Chapter 508
"This seat also needs one." Another powerful half-step king said with incomparable confidence.

"Then I want one too."

"Leave one for me."

People with strong abilities opened their mouths one after another, and there were nearly thirty holy medicines, and no one was willing to cut them open and share them with anyone.

Zhuge Shensuan was thinking about how to seize the great medicine. Although he was already very strong, it was still difficult to snatch food from so many half-step kings and Tiangang realm peaks.

Suddenly, an incomparable chill rose in his heart, making him involuntarily back away.

Not only him, the top Tianjiao had an instinctive sense of crisis, and instantly saw a dozen people moving against the crowd.

Hum, a terrifying aura circulated, causing those who still wanted to fight for the medicine to tremble, revealing expressions of incomparable fear.

At this moment, I saw Yun Cai rushing out, with an unconcealable ecstasy and anticipation on his face.

what does this woman want
Zhuge Shensuan's instinctive reaction was to follow her out. This saint was too smart to put herself in a death situation, but his instinct told himself that it was too dangerous.

He finally suppressed his heart and did not move.

"Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets all things!" Yunmeng's chest released a ray of light, the level far surpassed the realm of true martial arts, and even surpassed the ordinary realm of kings.

There is also a halo of light behind her, making her seem to be transformed into a female saint who can save the world.

Her Taoist clothes fluttered, she was transcendent and peerless.

This is the opportunity she has been waiting for, an opportunity that will allow her to become a peerless powerhouse, and even, in the future, she will have the opportunity to become a Martial Immortal and become the second Dao Patriarch.

However, an extremely strange scene appeared.

A hand suddenly protruded from the coffin. Its five fingers were slender, but it was too white. It pressed against the edge of the coffin, and an extremely powerful breath also overflowed, filling the entire stone chamber.

Yunmeng spit out a mouthful of blood immediately and fell from mid-air.

She looked at the hand in astonishment, her face full of disbelief.

How is this possible?
Pa, at this moment, another hand protruded from the coffin and pressed it on the edge of the coffin on the other side. Then, a person sat up straight.

Hiss, seeing this "person", everyone felt their scalps go numb, and the chill went straight to the sky.

Because this is not a person, but a piece of human skin!
The human skin can still crawl up, as if it is still alive, isn't this scary?
The human skin glanced at everyone with empty eyes, then tilted his head slightly, as if he was thinking about something, and then he suddenly swelled up, as if he had a flesh and blood body.

As the rays of light flowed, this human skin became plump and real. First of all, there were two eyes, full of spirit, and black hair like a waterfall, each root shining like a black jade carving.

Even the hair grew out.

Zhuge Shensuan is always surprised by his thick nerves, should he be curious about the hair problem at this time?
This is a burly man with a dignified appearance, an astonishing momentum, and an indescribably handsome man.

Papapapa, everyone knelt down, this person seemed to be an emperor, and anyone could only bow their heads in front of him.

Tianjiao like Yun Cai is still holding on reluctantly, but his body is covered in cold sweat and his legs are trembling, obviously it is impossible to last for a long time.

Only Zhuge Shensuan can stand firm. The inner alchemy in his body is of the highest quality, giving him the ability to resist all coercion.

Wang Jing can kill him,
Crack, clap, clap, more and more geniuses knelt down, even if Yunmeng was a Taoist saint, so what if she was extremely determined, she could only be invincible in the face of such coercion.

This overflowing power far exceeds that of the Great Emperor, like the incarnation of heaven and earth, descending to the mortal world.

It's astonishing, it's just a piece of human skin, but it seems to be an invincible Martial Immortal.

Everyone was trembling, covered in cold sweat like rain, no need to guess, this piece of human skin must be Wutian back then, a half-step Martial Immortal, only one step away from becoming a Martial Immortal.

The power of the gods permeates, as if the sky has been blasted, even the sky will bow its head, and the earth will crawl.

They were so naive, they dared to desecrate the remains of a half-step Martial Immortal, they were looking for death.

How cruel was this Lord in the first place?
The great emperor is tortured to death alive, and the great demon king who used the great emperor's corpse to turn it into lamp oil!
All the audience worshiped, only Zhuge Shensuan stood upright.

He clearly knew that this would make him stand out from the crowd, too special and too obvious, but he was so proud that he couldn't kneel down no matter what.

He can bow his knees, but he only respects those who are virtuous.

Wutian looked over and fixed his eyes on Zhuge Shensuan.

Boom, a big explosion of stars in the universe suddenly appeared in front of Zhuge Shensuan, and then the endless starry sky jumped rapidly, making him feel how insignificant he is, in the long river of history, he is simply insignificant.

Since it's insignificant, why don't you kneel down?
Zhuge Shensuan gritted his teeth, and his will was as firm as iron in an instant.

The head can be broken, the blood can be shed, but the ambition cannot be taken away.

He is indeed a small person now, but which half-step martial immortal in history didn't start as a small person?
"Hahahaha, I didn't expect to meet a man with a lot of backbone." Wutian laughed loudly, he fingered like a flower, waved it lightly, and then said to himself, "So the deity has been sleeping for so long."

You are dead, and now you are alive?
Wutian looked at Yuntian, showing a faint smile: "You are also a junior of this deity. Although this deity has enmity with Chang Mei, it is not enough to take anger at a junior."

He paused for a moment: "You want to fuse the skin of this deity, so that you can be reborn?"

Everyone was shocked, it turned out that Yunmeng had such big ambitions.

Integrating the skin of a half-step martial immortal, not to mention the good fortune of a half-step martial immortal, but the future achievements are at least the beginning of the great emperor.

In today's world, there are no Martial Immortals, not even a Great Emperor.

Once he becomes the Great Emperor, there may be no opponent in the whole world.

This is really ambitious, but unfortunately, who would have thought that after tens of thousands of years, Wutian's human skin could still "live".

Half-step Martial Immortal, what kind of existence is it? It's almost abnormally strong.

Yunmeng shivered all over, in front of the half-step Martial Immortal, she was extremely insignificant, Wutian could kill her hundreds of times with a single thought.

"Disciple Yunmeng, pay homage to Wutian Taoist Ancestor!" She reluctantly straightened her kneeling posture and kowtowed respectfully.

Wutian didn't take another look at her, but stared at Zhuge Shensuan again, and strode towards him.

A half-step martial immortal can be unyielding under the pressure of a half-step martial immortal, but it doesn't mean that his body can also bear it. When a half-step martial immortal approaches, his skin is cracked, and blood gushes like a spring.

(End of this chapter)

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