Chapter 556
After dealing with the monster, Wu Youdao came out.Facing Zhang Fan, he said, "Did you feel so frightened when you saw the monster?" Zhang Fan didn't argue with Wu Youdao.

"We are all in the same team, why bother about it?" Yang Tong came out to persuade:

Wu Youdao said again: Those who have not made a move cannot distribute the resources obtained.

Zhang Fan said, "Okay."

In fact, Zhang Fan didn't like this monster ear. With Zhang Fan's current monster ears, he could join the Banyue Sect.

Zhang Fan wouldn't even take a look at monster ears that were lower than the innate realm.

The most important thing is that the Xiantian fruit is about to mature, and Zhang Fan will be able to break through the Xiantian realm immediately. After breaking through the Xiantian realm, even if he doesn't have monster ears at his age, he will enter Banyue Reef and be cultivated intensively.

Yang Tong quickly took out your monster's ears, and the five of them left the battlefield.

Within half a day, the five of them had hunted and killed six Houtian monsters, but Zhang Fan didn't make a move during this period.

At this time, I encountered another monster in the early days of Houtian, which was equivalent to refining skin.

At this time Yang Tong said to Song Yu: "We will hold the battle for you, you come to practice your hands."

Song Yu jumped out, using the unique technique of jade girl from the monk's family to join hands with the seductress.

Although Song Yu had never faced a monster independently before, but after all, his cultivation was suppressed.

Song Yu quickly solved it, this monster in the early days of acquired days.

It was almost dark at this time, Yang Tong said: "We should find a place to rest and continue hunting monsters tomorrow."

The five found a cave and lived in it. At this time, Yang Tong took out dry food and distributed it among the four.

But for Zhang Fan, a foodie, he was not forced to a certain level.

Naturally he refused to eat these hard dry food, so Zhang Fan said to Yang Tong: "I'll go out and hunt two hares and come back to roast them."

Yang Tongtong: "I didn't expect Brother Zhang Feng to hide his secrets and know how to barbecue. Well, hurry up and go back."

Half an hour later, Zhang Fan carried three hares.Back in the cave, Zhang Fan started to roast the hare.

At this moment, Song Yu said: "I never thought brother Zhang Fan is so versatile, it must be delicious."

"A trash who is too frightened to take action when he sees monsters, the roasted meat must be unpalatable." Wu Youdao said sarcastically:
Song Yudao: "Don't say that, brother Zhang Fan, there is a reason why brother Zhang Fan doesn't act."

Song Qing said: "Everyone is a team, what's there to argue about?"

Zhang Fan ignored these from the beginning to the end, because it was pointless to argue about them.

After a while, the aroma of Zhang Fan's roasted meat was overflowing.

Song Yudao: "Brother Zhang Fan, can I eat?"

Zhang Fan said, "We have to wait a little longer."

Half an hour later, Zhang Fan took out various condiments and sprinkled them on the rabbit meat, and the rabbit meat was cooked.

Zhang Fan gave Song Yu half a rabbit. ; gave Song Qing half a rabbit; finally gave Yang Tong half; and started eating the rest by himself.

Wu Youdao watched over there, although the aroma was overflowing, he wanted to eat it too.

But she was embarrassed to ask for it, and finally ate dry food there by herself.

After dinner, all five of them sat in the cave and began to practice.Zhang Fan took out two Houtian pills, took them and began to practice.

This scene was seen by Wu Youdao, and his face became even more gloomy.

How could this untouchable from Beishan be so rich?I am a member of a second-rate family in Banyue City.

There can only be one Houtian pill in a month.And this untouchable from Beishan County actually took two Houtian pills at a time, what did Wu Youdao think of?Actually started to laugh.

At this time, Zhang Fan was immersed in his own world and tried his best to refine Houtian Pill, after half an hour.

Zhang Fan suddenly felt his body lighten, and Zhang Fan finally broke through the Acquired Sutra. At this time, Zhang Fan's strength skyrocketed by at least five times.

Zhang Fan did not stop cultivating, but continued to stabilize his cultivation.

The next morning.

"Get ready to continue hunting monsters." Yang Tong said to everyone:

The five people came out of the cave and started looking for monsters again. In less than a while, the five people had already found a late-stage Houtian monster.

After a day of tempering yesterday, the cooperation of the four of them has greatly improved. Not long after, this late-acquired monster is already a corpse.

I only heard Zhang Fan yelling: "Be careful!"

Before the four of them understood the situation, they saw a feathered arrow flying towards Yang Tong. Yang Tong dodged and avoided the fatal blow.

But due to his slow reaction, Yang Tong was shot in the left leg. If Zhang Fan hadn't reminded him, Yang Tong might be a corpse now.

At this time, I saw four people walking from a distance, and they slowly approached Zhang Fan and five people, one of them was holding a bow and arrow, if nothing unexpected happened, the arrow that Yang Tong hit was shot by this person.

Zhang Fan shot the four of them with a glance. Of these four, two of them practiced meat and the other practiced scriptures.

At this time Wu Youdao said loudly: "Who are you? Do you know who we are? How dare you attack us."

The four laughed at the same time, "Brother, you see we have met a fool." A man with scars on his face said:

The man who was called the big brother by the man with the scar said: "I tell you, we are the famous Four Tigers Chuanshan. You are lucky to die by our hands."

The man with the scar kicked Wu Youdao ten meters away.

The man known as the eldest brother said: "Second brother, don't waste time with them. Kill all the men. Stay and enjoy the double."

When Song Yu heard this, his face turned pale with fright.

Yang Tong said loudly: "Brothers, fight with them."

Song Qing also said, "Fight with them."

At this moment, Wu Youdao knew that he couldn't beat these people.Begging for mercy: "Big brothers, let me go, I will tell you a big secret."

"What big secret do you have? I am happy to tell you. Maybe I will spare your dog's life." The man with the scar said:
At this time, Wu Youdao pointed to Zhang Fan and said, "He has a lot of Houtian pills, I hope the master will let me go."

At this time, the man with the scar opened his eyes wide. "Boy, you still have a lot of acquired pills. Hand them over. Maybe the uncle will spare your dog's life if he is happy."

Ye Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, "Are you talking to me?"

"I'm not talking to you. Could it be that I'm talking to myself?" After the man with the scar finished speaking, he slashed at Zhang Fan with his palm.

Zhang Fan stretched out the long sword in his left hand, using meteor swordsmanship, and went up to the man with the scar.

A grassroots casual cultivator like the man with the scar has never learned any martial arts, and is much weaker than ordinary acquired scriptures.

After one move, the man with the scar was sent flying far away, just like the man with the scar who defeated Wu Youdao just now, all because of his powerful cultivation.

To be continued…………………

(End of this chapter)

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