Emperor Martial System

Chapter 536 The Peach Forest

Chapter 536
Qiu Zhuo said with a very flat face: "The three of you don't need to be so restrained, please sit down.

I believe that the three of you already know the question, but I don't know what the three of you think about this matter. "

Huang Zhong was the first to speak: "Master Qiu, this subordinate thinks that we should not act rashly for the time being.

Now the Lord is doing big things in Luoyang, the capital of the gods. If we make too much noise at this time, I am afraid that even the Lord will not end well.

The news has already reached Luoyang, the capital of the gods. My lord will deal with this matter soon. The best way is to wait for my lord's will before taking action. "

Zhang Jiang also said: "I think General Huang is right."

Xia Houdun also said: "I agree with what General Wang said."

Qiu Zhuo said calmly, "Then just follow General Huang's advice and wait for my son-in-law to send back the news."


night time.

In the mansion of Zhuge Shensuan in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, Zhuge Shensuan held a secret letter from Youzhou in his hand. The more Zhuge Shensuan looked at it, the more angry he became.

Zhuge Shensuan slapped the table fiercely, and the table was instantly torn apart by Zhuge Shensuan.

The Wudang faction is so deceptive, it just so happens that my sixth-order main line task has not been completed yet, so I will use you, the Wudang faction, to complete my sixth-order main line task.

In fact, Zhuge Shensuan didn't want to complete the sixth-order main task so early, because although Zhuge Shensuan has many forces now, Zhuge Shensuan is still not sure that he can win the power with the power of the imperial realm.

But now that the Wudang faction has hit the gunpoint of Zhuge Shensuan, Zhuge Shensuan has to deal with the Wudang faction first.

"Come on!"

Zhuge Shensuan's voice fell, and a strong man in the Tiangang realm quickly appeared in Zhuge Shensuan's room.

This strong man in the Tiangang realm is none other than Zhuge Shensuan's commander in charge of sending messages.

Zhuge Shensuan was the earliest batch of trapped camps, except for a small number of people who remained in the trapped camp, most of them were appointed by Zhuge Shensuan as messengers.

These people have been with Zhuge Shensuan the longest, have received the most rewards from Zhuge Shensuan, and are also the most central to Zhuge Shensuan.

Zhuge Shensuan said to the messenger in the Tiangang Realm: "Pass this letter to Lu Lingqi, the acting city lord of Donghai City, through the array."

After Zhuge Shensuan finished speaking, he handed a letter directly to the messenger in the Tiangang realm.

Chuan Lianbing took over Zhuge Shensuan, and then quickly left Zhuge Shensuan's room.

After Zhuge Shensuan saw the messenger leave, Zhuge Shensuan also put on his night clothes and quickly left his room.


After the great ancestor of the Kunlun School left Youzhou, only six hours later, he came to the place where the master-level formation master he said lived.

The master-level formations live in a peach forest. The great ancestor of the Kunlun School came outside the peach forest and did not directly break into the peach forest.

The Great Patriarch of the Kunlun School waited quietly outside the peach grove.

This Taolin is a huge formation, and this formation is the formation that the great ancestor of the Kunlun School said was arranged.

The reason why the Great Patriarch of the Kunlun Sect didn't force his way in was to give face to his old friend and to worry about his indiscriminate intrusion.

After a while, Taolin actually parted ways, and a white-faced boy ran out.

The white-faced Xiaosheng asked the elder ancestor of the Kunlun School, "Who is your Excellency, and why did you come to our ten-mile peach forest?"

The Great Patriarch of the Kunlun Sect said: "Go and tell your Patriarch Zheyan that his old friend came to see him."

White-faced Xiaosheng said: "Can the old man tell the villain's name, so that when the villain goes to report to my ancestors, he can tell my ancestors."

The elder ancestor of the Kunlun School said calmly: "Peach Blossom Immortals are ten miles away, and the Peach Blossom Immortals plant peach trees and sell them for wine money.

You only need to tell this poem to your ancestors, and your ancestors will know that it is me. "

The white-faced Xiaosheng saluted the great ancestor of the Kunlun School, and then ran into the peach forest again.

The Great Patriarch of the Kunlun School continued to wait quietly outside the Taolin.

After about a cup of tea, a loud laugh broke the tranquility of Shili Taolin.

A middle-aged man with a full beard ran out of the peach forest.

The middle-aged bearded man looked at the ancestor of the Kunlun School and said with a smile on his face, "It's a great sin to let an old friend wait outside my peach grove.

My old friend, hurry up and enter Taolin with me. "

The elder ancestor of the Kunlun School didn't say anything, and followed the middle-aged bearded man into the ten-mile peach forest.

In a small wooden hut in the ten-mile peach forest, a middle-aged bearded man and the great ancestor of the Kunlun School sat opposite each other.

The middle-aged man with a full beard took a sip of the tea in his hand, and then said lightly: "Fellow Daoist Changsheng, when your sect, the Kunlun Sect, was destroyed last time, I actually wanted to help, but you offended me. People are too strong, and I have no choice but to help.

I don’t know what is the matter that Fellow Daoist Changsheng came to me this time and needs my help. "

The Great Patriarch of the Kunlun Sect also took a sip of tea, and then said: "Fellow Daoist Zheyan, last time the Kunlun Sect was wiped out, you didn't help, it really can't be blamed for being friendly.

After all, even if Fellow Daoist Zheyan came forward to help in the last incident, the Kunlun faction could not escape being destroyed.

This time, I came to find Fellow Daoist Zheyan to let Fellow Daoist Zheyan help me break a formation.

As long as fellow daoist Zheyan helps me break this formation, then the favor owed to me by fellow daoist Zheyan will be directly offset. "

The middle-aged man with a full beard said: "What kind of formation actually made Fellow Daoist Changsheng come to find me to break the formation.

Could it be that Fellow Daoist Changsheng couldn't break through that formation with force? "

The Great Patriarch of the Kunlun School said indifferently: "If I can break through that formation, I won't come to Zheyan Daoist."

The middle-aged man with a full beard said: "Okay, I will help you with this.

After this incident, the favor I owed to Fellow Daoist Changsheng was canceled immediately.

Where is the formation that needs to be broken, and when will it help you break the formation. "

The Great Patriarch of the Kunlun School said very plainly: "The sooner the formation is broken, the better, and the location is within the territory of Youzhou.

I hope fellow Daoist Zheyan will join me now. "

The middle-aged man with a beard on his face said lightly: "Okay then, let's go on the road now."

The middle-aged man with a beard and the great ancestor of the Kunlun School went straight out of Taolin and headed for Youzhou.

To be continued.

(End of this chapter)

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