Chapter 553
At first glance, this giant gray python was already a monster beast at the peak of the late day after tomorrow, and he hadn't finished half of his training, so naturally he couldn't confront this monster head-on.

They can only take the route of sneak attack. At this time, the monster is sleeping. This is the best time for a sneak attack. How can Shadow give up this best opportunity.

The shadow finally flew the long sword to the belly of the giant python, which was the most vulnerable place of the giant python, only a loud bang was heard.

The giant python woke up from the pain and saw a person attacking it.

The giant python also bit the man in black, and Ying Ying dodged away from the giant python's bite without fear.

The second-order monsters already have the ability to manipulate the aura of heaven and earth.Nature can swallow clouds and smoke.It is said that a monster of the sixth rank can be transformed into a human form.It is easy for no one to find out in the human city.

The giant python saw that he hadn't succeeded in one blow.Suddenly the tail of the snake swung, like a shadow sweeping past.The shadow flickered again.Dodged the attack of the snake tail.The snake tail swept on a big tree.The big tree suddenly fell to the ground.

Zhang Fan watched the battle from the sidelines, silently speechless.It takes at least a thousand catties of strength to sweep the big tree down.

When the giant snake swept out its tail, it spit out another mouthful of flames, sealing the shadow's retreat.

Although Shadow escaped the attack of the snake's tail, his legs were burned by the flames of the giant python.

The shadow and the giant python fought back and forth, and after half an hour, each of them was scarred.

At this time, one person and one python started a tug-of-war on the ground.No one dares to make the first move easily?All staring at each other.At this time, both sides have been injured.

At this time, the shadow naturally didn't want to recede easily.Firstly, the value of the innate fruit is too great, and secondly, he has already been seriously injured.If there is no gain, it will be a big loss.

At this time, Shadow took out a piece of talisman paper from his pocket.This talisman is slightly yellowed, and the shadow is full of pain.One person read a few words silently.Then with the word "urgent", Fu Li's light shined brightly.There was a thunder and lightning, and it hit the gray python.

The gray python also discovered that this lightning bolt was very powerful.It's not something I can bear by myself, so I twist my body, trying to escape the attack range of the thunder and lightning.But it was too late, the lightning struck the giant python.The giant python was wounded and wounded, and was already on the verge of death.

Although the shadow saw the giant python dying.But I couldn't be happy in my heart because of the Fu Li I just used.

But a piece of Fuli who is the peak of the day after tomorrow, that is the treasure at the bottom of the shadow box.

It is very difficult to kill someone who has crossed a large realm, but if a monk at the realm of leather training has a Fuli in his hand, it is possible to kill a strong man at the realm of refining scriptures.

But Fuli is not unlimited.

The spiritual power in the body of the Houtian realm can at most activate Fuli of the Houtian realm, and the Xiantian realm can finally activate Fuli of the Xiantian realm.

Although Fuli has this small restriction, Fuli is still highly sought after by everyone.

The man in black is the second-order peak Fu Li.It was a trip to the Heaven and Earth Auction House in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, and I got it at a huge price.

At that time, he not only spent all his property, but also borrowed some foreign debts to buy this Fuli, which is the peak of the day after tomorrow.

The man in black has always regarded this talisman as a treasure at the bottom of the box.I used it today, and of course it hurts.

But if you think about it, you will get the congenital fruit immediately.If the innate fruit is auctioned in the imperial capital, the resources obtained are enough to advance to the late innate stage.

If the hype is good, it may be able to fetch a sky-high price, and the resources obtained may not necessarily reach the congenital Dzogchen

If this is the case, I won't have to be someone else's dog in Beishan County in the future, and I can also establish a family to continue the incense.

The man in black would definitely not take something as noble as the Congenital Fruit, because the Congenital Fruit can create a genius.

If it is used for auction, it can be sold for a sky-high price, but if it is used by him, it is not worth 10 points. First of all, it is because he has already broken through to the realm of practicing scriptures in the later stage of the day after tomorrow.

The effect of taking Xiantian fruit is not as great as that of a person who has just broken through Acquired, and secondly, he does not have much potential at all, so the choice of taking Xiantian fruit is better than auctioning Xiantian fruit, and then get more cultivation resources.

In this way, he can cultivate to a higher level.

Then the effect of this talisman is no longer as great as before, and the flesh-painful look of the man in black also gradually fades away.

The more Shadow thought about it, the more excited he became, as if he was already a late-stage innate powerhouse.

At this time, Zhang Fan came out of the space of the good luck bottle.

Slowly sneaking close to the shadow, the shadow did not know that he was seriously injured.

What's the matter?He didn't notice that Zhang Fan was approaching him.

When Zhang Fan was only [-] meters away from the shadow, Zhang Fan quickly raised two fireballs with both hands, hitting the shadow.

Only then did Shadow react.I don't know if it was due to the serious injury, or other reasons?Shadow dodged only one fireball.Another fireball hit Shadow's left shoulder.

Shadow turned around and looked at Zhang Fan.Then he laughed loudly, and said loudly: "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in." It seems that today is really a good day for me!That is, you can get an innate fruit, and you can also beheaded.

Now that you have been seriously injured and still want to kill me, it is almost as good as I killed you.

Today should be a good day for me to eradicate you.You can also get advanced innate innate fruit.

If Zhang Fan doesn't enter the practice, you will never know how powerful the practice is, even if I am seriously injured.

It's not easy to get rid of you, a meat refining kid.

Zhang Fan, I also want to thank you.

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to get this innate fruit.

You should have a treasure that shields your breath!It seems that I will have a big harvest today.

While speaking, Shadow called Zhang Fan with a raining spell.

Normally, Zhang Fan would definitely not be able to avoid the Feiyu swordsmanship.

But now that Ying Ying was seriously injured, the speed of the flying sword condensed with water was much slower, and Zhang Fan dodged the attack of Feiyu swordsmanship with a leap.

At this time, Yingying was seriously injured, and his strength had already been reduced to eighty-nine.

But Zhang Fan couldn't attack for a long time, and at this moment, Shadow also realized that Zhang Fan was stronger than ordinary meat refiners.

Then said: "Zhang Fan, let's stop! The smell of blood here is too strong now.

You can't do nothing to me, and I can't do anything to you.It won't take much time if we don't leave quickly.

We will be surrounded by monsters, and then both of us will die. "

Zhang Fan said, "How do you distribute the spoils here?"

"These are all my shadows in exchange for my old life. You still want to share the spoils? You are courting death." Shadow said loudly:

Zhang Fan said, "Since we can't reach an agreement, the only thing we have to do is see the truth."

Shadow saw that Zhang Fan was going to make another move.Then he said loudly: "The corpse of this second-level monster belongs to you, and the congenital fruit belongs to me."

(End of this chapter)

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