciousness, you can't see anything, you can't sense anything, just like you are an ordinary blind man.

Fortunately, the hole is not big, and the walls on both sides can be touched with open hands, and the top of the head is not high, so you need to walk with your waist bent, so as long as you touch the two sides, you can roughly know it in your heart.

After walking for a while, light gradually appeared ahead.

He walked again, only to see himself in a basement.

This basement is very large, and it is not the end, there is still a road ahead, but many people have stopped here now.

Because there are ghosts here, but the number is very small, floating there.

Those in the realm of true martial arts rushed out to fight, but these ghosts were surprisingly powerful. A person in the realm of true martial arts couldn't do it at all, and several people needed to work together.

Yunmeng also has no choice. Her supernatural power works best on ghosts with a large number but weaker strength than her. But now there are not many ghosts, but their individual strength prevents her supernatural power from being fully effective.

There was no other way but to advance slowly.

All the people in the real martial arts realm took action one after another, and every fifteen or six people teamed up to deal with a ghost. Anyway, there are so many people in the real martial arts realm here that they can completely divide their hands.

It took a long time, and they finally emptied this huge stone room, and then walked into the next room.

As soon as they entered, everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes. They saw the mountains of swords and seas of fire, and saw the pictures of countless creatures being tortured, which made them empathize with each other.

Many people shouted on the spot, rolled on the ground with their heads in their hands, without the demeanor of a strong man.

Zhuge Shensuan was also a little shaken in his consciousness, he quickly strengthened his will and kept his mind.

After a while, these pictures disappeared.

Everyone finally saw the scene here clearly, and they all gasped, a chill rose from the bottom of their hearts.

This is simply Shura hell!
There are instruments of torture everywhere, and on each instrument of torture, there is a victim, who has already died naturally, but exudes an inextinguishable resentment that can drive people crazy.

The Qinglian Secret Realm will only be opened every 500 years, so it should have been sealed for at least tens of thousands of years, or even longer, but looking at these corpses, there is still blood dripping.

This is too weird, the blood dripping from the corpse will last for tens of thousands of years?
"These are all people from the Emperor's Realm!" Yunmeng said suddenly, "Or, they used to be from the Emperor's Realm!"

Immediately, everyone sprayed out.

Although the local aborigines have limited vision, they know the level of martial arts and the concept of emperor.

But what about now?
So many powerful men in the imperial realm were put on torture tools. It seemed that they were tortured to death, and all of them had extremely painful expressions. They didn't know what kind of torture they had endured before they were alive.

That's right, the lamp oil in the main hall before! It was refined from the emperor's corpse. Could it be the people in the emperor's realm who were tortured to death here?
The question is, who is so powerful that he can capture so many great emperors and torture them to death?
Is it the mighty one above the Great Emperor?
This is a Taoist temple, and there is also a Taoist secret method taught, could it be... the Taoist ancestor with long eyebrows?
According to the historical records, the realm of martial arts practice of Changmei Daozu has indeed surpassed the realm of the Great Emperor, and Changmei Daozu does have this strength.

It's just that there is no record in the annals of the realm above the Great Emperor. As for the two sects that have been passed down for a long time, Taoism and Buddhism, it is unknown whether there is any record in this regard.

Everyone looked at Yunmeng, with both doubts and fear in their eyes.

How many great emperors are there here? There are more than 30 statues, which can definitely be called Emperor Yun.

To be continued…………………………

(End of this chapter)

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