Emperor Martial System

Chapter 550 Zhang Fan

Chapter 550 Zhang Fan
After 10 days, Zhuge Shensuan has arrived in Donghai City.

Inside the City Lord's Mansion of Donghai City, Zhao Zilong bowed respectfully to God Zhuge.

Zhuge Shensuan said very flatly: "How is the situation in Donghai City? Is our recruitment going well?

And let me tell you whether the tasks assigned by you have been completed. "

Zhao Zilong is Zhuge Shensuan, who arranged to be in charge of all the plans in Donghai City, so when Zhuge Shensuan arrived in Donghai City, he went to Zhao Zilong directly to inquire about the situation.

Zhao Zilong respectfully said to Zhuge Shensuan: "My lord, our recruitment in Donghai City went very smoothly, and now our regular troops have expanded to 50.

Moreover, our preparation for the court newspaper is also 50, but our army is actually more than 50.

Our army establishment has reached 100 million, and the remaining troops that are not incorporated into the imperial court establishment are all hidden on various islands in small teams of [-] people.

There are two main purposes for us to do this. The first purpose is to conceal from the court that we have so many troops. The second purpose is that when we attack other islands, these troops can be used as domestic aid and take down other islands at that time , it will be much simpler.

However, those who have met the recruitment standards in the entire East China Sea are basically recruited by us, and it is basically impossible to continue to serve in the East China Sea in the future.

So if we want to continue to expand, we can only develop inland, and if we want to recruit troops, we can only recruit from the inland. "

Zhuge Shensuan said calmly: "There is no rush on this aspect for the time being, we must first completely calm the East China Sea, and only after we have stabilized our rear, it will not be too late to extend our hands to the interior.

Now the layout of Donghai is arranged by me. Is the layout completed? When can I start my layout. "

Zhao Zilong said: "My lord, the layout you arranged has been completely completed, and now we can start the plan as long as you give an order.

If the plan goes well, we will be able to completely take down the East China Sea Islands in at most three months. "

Zhuge Shensuan said calmly: "Don't hesitate any longer, start the plan immediately."

Zhao Zilong respectfully said to Zhuge Shensuan, "Yes, my lord."

After Zhao Zilong finished speaking, he left the City Lord's Mansion, and then directly left Donghai Island and headed for Banyue Island.

Banyue Island is one of the 10 largest islands in the East Sea Islands, and there is a Banyue Sect on Banyue Island, which is the supreme ruler of Banyue Island.

The strongest person in the Banyue Sect is a King Realm expert named Old Man Banyue.

Zhuge Shensuan's plan started from this Banyue Island.


This day is the semi-annual acceptance day of Ban Yue Island Ban Yue Sect.

If you want to join the Moon Worship Sect, you must pass the assessment of the Moon Worship Sect. The content of the assessment of the Half Moon Sect is to survive within the Banyue Mountain Range for 10 days.

During these 10 days, those who participate in the assessment need to kill monsters in the mountains. Killing a monster in the early days of acquired days can get one point, and killing a monster in the middle stage of acquired days can get 10 points. You can get 100 points for killing a late-acquired monster.

Finally, the top 100 points can join Banyue Jiao, and the points below 100 will naturally not be able to join Banyue Jiao.

And this time there are more than 3000 people participating in the entrance examination of Banyue Reef, which can be said to be one out of 30.

Those who participated in the assessment were basically under the age of 20, and their cultivation had broken through the acquired realm.

The lower age limit for Banyue's recruitment is 25 years old. If you are over 25 years old, it is impossible to join Banyue.

Of course, if your cultivation has broken through the innate, then you are eligible to directly join the Banyue Sect, because the Banyue Sect also attaches great importance to innate warriors.

Moreover, in the innate realm, no matter how old you are, you will earn income, but after entering the Banyue Sect, your status will naturally be different.

Those who are younger and have greater potential will naturally receive higher treatment, while those who are older and have lower potential will naturally receive lower treatment.

Zhang Fan was an ordinary person in the leather refining realm who participated in the entrance exam for the teacher this month.

Zhang Fan entered the outskirts of the Banyue Mountain Range and began to search slowly.

Except for those monsters that live in groups, every other monster has a strong sense of territory. If you invade the territory of a monster, the monster will never die with you.

It didn't take long.

Zhang Fan found a monster in the early days of Acquired Day, roughly comparable to a warrior in the realm of human leather training.

Zhang Fan had never fought anyone before, let alone a goblin.This is my first actual combat.

The rhinoceros is taking a lunch break under a big tree.

Zhang Fan was very nervous. Zhang Fan slowly approached the rhinoceros. Zhang Fan got behind a big tree and slashed at the rhinoceros.

The long knife hit the rhino's head directly.

The rhino was seriously injured.Stand up immediately.

When she saw Zhang Fan, she rushed towards Zhang Fan quickly, sweeping her rhinoceros tail towards Zhang Fan.

Fortunately, Zhang Fan reacted quickly and jumped up and escaped from the big tree in an instant. The tree as big as the mouth of the basin was hit with a three-foot long mark by the rhino.

Zhang Fan thought to himself, if this side hits his body, he will be seriously injured if he doesn't die!
Zhang Fan came to the side of the rhinoceros with a carp, and slashed at its left foot again.

The rhinoceros had been seriously injured before, and Zhang Fan cut off its left foot, and its combat effectiveness dropped even further.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Zhang Fan directly ended the rhino beast's life.

Zhang Fan took off the horn of the rhino, the left ear of the rhino, and the left foot of the rhino, and left quickly.

Rhino horns are the most valuable part of rhinos;

The left ear of the rhinoceros is not the key to this points competition, it is also the evidence that you have killed the beast in the Houtian realm, and the rhinoceros leg is today's lunch.

After a while, the rhino's body was eaten by monsters attracted by the smell of blood.

Zhang Fan found a cave nearby and got into the cave.

Zhang Fan searched the vicinity, but found no monsters.So Zhang Fan planned to settle down here.

To stay in this mountain range for 10 days, Zhang Fan naturally needs to find a place to stay first. If there is no safe place to stay, living in the mountains at night is very likely to become a fat mouth for other ferocious beasts. Meat.

So Zhang Fan came to look for a place to stay just after he killed a rhinoceros.

Zhang Fan cleaned up the cave, took out a rhinoceros leg, and started roasting it with various condiments. Within half an hour, the rhinoceros leg was already full of aroma.

After eating the rhinoceros leg, Zhang Fan embarked on the journey of hunting the beast again.

If he wanted to join Banyue Jiao, it was impossible based on the first point he just got, so he still had to work hard to earn points.

To be continued………………………

(End of this chapter)

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