Emperor Martial System

Chapter 517 King Realm

Chapter 517 King Realm
He didn't touch the main ginseng, but just took some roots.

There is no way, this is a powerful medicine of the sixth grade, if he takes the main ginseng directly, the only result will be to overdo it and kill himself.

This is really a great medicine, even if it is just a few roots, it is a great tonic and special tonic, which makes Zhuge Shensuan's cultivation progress like flying.

His half-step King Realm cultivation has already taken a step, and how long has it been since he entered the Half-Step King Realm?
If this continues, at most three months, he will be able to reach the half-step King Realm peak and hit the King Realm.

The fighting on the island is fierce, and there are a lot of great medicines here, and they are extremely precious.

But this Zhuge Shensuan doesn't care, the sixth-level medicine should be unique in the entire secret realm, and other people find that there are at most five-level medicines, and there are not many.

In addition, everyone is also looking for the place where the mysterious tortoise transforms.

A demigod beast should leave behind a lot of good things.

Zhuge God is not in a hurry, it is best to wait until he enters the king realm before finding the place where the mysterious turtle transforms into Tao. In this case, the place where Xuangui transforms into Tao must belong to him.

Zhuge Shensuan is very low-key, he digs for great medicine, and happens to encounter divine substances, time goes by, and his cultivation is also improving.

Because he holds six grades of great medicine in his hand, which can quickly improve his cultivation.

If people found out about this, they would definitely scold him as a prodigal.

This is a treasure that can make great progress in the cultivation of the emperor, and can even break through the barrier of the realm. It is so precious that it is indescribable. Now it is a waste to let a person who is half-step king to improve his cultivation?
But how could Zhuge Shensuan care about it? His own strength is the kingly way, and everything else is imaginary.

He was lucky, although he didn't find any more great medicine, but there were quite a lot of divine substances.

After another three months, Zhuge Shensuan finally reached the peak of half-step king state.

And that six-tier treasure ginseng had already eaten all its branches by Zhuge Shensuan, leaving only a single trunk.

However, Zhuge Shen didn't expect to break through the king realm in a hurry just after reaching the peak of the half-step king realm.

Instead, he went out of the cave, found a hidden place with beautiful mountains and rivers, and sat there quietly without moving.

During this period.He savored his previous life experience from beginning to end.

Two lives as human beings,...

As the memories changed from blurry to clear, the expression on Zhuge Shensuan's face also fluctuated from joy to anger, and he no longer had the calm look that he didn't like before.

After three days like this, Zhuge Shensuan closed his eyes tightly, his expression calmed down, and he began to think about everything quietly to comprehend the way of heaven and earth.

Another month later, when Zhuge Shensuan came out from the hidden place again, both his body and mind and internal strength were in an excellent state of full peak, especially in the spiritual training, which had reached another level.

Zhuge Shensuan immediately returned to the cave, ready to attack the king's realm.

Zhuge Shensuan sat cross-legged, with a jade box in front of him, and a faint fragrance wafted from it. Needless to say, what was in it was naturally the trunk of the sixth-grade precious ginseng.

Zhuge Shensuan was not in a hurry to swallow, but first used the technique of inner vision to observe the situation in the dantian.

Wang Jing can't be in a hurry,...you must first adjust your mind and body to the best state.

Although after a month of adjustments, Zhuge Shensuan's spirit has reached its peak, but Zhuge Shensuan is still adjusting again, trying to reach the peak of the peak.

After sitting for several days, finally Zhuge Shensuan slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, the light in his eyes flickered, and it seemed to be slightly different from before.

This is the effect of using secret techniques to temporarily expand the spiritual consciousness. Zhuge Shensuan reached out and grabbed the jade box in his palm, turned it over slightly, and the precious ginseng was poured out.

This is the sixth-order treasure that everyone in the realm of the Great Emperor pursues. When the Zhuge Divine Alchemy Treasure Ginseng is put into the mouth, it almost melts in the mouth, and a faint warm air flows to the limbs and bones.

Zhuge Shen didn't dare to be negligent, the inner alchemy in his dantian began to absorb the power of the medicine frantically.


The inner alchemy trembled, and strands of clear silk floated out from above, and then flowed to the limbs and bones.

As the inner alchemy slowly turned into a villain, and the internal force in his body was also slowly transformed into spiritual power, Zhuge Shensuan only felt his life improving little by little.

Looking at the six divine auras in the body, five of the five-element thunder attribute auras are fused with the five attributes in the inner alchemy, and the last sixth aura is integrated into the human form that has already begun to transform.

At this time, more and more auras emerged above Zhuge's divine fortune cave, and gradually condensed into one piece.

After a while, endless five-color rays of light appeared in the sky within a hundred miles.

In the Xiaguang, the sound of wind, rain and thunder rose loudly, and pieces of colorful clouds rolled up with the sound of thunder, and then quickly gathered from all directions to the center.

The sky over Xiaoshishan, where Zhuge Shensuan Cave Mansion is located, is dazzling, forming a huge ball of light with a diameter of about [-] meters, and the glint of light flowing inside makes it impossible to look directly at it.

Suddenly, an earth-shattering thunder sounded out of thin air, and the whole rocky mountain shook suddenly.

Afterwards, a pillar of blue light shot out from the rocky mountain, and just shot into the high-altitude light cluster.

Immediately, the surroundings of the huge light group were overcast with clouds, wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

The light group began to shrink and deform a little bit in the cloud, and at the same time, the five-color aura flashed, becoming more and more dazzling.

Not long after, a group of crystal beads the size of a fist condensed into the huge light group.The huge and terrifying aura contained above.

There was a soft sound of "bang", and the ball turned into a cloud of multicolored mist with a diameter of about ten feet in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, the nearby celestial phenomena such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning disappeared instantly, and everything returned to normal.

In the quiet room.

Zhuge Shen Suan sat on the ground with his eyes closed.

But on the top of its head, there is a miniature baby about an inch tall, climbing and playing on the bun.

This baby is white and tender, with blue light covering the body, and his appearance is similar to that of Zhuge Shensuan, except that his face is full of excitement and laughter, which is quite different from Zhuge Shensuan's usual taciturnity.

Underneath the baby is Zhuge Shensuan's body, with a rosy complexion and a peaceful expression, as if he is in a deep sleep.

After a while, the baby seemed a little tired from playing, and after yawning, a blue light flashed, and it slipped into Zhuge Shensuan's body from the Tianling Gai.

There is no doubt that Zhuge Shensuan has broken through the king realm now, and that baby is naturally the support of Zhuge Shensuan.

(End of this chapter)

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