Emperor Martial System

Chapter 524 Zhao Ritian's Background

Chapter 524 Zhao Ritian's Background
"I don't speak secretly, I can take you out of this secret realm, but after you leave this secret realm, you must become my subordinates.

And it must be planted by me to ensure that you will not betray me. " Zhuge Shensuan said in a loud voice.

The old man Wang Jing said angrily, "Is this request too much, Your Excellency? If it is other requests, I can agree to you on behalf of many people.

But it is absolutely impossible for you to control us, I think you should make another request. "

Zhuge Shensuan waved his hands and said: "I don't have extra time to chat with you, there are two roads in front of you now.

The first is to spend the rest of the decades here, and then die freely.

The second is that I will plant the means of spiritual consciousness, and then I will take you out of here, and go outside to live in style for hundreds of years.

Of course, if you become my subordinates, as long as you earnestly complete the tasks I have arranged, no matter whether it is medicine pills or various rare resources, it will definitely not be a problem.

Now I only give you three hours to think about it, if you are willing to go out with me, come to my side, if you are not, then you can go back. "After speaking, Zhuge Shensuan sat down and stopped working.

After listening to Zhuge's divine fortune telling, many people began to discuss in twos and threes.

"Wang Kang, what do you think we should do?" The old man in Wangjing said to another big man in Wangjing.

"Now it's a dilemma. If you agree to him, you can indeed gain a lifespan of hundreds of years after you go out, but you will lose your freedom if you do so.

If we don't agree to her, we will be inseparable from this cage, and we will all die in 30 years or 20 years. "The King Realm warrior named Wang Kang said...

"I don't know if everyone can listen to me." At this moment, Li Ming stood up and spoke.

Although Li Ming had just broken through to the King Realm, everyone, as warriors of the same level and all local people, did not reject Li Ming.

"Brother Li, you and we are both people of the King Realm of the Secret Realm. If you have anything to say, just speak up." Wang Kang looked at Li Ming who was hesitating to speak.

"Brother Daoists, I actually think this way. If we are in a secret realm, we still have 30 years left, and it is basically impossible to improve our cultivation base.

It's better to promise him that although he will be controlled by others in the future, at least he can leave here to see the wider world outside, and he can gain a lifespan of several hundred years.

If a breakthrough is made in the outside world, it is not impossible to counter him.

No matter how the Taoist brothers choose, I plan to let him find a way to take me out. "After speaking, Li Ming fell silent.

"Brother Li is right!" Wang Kang said lightly.

"I also think Brother Li is right."


Three hours passed in a blink of an eye, I don't know what you think about it, you have to make a choice now, otherwise I will leave here.

Although many people were ready to move, but the five king realm masters did not speak, so no one dared to go to Zhuge Shensuan.

Li Ming spoke first, "Your Excellency, I am willing to accept your tricks, and I hope you can take me out."

The old Wangjing elder also said: "We are also willing to surrender to Your Excellency."

In the end, only a few dozen or so people in the realm of true martial arts quietly left here. I don't know if they want to stay in the local area to become kings and hegemony.
But Zhuge Shensuan didn't care, what Zhuge Shensuan cared most about was the five king realm masters, and these five masters had already left with Zhuge Shensuan.

After everyone was planted by Zhuge Shensuan, Zhuge Shensuan stunned them and collected them into the system, preparing to release them in the East China Sea.

This time Zhuge Shensuan subdued a total of five king realm powerhouses, thirteen half-step king realm powerhouses, and 320 five true martial realm powerhouses.

Moreover, a large part of the reason for successfully subduing everyone this time is that they entered from the inside. Without Li Ming's internal support, this matter should be difficult to succeed.

If Zhuge Shensuan didn't take them away in a hurry, for Zhuge Shensuan, I have to go back to the desert to pick them up together.

Three days later, Zhuge Shensuan picked up all the sand girls.

In Qinglian Secret Realm, after everything has been resolved.

Zhuge Shensuan pinched the token, and under a beam of light, he immediately flew up, and then accelerated, reaching the point where he couldn't see clearly outside in an instant.

Then, he found himself falling from the sky.

He reacted very quickly, and quickly stood up and landed firmly on the ground.


When God Zhuge came to the outside world, all the people who entered the secret realm did not leave, as if they were waiting for God Zhuge to calculate.

The largest Quartet forces are still the Taoist Holy Land of the Ming Dynasty, the Buddhist Holy Land and the Demonic Way.

The fact that God Zhuge was in the secret realm had already been known to everyone outside.

Zhao Ritian said coldly to the two King Realm powerhouses behind him: "The two elders havetened to get rid of this Zhuge God.

I want him to know that he has offended me, Zhao Ritian, and he will have no hope of living again. "

The two Wangjing elders behind Zhao Ritian heard Zhao Ritian's order, and immediately made a move against Zhuge God, without any delay at all.

Zhao Ritian's father is the most powerful person in the imperial realm in the entire Demon Dao, and Zhao Ritian's mother is also a powerful person in the Emperor Realm of the Demon Dao.

Therefore, Zhao Ritian can fully represent the entire Demonic Dao. In the entire Demonic Dao, except for those who are strong in the imperial realm, everyone else basically has to give Zhao Ritian face.

This is also the reason why the two King Realm powerhouses immediately made a move when Zhao Ritian spoke.

Facing the attacks of the two King Realm powerhouses, Zhuge Shensuan didn't give up at all.

Zhuge Shensuan directly fought with the opponent, and the two king-level powerhouses of the enemy did not reach the peak of the king-level.

So with one against two, although Zhuge Shensuan fell into a disadvantage, he was not defeated quickly.

Moreover, Zhuge Shensuan still has a lot of big moves that he hasn't used, and he hasn't even used his supernatural powers, so he doesn't have a trace of panic in his heart.

Even if Zhuge Shensuan can't beat the opponent, but as long as Zhuge Shensuan wants to leave, the opponent will definitely not be able to stop him.

The two King Realm powerhouses of the Demon Dao were also shocked by the combat power of Zhuge Shensuan, Zhuge Shensuan was not just a first-timer to the King Realm.

Instead, it has already established a firm foundation in the king's realm.

When the two of them first entered the king realm, it took almost a year to stabilize the realm.

It hasn't been long since Zhuge Shensuan broke through the king realm, how can they not be surprised that they can be compared with their king realm powerhouses who have broken through hundreds of years?

The two sides are fighting back and forth.

To be continued…………………

(End of this chapter)

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