Emperor Martial System

Chapter 520 Enter

Chapter 520 Enter
"Huh?" He was surprised because he saw an acquaintance.

Song Qian.

This stunning beauty is like a bright star no matter where she is, always surrounded by people.

This place is no exception. She wears a plain white dress without any makeup, but she is unparalleled in beauty, which makes people's hearts beat and they can't help themselves.

She was surrounded by a dozen young men, all of whom were personable and intimidating.

Those who are qualified to stay by her side must be outstanding talents.

Zhuge Shensuan had already disguised himself, and no one could recognize him, so he walked forward generously, and when he came to the gate, he stretched out his hand to push the door.

He pushed hard, but was surprised to find that his strength disappeared completely in an instant like a mud cow sinking into the sea.


He backed up a little, punched with a punch, and the force surged, bombarding the gate, but this force hit the gate, as if water met a sponge and was completely absorbed.

It's no wonder that this palace has never been opened, and it really has something magical.

However, it has always been here, and it may have aroused the curiosity of the natives a long time ago, but after a long time, naturally no one paid any attention to it, and it is not surprising.

Only outsiders will be novelty, like Song Qian, like Zhuge Shenshu, they are all attracted here.

"Hehe, don't waste your energy, it's impossible to blast away." A young man said, stroking the wall with his hand, "I have to sigh, time is the most powerful force."

"Look, we can't destroy anything, but time can make it decay, and one day, these walls will collapse."

"It's a pity that we might have already transformed into Tao by then."

He deliberately spoke very deeply, as if to create his own mature aura.

Zhuge Shensuan looked at the door and said with a smile: "Why don't you try to find the key and open the door?"

Many people nodded. This is actually the simplest truth. Why didn't I think of it before?
This is actually a common problem among warriors. If they went to explore ancient tombs, which tomb owner would welcome them and leave the key behind?
Therefore, when they encounter caves, palaces, etc., their instinctive reaction is that I want to enter.

"Nonsense, I don't know how long this palace has existed. If we can find the key, why wait until now?" the young man said dissatisfiedly, and even cast a glare at God Zhuge.

I'm pretending to be serious here, and deliberately showing off in front of beautiful women, what are you dismantling?
Zhuge Shensuan glanced at him, and said lightly: "I'm just talking about a possibility. Even if you don't agree with it, you can still speak well. Has no one taught you how to be polite?"

The young man showed shame and anger: "Do I, Liang Dongkui, need you to teach me how to be a man?"

"If you can't control your mouth well, I don't mind teaching you." Zhuge Shensuan said calmly.

Liang Dongkui was about to make a move, but Song Qian waved her hand to stop him.

He didn't dare to be rude to the beauty, so he quickly put away his fists.

Song Qian looked at Zhuge Shensuan, showing a look of doubt: "Have we met before?"

A woman's intuition is really scary, and her disguise is brand new.

Zhuge Shensuan laughed: "Maybe I saw it in a dream."



All the young people scolded at the same time, each of them raised their eyebrows, furious.

This is their goddess, but Zhuge Shensuan dared to open his mouth to tease them, how could they not be angry, as if they were being cuckolded.

Song Qian's pretty face turned cold, how could this person be so frivolous, although Zhuge Shensuan didn't utter obscene words, but the intention of molesting was very obvious.

"Forget it, you don't need to be as knowledgeable as him." She turned around and left, too lazy to see Zhuge's fortune telling.

She was so early in the morning, and all the young people hurriedly followed her. They couldn't enter the palace at all, so why did they stay here?
Of course, it is to chase after the goddess and show courteousness, to see if there is a chance to hug the beauty back.

Seeing these people leave, Zhuge Shensuan smiled and took out a bronze key.

This key was obtained after he passed through the desert and was recognized by the sand women at the outermost point.

Before that, he had no idea what the key was for, but standing in front of the gate, he suddenly understood.

Just now, he deliberately teased Song Qian, the purpose of course was to drive her away, because once she left, other people would definitely leave too, so that he could open the door calmly and enter alone.

Although Zhuge Shensuan has broken through the king realm, he can suppress all the people here.

But Zhuge Shensuan doesn't intend to offend too many people!Otherwise, going out of this secret realm may cause a lot of trouble.

Of course, this is naturally in the case of not harming one's own interests, when it is time to make a move, you should still make a move.

He took a breath, took the key, and leaned towards the keyhole.

It can be said that this key is very far away from this palace, even irrelevant, but they are linked end to end, making Zhuge Shensuan have to suspect that it is the biggest secret in this secret realm.

The key fits perfectly into the lock.

Zhuge Shensuan showed a smile, he turned the key, Kakaka, one circle, two circles, and when it turned to the ninth circle, the door opened.

Without a trace of hesitation, he pulled out the key and pushed the door open.

In front.

Song Qian's mind suddenly flashed the previous scene, she seemed to have known each other, she was extremely smart, she stopped immediately, and then turned around abruptly.

Just in time, she saw the scene of Zhuge Shensuan flashing to the door.

be cheated!
With a soft scold, she immediately moved her body and rushed towards the palace.

However, she saw that Zhuge Shensuan smiled at her, but her right hand pushed the door without hesitation, and bang, it closed heavily.

She had already arrived, but she was a step too late, the door had already been closed, completely absorbing the power she had shot.

"Zhuge Shensuan!" She gritted her teeth, Zhuge Shensuan's last smile was so familiar to her that she recognized it immediately.

This nasty guy!
Deliberately irritating myself, letting myself go, and then taking the opportunity to open the door, by the time I recovered, it was too late.

It's abominable.

Others also chased after them, their faces full of surprise, especially that Liang Dongkui, who also said that the key was impossible to find, but was immediately slapped.

"Tricked by him!" Everyone naturally reacted, but it's a pity that it's useless to act after the fact.

On the other side, Zhuge Shensuan showed a faint smile.

This little girl Song Qian is really smart, she almost saw it through.

Zhang Fan turned around and looked forward.

The inside is very crude, with a few pillars supporting the weight of the main hall, but the ground is empty.

Zhuge Shensuan strode forward, there was a table at the end of the hall, and there was a book on the table, maybe that was the key.

When he walked to the table, he didn't take the book lightly, because this hall has gone through too many years, who knows what the book has been weathered into.

(End of this chapter)

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